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Mac 128

macrumors 603
Apr 16, 2015
Battery life for me is substantially better. Also it's so much faster for things that drove me insane on the 5s -- e.g. I have a huge contacts database, and typing in a first name would often take minutes to pull up the contacts to select from. Now its a few seconds. Searches in email and messages are instantaneous. Etc.

Probably second most important for me is Pay. Actually it's worth it for that alone, in much the same way as the 5s Touch ID became after I experienced it.

The choice for me was replace the battery for $100 for marginally better battery life on a Pune with a couple of more years at best, which is already getting sluggish, or drop $400 for a significantly better phone that will easily last another 4. The choice has been well worth it for me.

If it's a matter of waiting, I'm wondering for what? I've yet to see a compelling use of 3D Touch that would make me want to switch. And with rumors of dropped headphone jacks, now is probably time to get the last of the flagship phones with one.
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