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macrumors regular
Oct 26, 2012
A simple link in the installer would not be that much trouble for Apple. But, there will always be peoples who will ignore yellow exclamation marks, or even red stoplights, no matter the costs for themselves and/or others. :rolleyes:

Ya' know what? After 40 years of developing and producing software, I finally figured out that "simple" and "would not be that much trouble" were usually the ideas of the simple minded, or came from marketing and bean counters. Developers know that "simple" and "would not be that much trouble" is going to take weeks, even months, to implement, followed by numerous trips through quality control, to finally end up with a link that the idiots complaining about it are going to ignore anyway.

But then ... I'm a retired curmudgeon so what do I know about it.


macrumors 68040
Sep 7, 2009
Anchorage, AK
In point of fact I've actually effectively demolished all such arguments, but face the admittedly overwhelming obstacle that my critics here are either too young or too dense to grasp why Apple attempting to be more helpful might be a good idea for all concerned.

I've never suggested anybody be required to install in a safe manner, only that it would be helpful if everyone was informed (and reminded) of such good practice procedures. And the best party to provide such constructive education is Apple, right in the installer itself.

The fact that it's a developer release we're discussing in this particular case really has little to do with it, because most of my fellow posters would object to such a helpful link in the installer even if it was an OS release designed specifically for their first time Mac using Grandma...

Unless Apple had the idea first.

And then you would bow low and salute, and proclaim what a wonderful idea it is indeed!

The malady many of you are suffering is called "authority worship", a process little different than those who believe everything the Pope says simply because he is the Pope. Apple is your Pope apparently, and I am your apostate blaspheming heretic.

You have not proven that simply including a link with instructions will make ANY difference in the problems with a new OS at release. You have never responded to the fact that most of the users your plan targets lack the technical knowledge necessary to a) set up a separate partition, b) install a new OS on that partition, and c) be able to test AND report issues with software under said OS.

You have NEVER responded to the facts that what you're proposing would have a negligible effect at most - in fact, you've admitted it would be a largely pointless exercise. The truth of the matter is that all you're proposing is something that is going to a) cause a lot of confused calls to Apple Support and visits to Genius Bars or an Authorized Apple Reseller; b) make people think the new OS is a piece of junk because of those directions, and c) goes against Apple's entire philosophy of making computers more accessible to users rather than complicating things.

By the way, this BS you're spewing around about "authority worship" and the "I am Apple, you are Windows" garbage just proves that you lack the necessary grasp on reality, logic, and reasoning to even attempt to have this discussion. The more you get called out on your inane crusade, the more you attempt to insult everyone who (rightfully) disagrees with you. I'm probably older than you, and I'm definitely not the dense one in this discussion, as you still have yet to demonstrate how your proposed "solution" would make any difference at all. You're like the Black Knight, telling people "It's just a flesh wound" after losing both legs and an arm.

If this was truly a Windows mentality, Apple would have a private and public beta, ignore all the complaints and concerns about the new OS, then act as if the new OS is the miracle solution to all the world's problems for a year after launch (see Windows 95, ME, Vista, and 8 for examples of this). Clearly the people taking this DP seriously are NOT doing that at all, and neither are Apple's engineers and executive leadership.


Ya' know what? After 40 years of developing and producing software, I finally figured out that "simple" and "would not be that much trouble" were usually the ideas of the simple minded, or came from marketing and bean counters. Developers know that "simple" and "would not be that much trouble" is going to take weeks, even months, to implement, followed by numerous trips through quality control, to finally end up with a link that the idiots complaining about it are going to ignore anyway.

But then ... I'm a retired curmudgeon so what do I know about it.

This is true - by the time the OS, Executive, and legal teams got through with approving such a change, you're easily talking about 4-6 months at a minimum. OS team has to make sure it says what they want it to say, legal has to make sure it doesn't open the company to liability issues, and then the executive team has to sign off on it once everyone else has had their say. That's a lot of time, money (legal isn't cheap in the corporate world), and effort that would go into something that maybe .01% of the user base would even read, let alone act upon.
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