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macrumors 6502a
Oct 24, 2002
Greenville SC
Gruber has been wrong more than right

John Gruber has often been wrong ... It's just the cool thing to do to link to him ... mentioning his name is like talking up a facebook page or twitter name.

I just think he's smart and hangs around like minded people ... eventhough he curses up a storm, doles out extreme liberal links and opinions, and talks about twitter seemingly 40% of the time nowadays.

Even if the things he mentions haven't been rumored about ... they are pretty obvious steps forward for the iPhone.


macrumors regular
May 3, 2009
Quoted from John Grubers article :

"Two other significant internal additions frequently mentioned in rumors are indeed accurate: a magnetometer (a.k.a. a compass) and an improved camera that will shoot video (and improved still images, thanks to an auto-focus lens; the existing iPhone camera lens is fixed-focus). Video, in fact, will be one of the major features Apple plans to tout regarding the new model"

If true ---> Finally auto-focus. About time i guess. But wondering how it will be controlled. Additional button or by the screen ?


Jun 22, 2007
32GB and faster processor for iPhone are obvious.
Magnetometer and video recording, they would be great, but I won't hold my breath.

Reclassifying aluminum Macbooks as MBP? I doubt it. For one, Macbooks don't have Firewire, contradicting the target market of MBPs. However, a smaller 14/13" MBP would be awesome (a redesigned aluminum Macbook with Firewire port, dual GPU, and Expresscard slot plus built-in battery).
The white Macbook seems very odd now, contrasting the all aluminum lineups. I'm guessing its days are numbered, maybe a price drop. I'm not sure Apple will do a "netbook," but with more and more netbooks creeping up in prices (~$500-$600), Apple might entice buyers to "upgrade" to the white Macbook for a "bit" more (~$700-$800 price range).

Here's an idea, sell the aluminum Macbooks in colors! :D Macbookchromatic. More and more PC manufactures are selling their lineups in multiple color option. Colored anodized aluminum Apple laptop would look much sexier than a colored plastic drap that most Win laptops are now. :)

What I'm really waiting for is for Apple to simply sell the iPhone unlocked, or force AT&T to unlock the iPhones, especially older ones. I mean c'mon, there will be tons of 1G iPhones out there. What would those users do to those 1G iPhones if they want to upgrade to the new iPhone? Apple is trying to have its image as a "green" company. Having 1G iPhoens in landfills won't help. Have AT&T unlock them so people can sell those as 2nd hand phones, or refurbish them and sell them unlocked out of the box. C'mon Apple, you said you're "changing" the wireless market. You already sell iPhone 3G unlocked out-of-the-box in some countries. It's 2009 for God's sake.


macrumors regular
Jul 5, 2008
I think they should really diversify the MBs and MBPs by letting the MBPs get faster and faster whilst keeping the MBs pretty much at the speed they are now but vastly increasing the battery life towards more netbook levels.

MBs are already powerful enough to easily handle amateur video-editing, which is probably the most demanding consumer-level task, and consumers would derive greater productivity from not having to lug around a power brick if they think they might need to do prolonged work, nor have to search for somewhere with a plug socket. It would be a good way for Apple to respond to the netbook trend, I think.

The Phazer

macrumors 68040
Oct 31, 2007
London, UK
The new iPhone won't be seen until mid-July, since Apple need to get FCC approval for it, and that is public.

Arghhh! Why do people keep repeating this? It isn't true.

The FCC need to do an approval, but they will happily keep it commercially confidential and unpublished until launch if asked.

(the iPhone probably will hit in mid-July, but for no more reason that getting it to the phone companies and having them train up their sales staff without leaking it pre-Apple annoucement takes a month).



macrumors member
Jun 29, 2008
Adams County, PA
A faster iPhone is a given, right? I mean, the current config in the iPhones is getting a tiny bit behind the times as far as the processor goes. The rebranding is the easiest and most irritating way Apple can answer the "Tiny Macbook Pro" demands. 12" PB rise again!! (But lack of discrete graphics still makes it a no-deal for me).:rolleyes:


macrumors 68020
Jul 18, 2002
Apple needs to do something to get a less expensive 15- and 17-inch notebook into the market. If you look at the competition, they beat Apple soundly in this area. The Microsoft ads are exploiting this. I would like to see Apple drop the 15-inch model in price by at least $400 to $1,599.


macrumors 65816
Jan 21, 2002
"Pro" isn't just an adjective to Apple. It's an attitude.

And a price point.

I am really hoping for the 32 GB version with everything mentioned. But what intrigues me most is the OLED screen, increased battery life (I drain mine like crazy on EDGE in my four hour class, just texting and visiting the facebook app. That is with wifi off and 3G disabled)...

