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macrumors bot
Original poster
Apr 12, 2001

On the heels of an earnings call that saw Apple announcing record earnings, rival phone maker Samsung today announced its own results for the October to December period, reporting a 27 percent quarterly decline in earnings.

Samsung saw net profit of 5.3 trillion won ($4.9 billion), compared to 7.3 trillion won last year, marking its first annual earnings decline in three years and its fifth consecutive quarter of decline. Apple, meanwhile, announced record earnings of $18 billion, largely due to the success of the iPhone 6 and iPhone 6 Plus.

Overall, Samsung's 2014 profit was at 25 trillion won, down from 36.8 trillion won in 2013. Samsung did not announce mobile sales numbers, but Apple sold a record 74.5 million iPhones during the quarter.

Market research has suggested that Apple's share of the smartphone market in Asia rose dramatically after the launch of the 4.7-inch iPhone 6 and the 5.5-inch iPhone 6 Plus. According to a recent report, Apple gained significant share in Japan, China, and South Korea, countries where Samsung has previously dominated due to demand for big screen smartphones.

While Samsung's mobile sales were down 64 percent year over year, its semiconductor division earned 2.7 trillion won due to high demand for the chips that it sells to companies like Apple, boosting earnings from the previous quarter and helping it meet guidance and beat analyst estimates.

Chip maker Qualcomm also reported its own earnings today [PDF], and noted the loss of a major customer thought to be Samsung. Samsung's Galaxy S6 is unlikely to feature the Snapdragon 810 processor due to issues with overheating, and the South Korean company may opt to use its own chips instead.

Samsung expects continued growth in its mobile division in 2015 in emerging markets, and it also plans to introduce "new materials, innovative design, and differentiated features" in its devices to drive sales.

Article Link: Following Apple's Record Quarter Announcement, Samsung Reports Profit Drop


macrumors G3
Oct 5, 2008
Am I the only one that noticed Samsung really hasn't come out with any new commercials attacking Apple since the iPhone 6/6Plus has come out? I think the popularity of those devices took Samsung by surprised. Now, they are looking stupid because Apple is getting the last laugh. That's why it's not good to try to bully people, because in the end, you look like an ass!


macrumors regular
Dec 30, 2008
Amazes me how the overheating rumor keeps getting reported as fact.

That rumor, sourced from Samsung, was debunked by LG recently who is using the Qualcomm 810.

Fact is at CES Samsung was pushing to OEMS, like LG, the Exynos processor as an alternative. They are looking to strongly push their SoC chip business and Qualcomm is squarely in Samsung's very capable 'slander' machines crosshairs.

They are trying to recover from the mobile business losses and the SoC chip business is a major avenue for them. Sadly, unlike Apple, competitors like Qualcomm will find it very hard to defend against Samsung's slander war drums and copy machine.


Oct 21, 2008
Time, because it rules EVERYTHING!
Before people go off on one, please remember the actual results of shipped phones worldwide by Samsung is much higher than Apple:

In fact Apple has remained stagnant, Samsung has dropped, and all the other manufacturers have increased their numbers... Apple has a very long way to go to be worldwide number one.

And a continued drop in iPad sales is nothing to celebrate either. Apples big sales boost has come from China, the market it just entered. So if the chart in my link is anything to go by, it is other manufactures who have taken Samsungs share and not Apple.
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macrumors 6502
Sep 21, 2009
More and more, it seems that iPhones in the last couple of years before the 6 sold well despite having relatively small screens. Samsung was driving and soaking up the "premium large screen smartphone" market.... but then Apple decided to play that game, too. And look what happened.

But of course, it's not just big screens. Apple had been tightening up relations with Chinese mobile carriers, for an example.

And in the case of South Korea, there's been a change in law regarding sales of phones. Samsung supposedly spearheaded the initial movement, but it resulted in carriers severely cutting back subsidies. Heavy subsidies had been given out for phones from domestic (Samsung, LG, Pantech) makers, while foreign ones (Apple, Sony, HTC, etc.) got little. Obviously not an even playground. But then with the new laws in effect, an iPhone was no longer all that more expensive than a Galaxy S or Note. With the huge screens everyone had now gotten used to being available from Apple, people flocked to iPhones once again.

Foreign outlets talking about Apple taking 33% of market share in Korea seem to be missing this sort of details. But in any case, Samsung had been shooting itself in the foot in the home ground. It has not been a good year for the company.


macrumors 65816
Jun 13, 2013
Before people go off on one, please remember the actual results of shipped phones worldwide by Samsung is much higher than Apple:

In fact Apple has remained stagnant, Samsung has dropped, and all the other manufacturers have increased their numbers... Apple has a very long way to go to be worldwide number one.

No one said they have to be number 1. But everyone that owns an iPhone knows this to be a fact.


macrumors 6502
Feb 18, 2002
I'm currently living in Nouakchott, Mauritania and I noticed about a year ago many Samsung branded shops opening up around the city (I know of at least 12 in a city of a million where the average daily income is 2 USD).

I was pretty surprised to see so many shops and on a couple occasions I even went in to look at products (which were listed at European prices). Driving around the city I always look and I never see people in them except the salespeople.

Not unsurprisingly, before Christmas they posted 20% off signs (which is completely unheard of here to do that kind of advertising) and now some of the shops don't even bother opening.

I'm sure other parts of Africa are fairing betting - just sharing what I've seen here...
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macrumors 68040
Jan 31, 2005
La Jolla, CA
Don't care for Samsung but I like the fact Apple gets competition from a myriad of companies. In the end we all benefit from it.
I just wished Samsung was more original and come up with ground breaking ideas and not copy so much.


macrumors regular
Jun 27, 2011
I guess people really did want bigger Apple phones.

It's sad I used to get so many down votes every time I suggested that apple should make a larger phone. I knew so many people who wanted bigger screens. People claimed my sample size wasn't big enough. =/


macrumors 6502a
Apr 24, 2010
Am I the only one that noticed Samsung really hasn't come out with any new commercials attacking Apple since the iPhone 6/6Plus has come out? I think the popularity of those devices took Samsung by surprised. Now, they are looking stupid because Apple is getting the last laugh. That's why it's not good to try to bully people, because in the end, you look like an ass!
let's be serious. Apple copied Samsung by producing Phatphone and succeed. So i guess we can call it even.

Do people actually accuse Samsung of "bullying"? I guess it's only okay when Apple does it (with I'm Mac commerical)


macrumors 68000
Mar 15, 2010
Before people go off on one, please remember the actual results of shipped phones worldwide by Samsung is much higher than Apple:

In fact Apple has remained stagnant, Samsung has dropped, and all the other manufacturers have increased their numbers... Apple has a very long way to go to be worldwide number one.

And a continued drop in iPad sales is nothing to celebrate either. Apples big sales boost has come from China, the market it just entered. So if the chart in my link is anything to go by, it is other manufactures who have taken Samsungs share and not Apple.

Apple dominates Samsung in the market they compete in. Samsung is the current leader in low-end pseudo smartphones, but how long will that last? all those growing competitors you mentioned are not taking sales from Apple they are hitting Samsung and hitting Samsung hard.


macrumors regular
Jun 27, 2011
I think it's more than just Apple killing Samsung.

Now with Xiaomi and others providing cheaper, higher quality spec phones... Samsung just isn't competitive in the android market anymore.

I don't know anyone who has bought a new Samsung phone for a while now. I've also not seen a very great increase of iPhones in my region [that is not really known for having a lot of money].

I'd say it's the combination of 2 great forces, iPhone larger sizes and more competitive android phones.
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