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macrumors 65816
Aug 12, 2014
I'm not seeing this at all on my 128GB Celular Gold iPad Air 2. The screen is absolutely perfect. :)


macrumors 6502
May 31, 2009
I just got my iPad today as well and am seeing the same thing. I first noticed it when I picked it up in portrait mode with my right hand (with the smart cover hanging off the left, adding a bit of weight). When I'm just holding it statically, the weight of the iPad doesn't make the distortion appear. But if I just adjust the iPad's position in my hand, the added dynamic force will make it show up.

Here's a pic of what I see. It's the 2 dark spots under the right side of the search box (the image is a bit blurry because I had to be moving to catch the distortion). As Andyw mentioned, no matter where I press, the distortion stays in that spot.

View attachment 508352

I was going to try and exchange it at an apple store (2 hour drive :( ) but now I'm concerned it might be a widespread "feature".

Hmmm, I just realized that you guys were talking about it happening on a "dark" screen instead....

I couldn't imagine living 2 hours from apple. Where do you live. I live in. Teaneck my store is 10 min away if there's no traffic.


Apr 7, 2012
Are you saying that some people get to have a perfect device and others have to suffer defects? I thought everyone was equal... Is your money worth more than everyone else's then?

I went to the Apple Store today to return mine, looked at the 5 display models. All 5 did the same exact thing, the manager was shocked and said must be due to the thickness. Also unboxed a new one, same thing. So kept mine since every other one has it also.


macrumors 68040
Mar 23, 2011
Leeds, UK
I can reproduce it if i press harder than normal on the back but not during normal use. BUT, I do not have mine in a case yet.


The ipad Air thickness was fine. I do love this Air 2 and wont be returning it. But Apple needs to rethink trying to get these ipads thinner and thinner. Next casualty wil lbe the standard headphone jack.

Same here, haven't tried with a case but I have to press very hard to accomplish this, so the case would have to be bloody heavy! Definitely worth an exchange I'd have thought, in that case, if it's super easy on some. Who cares about the headphone socket anyway? Would an adaptor be such an inconvenience?

Yeah the extra weight of the case makes it show for me just by picking up the ipad. Any movement if I'm holding with 1 hand and it happens.

This entire thing makes me sick to my stomach. I have bad OCD that I take meds for. And this REAL problem is driving me nuts! :confused:

I get the OCD makes it worse for you than many of us, but if you can't live with it you can return it, no reason it should ruin your life. Hope you manage to exchange it though, coz it's a lovely machine!


macrumors 68040
Feb 1, 2008
I take back what I said early about it not happening in normal use. When holding and using the iPad it doesn't but when picking it up especially by the right side or even walking with it it is noticeable.

I don't know what I am going to do. I feel like returning it but the 2GB really makes for a good experience vs the Air. Apple has just gotten too obsessed with thin that we are now paying for it. Id much rather have it be the size of the Air with more battery.

Im not sure how they can remedy this in production. Something would have to give physically. Make the chips thinner or increase the case size which I doubt will happen. Maybe they can put a cover on top of the main board to make it smooth like the battery.

I know over time Li batteries can expand very slightly. With the device being so thin I wonder what discoloration effect this will have on the LCD.

The iPad Air is by no means a pro product in its current state.


macrumors 68040
Feb 1, 2008
your in the lucky 10 percent. Everyone I've tried and all my friends can replicate this. We are returning ours today and will check all of the displays. Im not going to try 10 iPads to get one that doesn't do it. Ill wait to see if Apple resolved the issue.

I tried tapping knocking and squeezing the heck out of my Air and am not seeing this issue at all.


Apr 7, 2012
your in the lucky 10 percent. Everyone I've tried and all my friends can replicate this. We are returning ours today and will check all of the displays. Im not going to try 10 iPads to get one that doesn't do it. Ill wait to see if Apple resolved the issue.

Yeah I've now been to two stores, every display model same thing. Not sure what to do.


macrumors 68020
Sep 26, 2014
Yeah I've now been to two stores, every display model same thing. Not sure what to do.

Hold off until they change design, for the price, it shouldn't have the flaw. The iPad you used 2 weeks ago probably worked just fine. I'd continue to use that. Maybe Apple will see the issue and fix it for future shipments of the iPad Air 2.


macrumors 6502
Jun 21, 2010
Hold off until they change design, for the price, it shouldn't have the flaw. The iPad you used 2 weeks ago probably worked just fine. I'd continue to use that. Maybe Apple will see the issue and fix it for future shipments of the iPad Air 2.

When has Apple fixed anything during the assembled process? You will see changes in the Air 3. So for now like it or leave it.


macrumors 6502
Oct 5, 2014
New York Metro
This is getting out of hand... Hubris, Apple will fall if they keep this up. Very sad to hear and even more nervous about my PLUS having bend issues once I get it. QC is crappy this year...


macrumors 68040
Mar 16, 2012
your in the lucky 10 percent. Everyone I've tried and all my friends can replicate this. We are returning ours today and will check all of the displays. Im not going to try 10 iPads to get one that doesn't do it. Ill wait to see if Apple resolved the issue.

Lol @ 10 percent

Thank you for your scientific data analysis of millions of iPads tested


May 26, 2010
This is getting out of hand... Hubris, Apple will fall if they keep this up. Very sad to hear and even more nervous about my PLUS having bend issues once I get it. QC is crappy this year...

It definitely confirms the fact that Apple's QA/QC isnt improving.


macrumors 6502
May 31, 2012
I'm slightly disappointed to report that mine does this as well, when I pick it up one handed. Case or no case; there's a spot on the right side that kind of bubbles and distorts when I hold the iPad. Happens more so in portrait, but is still there in landscape.

128GB, Silver, Cellular

Edit: I only really notice it when the brightness is turned way up. It doesn't bother me so much, but if something is rubbing on the screen, I'm a bit concerned that it could ruin the screen over time.
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