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macrumors newbie
Feb 20, 2006
macbook pro

Not sure why it was UPS...but from the moment it said "Shipped" on order status, it was listed as UPSH...I noticed other people posting said Fedex for theirs...not sure why the difference.

I could post pics of the computer...but arent there links to pics on macrumors main page? I did the easy thing and used the iSight...posting pics of the computer requires more effort than I'm willing to expend right now. I'm trying to figure out OSX and get accustomed to a brand new computer...I dont want to deal with my camera at the moment.


macrumors regular
Jan 11, 2006
elguido said:
Not sure why it was UPS...but from the moment it said "Shipped" on order status, it was listed as UPSH...I noticed other people posting said Fedex for theirs...not sure why the difference.

I could post pics of the computer...but arent there links to pics on macrumors main page? I did the easy thing and used the iSight...posting pics of the computer requires more effort than I'm willing to expend right now. I'm trying to figure out OSX and get accustomed to a brand new computer...I dont want to deal with my camera at the moment.

No problem...just keep us posted on how the thing runs...esp if you get any new battery life numbers...


macrumors regular
Feb 15, 2006
elguido said:
It says 3:31, with Normal consumption settings.

I don't even know how to post pics, but i'd be happy to do so at some point. I havent tried connecting a camera or anything of that nature yet...keep in mind i JUST got this computer. I have to run to class, but i'll try to give you guys what you want soon.

Why would I be lying? I can't even imagine what would motivate someone to lie about this. Are the pics just so you know I'm not lying? Otherwise, this very site posted pics of the macbook

P.S.: The machine, packaging...gorgeous. It's very fast, warm on the sides of the keyboard, but not too hot. Display is incredible. This is my first mac, so i'm figuring out OSX. Give me some time.


You posted this at 2:00. My clock now says it's 2:32. Shouldn't you be at class and not online?!?!?!?!/1/1/1/1///1///oneslashelevenslash




I'd love to see pics, but only 'cuz I wanna see what a running MBP looks like. I'm out of the running for one for at least 60 days, but I'm most definitely living vicariously! :D

Edit: Whoops, read the rest of the thread first, moron. :p Oh well, okay, now I'll say "we see the box but not the Book! Troll!!!!!111!1!!eleven!1!"


macrumors 6502
Feb 1, 2006
janstett said:
Oh no, everything is printed in some incomprehensible language! The horror! It must be a secret code. What the heck is a Orp Koobcam? :D

when mine comes in, its name on the network will be "orp koobcam"


macrumors regular
Jan 11, 2006
elguido said:
Not sure why it was UPS...but from the moment it said "Shipped" on order status, it was listed as UPSH...I noticed other people posting said Fedex for theirs...not sure why the difference.

I could post pics of the computer...but arent there links to pics on macrumors main page? I did the easy thing and used the iSight...posting pics of the computer requires more effort than I'm willing to expend right now. I'm trying to figure out OSX and get accustomed to a brand new computer...I dont want to deal with my camera at the moment.

When did you order? What config do you have?


macrumors 68000
May 30, 2004
Madison, WI
guffman said:
Sorry we doubted you man...when did you order? Why UPS...I thought all shipments came fed ex....can we get some pics of the computer?
I think he's using his iSight (that's why the words are backwards) So I don't think he can really take pictures of the computer


macrumors regular
Feb 15, 2006
Texas04 said:
Just stick the thing in ur restroom and have it take a pic of itself in the mirror :). Lol or on second thought iono...

Man, if I did that, just to prove to some people I don't know that I actually got one, and had some sort of accident (dropped it near the toilet, accidentally turned on the water in the sink, etc.) I'd be PISSED. :mad:

He's got one, guys. Let him enjoy it. :)


macrumors newbie
Feb 20, 2006

What I want to know is the noise level?

Does the fan run at all when using the Macbook for non-intensive tasks?
(I hope not) It will get hot when charging, but is it noiseless unplugged?

Probably won't get mine here in Norway until next month :(


macrumors 68000
Feb 11, 2006
AliensAreFuzzy said:
I think he's using his iSight (that's why the words are backwards) So I don't think he can really take pictures of the computer

why would things have to be mirrored in isight? Must be setting dependent.

Also if he wants to take the time to take a picture of the comp. he could use a mirror.

C.J Mac

macrumors member
Feb 3, 2006
Congrads man!!!!! Hope you enjoy it. Guard it with your life!!!!!;)
(salvatating from the corner of my mouth) :D . I won't see mine till next
week. But my applecare and Office has been shipped should arrive tomorrow
I know, I know what good is Applecare without my Macbook:(

At least I know the ball is moving.




Jan 19, 2005
C.J Mac said:
Congrads man!!!!! Hope you enjoy it. Guard it with your life!!!!!;)
(salvatating from the corner of my mouth) :D . I won't see mine till next
week. But my applecare and Office has been shipped should arrive tomorrow
I know, I know what good is Applecare without my Macbook:(

At least I know the ball is moving.



He should post a 1 day on ebay a reep in the $$$


macrumors newbie
Feb 20, 2006
for the record

While I did SAY i was going to download the OSX 10.5 update, i soon after realized that it was already pre-installed on the machine and I did not need to.


macrumors 6502a
Jul 2, 2005
Alright everyone start callin their local Apple Stores and ask if they have em in :).
Houston Tx in Galleria and Woodlands have none yet... :(


macrumors regular
Jan 11, 2006
elguido said:
While I did SAY i was going to download the OSX 10.5 update, i soon after realized that it was already pre-installed on the machine and I did not need to.

Thanks for the update! could you let us know when you ordered and what config the computer you are playing on is? :D
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