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macrumors 65816
Nov 26, 2008
California, USA
This guy dropped his 3GS into a swimming pool, it recorded the whole thing, still working, and he uploaded it to Youtube. Cool video. I'm not going to try it and you probably shouldn't either, but it's good to know that it's water resistant.

It's really incredible what adding a feature people have been asking for will do, haha.

Hopefully, this will give the police another reason to think twice before misbehaving. Police already know hundreds of candid videos of police abuse have turned up in the professional media, and now with camera phones becoming even more prevalent, hopefully we will get to a point where police abuse will be a thing of the past. George Orwell predicted Big Brother, but he never thought of millions of little brothers.


macrumors member
Apr 25, 2008
It's amazing how technology is constantly providing new and better ways for people to publicly embarrass themselves.

I have even more GREAT Guinea Pig movies on my YouTube-Channel.
You have never seen anything like this.

They're ... EATING and ... even WALKING around !!!!!!

(please kill me)


macrumors 65816
Nov 26, 2008
California, USA
Here is advice from a Youtube comment poster:

"Set your camera to 640x360 widescreen instead of 640x480. The widescreen version will be automatically picked up by youtube "high quality", something that won't be for 4:3 videos."

And from a comment from the second link I posted in comment #34, just above:

Film video in landscape orientation, and not in portrait orientation (since Youtube is widescreen now)


macrumors 65816
Nov 26, 2008
California, USA


  • twitter1.JPG
    52.4 KB · Views: 100


macrumors 68030
Jan 9, 2007
No viewers

It's amazing how technology is constantly providing new and better ways for people to publicly embarrass themselves.

No one will see it though. The number of videos is so overwhelming there are simply fewer and fewer hits, even on really great videos. We are heading to a point where big media and a few viral superstars will control everything of relevance.

It's basically a dumping ground of forgotten videos, and 3GS is helping it along.


macrumors 65816
Nov 26, 2008
California, USA
No one will see it though. The number of videos is so overwhelming there are simply fewer and fewer hits, even on really great videos. We are heading to a point where big media and a few viral superstars will control everything of relevance.

It's basically a dumping ground of forgotten videos, and 3GS is helping it along.

I disagree. The best of the amateur videos will rise. And for those that don't rise to the millions, they will be viewed by specialized audiences. You may post a video on "iPhone user guide to 3.0" and the whole world won't watch it, but those that are interested in the topic will watch it. Also, friends usually watch friends videos. It's kind of like facebook or myspace; the whole world doesn't look at your page, but your friends do. Millions of videos are watched everyday; they don't need to be seen by tens of millions; that is what specialized markets are. People into basketball will watch basketball videos. People into golf will watch golf videos. And Pepsi and Coke can advertise on all of those videos. If people search for and view the amateur videos before the big media videos, then big media loses and Youtube still gets their advertising dollars from Pepsi and Coke.


macrumors 68030
Jan 29, 2008
this is very impressive. Mobile phones have shot video for years. Mobile phones could upload to youtube for quite some time now. Yet a relatively new mobile with not many out there (relative to the entire mobile market) has this impact.

Goes to show that

a) not many people actually know they can do this on their 'normal' mobile, which is a failure by other mobile companies

b) its difficult to do on other mobiles

c) apple execute really damn well. Its a simple thing, but for some unknown reason nobody else did it.


macrumors 6502a
Mar 10, 2009
Yesssss, just what the internet needs: more homemade cat videos!!!!!

That's one way of phrasing it. I would have said something like...oh great, the monkeys have gotten ahold of a new tech toy. Expect lots of screeching and flinging poo.


macrumors 68030
Jan 9, 2007
Black Thursday

That's one way of phrasing it. I would have said something like...oh great, the monkeys have gotten ahold of a new tech toy. Expect lots of screeching and flinging poo.

I'm reminded of the "Eternal September", or sometimes "Black Thursday", the day in 1993 when AOL linked its users to Usenet and the resulting flood of idiocy left the place forever changed.

Sure, YouTube was already full of idiots and worthless videos - but now its just *so* damned easy to get a video up there, vastly simpler than it already was... YouTube's Eternal September is now upon us.


macrumors 603
Apr 2, 2008
New York.
Apple truely is amazing. Many phones have had the ability to upload straight to YouTube for a long time. The iPhone is easy to use AND very popular.


macrumors 65816
Nov 26, 2008
California, USA
Mobile phones have shot video for years. Mobile phones could upload to youtube for quite some time now. Yet a relatively new mobile with not many out there (relative to the entire mobile market) has this impact.
Goes to show that
a) not many people actually know they can do this on their 'normal' mobile, which is a failure by other mobile companies
b) its difficult to do on other mobiles
c) apple execute really damn well. Its a simple thing, but for some unknown reason nobody else did it.

I had video on my RAZR several years ago, but I never knew how to upload it to my computer, more less send it through the wireless network. And the video shot on basic cell phones (Iran for example) provides decent quality too. I think the reason the iPhone has "changed the game" here is because of ease of use. There are so many things on the iPhone that are complex (for the average user) to figure out on other phones that are very easy to understand on the iPhone. Additionally, I think the unlimited data plan has something to do with this also. With other phones, if there is an emergency or breaking news, the few dollars (or whatever) that it costs to upload the video is insignificant, but when you have unlimited data, people start playing around with the thing and start uploading "testing 123" and stupid videos of their cats.


macrumors 68000
Sep 24, 2007
Vancouver, Canada
Is that why YouTube has been crawling for the past few days?

Nah, it's pretty much been like that since they've had HD videos. Youtube is becoming crap now. It's no longer, "oh, I'll watch a few funny videos". You know something is wrong when it takes 5 minutes to load a 2 minute video, and you can't skip to the part you want since Youtube's scrubbing feature is messed up.


Apple is impacting every market they touch it's amazing. It proves that you don't need the best hardware, rather you need good software. There are many other phones with better video capture, but they don't have the one button simplicity to upload to Youtube like the 3GS. I hope we don't have a sudden surge of crappy videos though since all iPhone 3GS videos are tagged by Youtube and people will have something else to complain about the iPhone.


macrumors 6502
Jul 1, 2007
How long before the AT&T network falls to its' knees and AT&T bans uploading of video to youtube?

Isn't that maybe why AT&T isn't ready with MMS and tethering? People on these forums talk as if AT&T/Apple are behind with some of this stuff, but what if everything was available right now? Wouldn't AT&T's network come crashing down?
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