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macrumors 68030
Feb 4, 2009
Upstate NY

Apple is planning to offer its new 9.7-inch iPad, which has thus far been known as the iPad Air 2 unofficially, in a gold color choice in addition to the already available silver and space gray variations, reports Bloomberg. The new option would bring the iPad up to color parity with its iPhone models, which have been offered in three colors since last year's iPhone 5s.

Bloomberg's sources indicate that the new color choice may be an attempt to boost*iPad sales, which dropped slightly in the past year. CEO Tim Cook previously said the iPad sales dip was a "speed bump".

In early September, KGI Securities analyst Ming-Chi Kuo predicted that Apple would announce an iPad Air 2 with a gold option amongst other features like an anti-reflective display and the Touch ID Home button.

Article Link: Apple Planning to Offer iPad Air 2 with Gold Option
I don't see how adding the gold/champagne option to the iPad Air 2 and the entire iPad line really is "an attempt to boost iPad sales", really I don't see how its anything other than creating a more uniform line. I wonder how much cost the Touch ID Home Button will add though...will it only be available on the higher end model of the iPad and not the future mini? You can put as much money into a smartphone because its going to be subsidized for 80% of customers but tablets are more often bought up front with no contract or subsidy.


macrumors 68020
Jul 5, 2002
If I was using it for general purposes, then glossy would be ok - but I am mostly using for word processing, writing. I don't want to be distracted by any background image. For this particular use, I do not care about color brilliance.
To be honest I was glad to have optical anti-glare on my 2012 Retina MBP - text was just so much crisper and easier on the eyes compared to a matte screen, where text is always a bit fuzzy (and I would guess with a Retina-class resolution screen this becomes a real problem).

Granted - outside on a sunny day it is less optimal. So that may be a scenario where a matte screen could have advantages (though the older machines with less bright displays did not exactly shine in this scenario, either - have no experience with a 2014-state-of-the-art matte display).

Also, Pro models did away with the anti-glare option in the last update. So there are zero anti-glare options for all Macs.
What update do you refer to? The 2012 rMBP's had anti-glare as stock (and the Air's, I believe, from day one - at least my Rev.B had it). So far I did not read anywhere that Apple did away with optical coating on their newer rMBP's. Perhaps you misinterpret the lack of the option "anti-glare" as "no anti-glare present". It's just stock on all machines.

And to get back on topic: The iPad Air 2 is also rumored to get an (improved) optical coating for less reflections...


macrumors regular
Jan 14, 2010

And Premiership footballers in the UK breathe a sigh of relief, as their WAGs' Christmas present idea is sorted.


macrumors 6502
Sep 12, 2014
Gold is so tacky. <--- 11 forum pages of gold thrashing right there...

At least that was the general consensus when another tablet manufacturer offered a 'gold' version earlier this year.

Just giving you guys a heads up before you praise this one too much.

Thank you for your expert fashion opinion. I'm sure you look super cool


macrumors member
Mar 20, 2010
Gold would be nice, but a true Surface Pro competitor would be even better. 13" with iOS, stylus, split screen multitasking etc... I'm a student who would drop $1k on that without hesitation. It would be like a Surface Pro, except with a mobile operating system and app ecosystem that's actually decent.

"App ecosystem" ??? The SP3 is a Windows machine, and there are 10x more Windows applications than all other operating systems in history combined. Are you so blinded by the term "app store" that you can't see past that ?

And just FYI, Windows 8 IS a mobile operating system. In fact, it's more usable as a mobile OS than a desktop one.. hence it's lack of populatity. Have you even USED Windows 8 ? Everything is beautifually touch screen and gesture integrated/driven, whereas the same activities with a mouse are a bit of a nightmare. This is the whole reason the OS didn't do well.



macrumors 68040
Oct 13, 2011
if there is a media event for ipads in October...

the iPhone event was announced 2 weeks in advance (invite out on august 28th, event September 9th)

and if the next media event is on the 14th like the leaked GM build of Yosemite showed shouldn't invites be out this week or next week at the latest?


macrumors 6502a
Jun 23, 2007
Going to replace the wifes ipad 3 with an Air at xmas. Hopefully the air 2 will be out and available in decent numbers by then.


Aug 29, 2014
Some people would definitely prefer the gold (that is, not really gold but gold like on the iPhone) iPad.


Be careful not to use a straw man argument. He didn't say that Apple didn't release colored products. Using lots of colors is something to do when the product is struggling to sell, and some would consider it less suitable for very popular products. I think Steve Jobs was one of those people. The guy you quoted said, Apple under Steve Jobs had colored iPod touches but no colored iPhones. In fact, only the less popular products came in colors, which included all Macs in the late 90s and early 2000s. They switched to all white once they got popular.

By the way, I claim no opinion of whether or not Apple should release many different colors of their popular products. I just think Steve Jobs would not have done that.