It's just Apple's way of telling you to pay attention to your professor.


macrumors 65816
Mar 26, 2008
Wirelessly posted (Mozilla/5.0 (iPod; U; CPU iPhone OS 2_2_1 like Mac OS X; en-us) AppleWebKit/525.18.1 (KHTML, like Gecko) Version/3.1.1 Mobile/5H11a Safari/525.20)

monke said:
I thought about the rebranding, and I definitely think its going to happen. 4 products with the same tag line, might get confusing, although the iPod's can pull it off, but they've always been distinctively different (design, features, etc.). With the MacBook's, have an Air, Pro, 'Touch' and 'Regular' could be confusing for some people, especially those first time buyers.

Also, anyone doubting that Apple would rebrand the MacBook Pro, see iBook vs Powerbook. I could see Apple going back to something like this, but I doubt it'll be the Powerbook again.

It would be even more confusing to first time buyers to have almost every machine in Apple's lineup called a Macbook pro. If they are going to change the name at all, they ought to all be MacBooks, for the simple reason that it's easier to say. I kind of wish they would bring back the old PowerBook name for the pro machines, along with MacBook for the consumer machines.


macrumors regular
Jan 25, 2008
San Antonio
I do wonder about what affect this will have on the App Store? Applications that will be made for a chip "more than 1.5x more powerful" certainly won't work well on the 2/3G iPhones... So I imagine there will be some initial confusion regarding just what will work with what :rolleyes:

I imagine this could be easily overcome if the appstore just utilizes one tiny bit of information telling it what version you have, thus removing automatically any app not compatible with your current hardware. I assume it's as easy as the app store auto-detecting 1,2 for example, and filtering results.

And just so your not trying to find an app and it never appears due to filtering, maybe the apps should populate, but the price box/buy now is just grayed out due to the filter.


macrumors 68000
Jul 20, 2008
1) this guy is well connected to insiders at i think his claims probably will be true.
2) interesting about the rebranding. so the alum unibody will now be called a macbook pro? interesting indeed if i understood that correctly.


macrumors 68020
Apr 23, 2006
Beds, UK
Wirelessly posted (Mozilla/5.0 (iPod; U; CPU iPhone OS 2_2_1 like Mac OS X; en-us) AppleWebKit/525.18.1 (KHTML, like Gecko) Version/3.1.1 Mobile/5H11a Safari/525.20)

It would be even more confusing to first time buyers to have almost every machine in Apple's lineup called a Macbook pro. If they are going to change the name at all, they ought to all be MacBooks, for the simple reason that it's easier to say. I kind of wish they would bring back the old PowerBook name for the pro machines, along with MacBook for the consumer machines.

I think you mean iBook for consumer ;)

But I doubt that would happen.


macrumors 6502a
Apr 17, 2008
Rebrand everything aluminum to be called a pro. I thought it was enough that they started including gimmick features in their pro notebook line-up, but unless the aluminum macbook drops integrated graphics I think it will be even more confusing to the average consumer. They will walk in, see the price difference between a 13" and 15.4" MBP and just pick the 13" because they won't understand the performance difference since they look identical. I really wish the Pro line was in fact a Pro line. This trend worries me for my next MBP replacement.

Chupa Chupa

macrumors G5
Jul 16, 2002
On the calling all unibodies MBPs...

It's rather curious since Apple has said it wants to move away from plastic. If all unibodies are going to be called MBPs then there will be just one MB. That makes zero sense, either logically or from a marketing perspective. There will no longer be a clear line between "pro" and "consumer," not that the MBPs are all that "pro-ish" with its glossy screen.

Perhaps what is going to happen is a reincarnation of the old 12" Powerbook in MBP form, complete with upgraded screen, video card, and FW. Then Apple would kill off the MB unibodies and upgrade the current plastic one to 2.4Ghz. That would be an interesting intermediate compromise to the netbook conundrum -- except for the price since I'm sure a 12" unibody MBP would cost 3x what a netbook costs.


macrumors 6502a
Jan 6, 2009
... What the new iPhone's video capabilities might lack in terms of image and sound quality will be made up for by two things: convenience and software. Convenience in that the best camera is the one you have with you, and if you've always got your iPhone, you've always got a camera; software in that iPhone OS 3.0 is set to include basic video editing (think: selecting just the good parts) and uploading features that regular cameras, which aren't computers and which aren't networked, just can't match.

They just won't let this go, will they? It's a phone with a camera built in, stupid. Thanks for making the camera suck less, but if I need good pictures, I'll use a real camera with real lenses, thanks. There's only so much the iPhone lens and lack of flash can do for photographs. "The best camera is the one you have with you" is probably one of the lamest pitches I've heard lately about the iPhone and its camera. Spontaneous photography is not professional or even serious photography.

