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macrumors member
Apr 17, 2011
Lot of jackasses in this thread that can't just say RIP or something nice about Williams and leave it at that.

I expected nothing less though.


macrumors regular
Feb 3, 2014
It's possible that Apple doesn't have the ability to discount those without the publisher's permission.


How is that condoning suicide? Robin Williams lost the battle with depression, it's a hell of a lot more serious a condition than people seem to realize.

He "chose" to end his life early...Deal with it. Suicide is a permanent solution to what might be a temporary problem (depression). Apple or any other company for that matter is not obliged to run their business on the whims of suicidal performers. Yes, I loved Robin Williams too.


macrumors 6502
May 18, 2007
Seattle, WA
A dedicated section, but no discounts. Looks like Apple is just trying to cash in on this marketing "opportunity". Makes me feel kind of off about it...

Agreed, it just looks like exploitation. Unless they're going to match / contribute to some related charity they should have done nothing.


Jun 6, 2005
Universe 0 Timeline
What he means is that some depressed people may see it as the final excuse to commit suicide, removing the last thing to cling on. "I am worthless, if I die at least someone will make some good out of my death."

That's so true it's nearly a cliche:

And now the tragic story
Eddie's sister, Mary Louise, needed an operation
To get the money he would have to become an overnight sensation
Eddie believed the American people
Had wonderful, lovegiving hearts
His well publicized end he considered would send
His memorial album to the top of the charts... and it did


When a young singer dies to our shock and surprise
In a plane crash or flashy sports car
He becomes quite well known
And the kindness he's shown has made more than one post mortem star
Well you did it Eddie and though it's hard to applaud suicide
You gave all you could give so your sister could live
All America's choked up inside

We'll remember you forever Eddie
Thru' the sacrifice you made we can't believe the price you paid
For love​

Paul Williams: "Goodbye, Eddie, Goodbye"


macrumors 6502
Jan 9, 2007
I think there is a fine line between honoring and profiting. This seems more like profiting. If they really wanted to honor, either a percentage of revenue should go to some charity, etc. or they should lower the price of these downloads to make them more available to everyone and pick up the tab for the difference. I don't seem to find anything in this article that tells me this is anything but an attempt to profit from this unfortunate circumstances.


macrumors G5
Jan 9, 2008
Sunny, Southern California
I think it is safe to say that this will never appease everyone. If enough complaints are received I would imagine they would take it down. If very little are received they will keep it up.

I have no complaints with this at all. Same thing was done when Michael Jackson died. I don't know if Apple did it but there were several sites that did.

I would think putting everything on sale would cheapen his death that much more.


macrumors regular
Feb 3, 2014
Unfortunately paying off his ex wife was one of his reasons for his depression, if only apple couple have helped highlight his career earlier he might have had the cash to get help and pay his debts.

One would hope apple will give its cut of the highlight content to a charity?

Suicide is a choice....Nobody forces you, no matter how evil or unjustified you think their actions are.


macrumors 68000
Nov 3, 2010
Some REALLY cynical people on here. You guys must live really grey, black and white lives.

If you think its profiteering don't buy it. Let others who want to enjoy the man's works/career do so.


macrumors member
Jul 18, 2011
Robin Williams was in movies.
iTunes sells movies.
The iTunes Store features movies that star Robin Williams.

How is this formula controversial?

Of course iTunes features a section on his movies. He's a comedy icon. It's not cashing in on his death to sell movies that a movie star was in.

Moto G

macrumors 6502a
Jul 6, 2014
make them free, it won't kill you.

For 2 weeks to a month (or two) - seriously Apple, just do it.
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macrumors 6502a
Aug 30, 2006
I thought Apple would honor him on their homepage like they usually do when we lose someone as impactful as Robin Williams.


macrumors 604
Mar 3, 2010
make them free, it won't kill you.

For 2 weeks to a month (or two) - seriously Apple, just do it.

why should they? it seems that most people forget that the amount of work involved in a movie (either production, marketing, and distribution) is impressive and outlives the movie releases. Why should they impact (indirectly) the lives of a thousand more workers after ONE of the involved workers decided to end his life. Plus, Williams' family would lose royalties (which are important, if it's true that he had some money problems).
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Mar 23, 2006
So very very sad. Not ashamed to say that I shed a few tears today. As someone who has battled with depression all of my life I know what a lonely and unforgiving place it can be. RIP Robin. Your comedic genius will live on for many years to come.

I don't have a problem with Apple remembering him on iTunes although I do think it would be a thoughtful gesture to donate some of the profits to charities helping people with depression.


macrumors 68030
Jul 9, 2011
Didn't know he did the voiceover for that 'Your Verse' ad. When it first was aired I thought whoever the narrator is did a hell of a job. It's quite haunting to listen to it now after his death.


macrumors 68040
May 15, 2005
just asking

I'm not trying to make light of the situation here, but was RW in that "heres to the crazy ones" video years ago? I seem to recall him, but maybe it was somebody else?


macrumors 6502
Jun 5, 2012
Honors? To me it seems they profit from his death.

Either provide the films for free or give the revenue to "Comic Relief USA", or a mix.


macrumors 601
Sep 25, 2012
Slapfish, North Carolina
classy of apple to exploit a celebrities death

Robin Williams was a huge ally of Apple. Apple was expected to mention him in some way.

The very first "Your Verse" iPad Air commercial, just a few months ago, was done by Robin's voice.

Also you are most likely ignorant of the recent posts where Robin frequented the Apple Stores, and hanged out with Mac Geniuses and signed lots of autographs with Apple Store employees and customers, etc.


You failed to realize Robin's importance to the Apple community, as he was a huge Apple aficionado, and did recent inspirational ads for Apple in recent months.
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macrumors 6502
Nov 30, 2009
I think there is a fine line between honoring and profiting. This seems more like profiting. If they really wanted to honor, either a percentage of revenue should go to some charity, etc. or they should lower the price of these downloads to make them more available to everyone and pick up the tab for the difference. I don't seem to find anything in this article that tells me this is anything but an attempt to profit from this unfortunate circumstances.

What profit they will make on Robin William's movies over the coming days/weeks/months is a pittance. I bet it would be less than what they donated for the earthquake relief in China.

Besides, Comic Relief USA thought that the homeless were deserving of charity. If you could/would be downloading movies from iTunes, you are far less needy than the homeless guy down the street.


make them free, it won't kill you.

For 2 weeks to a month (or two) - seriously Apple, just do it.

Yes, of all the needy people in the world, Apple should put you on the top of the list.


Absolutely. Keep the regular prices, let people enjoy his movies and make some good while doing so. Donate profits to charity that Robin would appreciate. That'd be cool. Apple?

But why do we assume they don't do that already?
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Moto G

macrumors 6502a
Jul 6, 2014
why should they? it seems that most people forget that the amount of work involved in a movie (either production, marketing, and distribution) is impressive and outlives the movie releases. Why should they impact (indirectly) the lives of a thousand more workers after ONE of the involved workers decided to end his life. Plus, Williams' family would lose royalties (which are important, if it's true that he had some money problems).

Good point actually; maybe I was rash :)
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