I wouldn't doubt Gruber, but the whole "MacBook vs. MacBook Pro" thing seems off ... Apple needs to dump the plastic MacBook entirely. While bringing down the prices of the aluminum MacBooks...

I do doubt him. The notion of the branding changes seems pretty far fetched. However, I wouldn't mind a price drop and sacrifice of the plastic MacBook.

... they cnt just drastically drop its price, ultra-portable laptops are generally expensive due to the fact it takes some rather advanced technology to make them that small and keep usability high.

Or ... could they be more expensive because Apple "generally" prefers a wider profit margin per product than most other ultra-portable laptop manufacturers in the genre?

I'd rather that Apple's innovation be a tad riskier (read: less profit margin) than it is today. Trust the consumer with more upgrade options after-market, and offer more economical choices on existing product lines.

Oh, and maybe - put some of this advanced technology to use in a shocking, new product line. Collaborate with DELL to make a Aluminum Unibody Mini 9 running OS X as an option. :p

That rebranding, quite honestly, sounds absolutely stupid. The current MacBooks, aluminum or not, are not 'pro' machines. It can even be argued that the current MacBook Pro isn't even a 'pro' machine. Stupid, stupid decision on Apple's part if true.

The Pro vs. not really Pro argument is valid for the current product lines. I don't know if rebranding is necessarily stupid, however. If they were willing to upgrade the MBPs with more powerful hardware, it'd be a start.

Any which way, a laptop refresh would be definitely appreciated :D

+1 as I'm patiently waiting to see what Back-to-School specials Apple has in store before I relieve my wallet of its weight in cash.

... One thing always bother me constantly, which is the cooling system inside MB / MBP... Maybe liquid cooling system will do some job. So, please surprise us Apple! :apple::apple:

IMO, if the Next generation Pro-Line with Liquid Cooling System, that will be a Spot news! :D

Yes, a liquid cooling system would be a Spot, but expensive surprise. :p The MBPs do run too hot and there don't seem to be very many options available to substantially mitigate this heat.

I don't care what they call it, I just want the upgrade already. I figured I was so close to the next bump that I would wait. Amazing how long the wait feels when you really want something. :D

I feel your pain. Once WWDC is over and the Back-to-School specials are introduced, that's when the water will be as comfortable as it's gonna get. Dive in then.

... BTW, shouldn't you be concentrating on class instead of constantly texting for four hours? If you want iPhones of the future, better start getting good grades now.


Am I the only one who wouldn't want a phone with a glowing apple on it? 'cause I really want something that'll shine like a beacon to anyone and everyone when I'm on my phone at night.

You probably are (the only one). This would be a cool change for the phone. I hate to break this to you, but you are already a beacon to anyone who wants to roll you for your iPhone and other geek toys. Stay in public places, or keep the toys out of view if you're that paranoid of perception or aren't sure of your surroundings. Most Mac enthusiasts enjoy the adulation that that glowing apple brings from strangers. :p

Besides, I'm sure if this feature was ever implemented, there would probably be a way to disable or reduce the intensity of the illumination of the Apple logo. ;)

"Hey John, what's wrong with your iPhone?" "It's rendering out a clip, should be done in 2-3 years"

ROFL. This made my morning!




macrumors 601
Mar 29, 2004
Boston, MA
Interesting (the bit about the rebranding). If it happens, I would hope they add back in the black macbook. I can't stand the white ones for some reason. That said, I think Apple should stick with the branding they have now --and I think they will decide to.

And of course, a faster iPhone with more storoage capacity is always great news. I sure hope it becomes true!

if they rebrand the macbook unibody to macbook pro they would have to add a better screen quality and maybe firewire. if they leave the prize at 1599 with those improvements i would imagine it could work out calling it macbook pro. with the current screen being of lesser quality than the mba's i don't think this will fly.


macrumors 6502
Nov 16, 2008
I wouldn't doubt Gruber, but the whole "MacBook vs. MacBook Pro" thing seems off.

Apple needs to dump the plastic MacBook entirely. While bringing down the prices of the aluminum MacBooks.

Yet you still need a consumer line and a pro line. Hence, MacBook and MacBook Pro. I can't see this changing.

I disagree with the white one needing to be eliminated, as the new mac mini still has a white top, not black. This means the white macbook still fits in with the product range, white still indicates a consumer product and aluminium is mainly higher end/pro.

I do think that the white macbook will be eliminated in perhaps a year, and when it does, I wonder if the 13" unibody will lose "pro" in its name, if this will even happen?


macrumors 603
Aug 29, 2006
If spontaneous photography isn't professional or even serious photography, then the amateurs can have fun with it :)
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