Be careful not to use revisionist history...
You literally could not be any more wrong if you said up was down.
The truth of the matter is- when the iPod mini came out it was WILDLY successful; probably their most successful product up to that point. It even outsold iPod immediately. It was unbelievable. This was right when Apple was going through its hugest growth spurt... They offered this very, very, very popular product in a myriad of colors. To be clear. It was NOT struggling to sell. Steve seemed VERY proud of the colors & took time to describe each shade.
After successive quarters of HUGE sales gains, analysts went insane at Apple's decision to kill the iPod mini line WELL before it peaked.... to replace it with their nano product. It was also WILDLY successful & available in colors.
I suppose you have the right to think whatever you want about what Steve Jobs would be doing now... you may as well base it on fact rather than fiction though.


macrumors 65816
Sep 11, 2014
Berkeley, CA
Be careful not to use revisionist history...
You literally could not be any more wrong if you said up was down.
The truth of the matter is- when the iPod mini came out it was WILDLY successful; probably their most successful product up to that point. It even outsold iPod immediately. It was unbelievable. This was right when Apple was going through its hugest growth spurt... They offered this very, very, very popular product in a myriad of colors. To be clear. It was NOT struggling to sell. Steve seemed VERY proud of the colors & took time to describe each shade.
After successive quarters of HUGE sales gains, analysts went insane at Apple's decision to kill the iPod mini line WELL before it peaked.... to replace it with their nano product. It was also WILDLY successful & available in colors.
I suppose you have the right to think whatever you want about what Steve Jobs would be doing now... you may as well base it on fact rather than fiction though.

There is a difference between strong growth and strong sales. The earlier (and colored) products may have created growth for Apple, but that doesn't mean they sold in mass numbers. Apple was a much smaller company back then. The iPod mini sold during Apple's earlier period of second Jobs era growth. By the time Apple was making the iPhone 3GS, they were already past taking risks to spur initial growth. Check out the chart:

And then the iPhone, a much more profitable device:
If Apple were to add so many color options today, would they really sell that many more products? Would they even sell enough extra to overcome the extra costs?
Last edited:


Aug 29, 2014
'Wifes' is actually spelled 'wives'.

One sure way to look SUPER foolish is to "correct" somebody else, and also be wrong... How embarrassing!!
For your own knowledge: he did NOT need a V in the word "wife's", merely the apostrophe. One would hope you were being sarcastic, but I didn't see an /sarcasm tag....

fedup flyer

macrumors regular
Jan 18, 2008
Gotta have some Gold Iphone to match the color of my rims.
Even though the rims cost more that the car.

Yup tacky fo shoo


macrumors 6502
Jun 7, 2007
What update do you refer to? The 2012 rMBP's had anti-glare as stock (and the Air's, I believe, from day one - at least my Rev.B had it). So far I did not read anywhere that Apple did away with optical coating on their newer rMBP's. Perhaps you misinterpret the lack of the option "anti-glare" as "no anti-glare present". It's just stock on all machines.

And to get back on topic: The iPad Air 2 is also rumored to get an (improved) optical coating for less reflections...

My definition of anti-glare is the paid option where you have to pay more money to Apple, and you get a different screen that has extra anti-glare properties. When ordering from the Apple website, back then, you had to click the option for anti-glare, and pay extra.

Not sure what you're referring to anti-glare. We are talking of different things.

Yes, the current Retina screen has a coating that does reduce the glare, but it is not a full anti-glare. In the current Retina screen, you can still see your reflection in it, whereas with a true anti-glare screen (the type you can no longer get) it is diffused so you cannot see your reflection.

The downside of such screens is less crisp colors, but the upside is less glare. It's a compromise either way, and it depends which is more important to each user.


macrumors demi-god
May 1, 2010
Need an iPad with Touch ID stat - getting tired of pressing the home button waiting for it to unlock :mad:


macrumors 68000
Aug 9, 2012
If the consensus at Apple is that iPad sales are slagging because of color options, they are headed into oblivion. Hard to believe they are that dumb...

Apple could jack iPad sales in a flash by outfitting both iPad models with advanced display tech similar to the iPhones. Ditch IGZO for LTPS (it was a good gamble but the race is over for now), bump the pixel density to around 400 ppi, and for the love of God STOP gimping the sRGB color gamut on the mini! It looks hideous next to every other comparable tablet on the market despite being priced far beyond them.

4 GB RAM w/true windowed multitasking would be sweet, but I have difficulty seeing the new Apple innovate in such a way.

Tablets are still too heavy, but the A8X provides the opportunity to go lighter. Octa-Core Android tablets will look positively big-boned next to the iPad Air :p


macrumors 6502
Dec 1, 2008
One sure way to look SUPER foolish is to "correct" somebody else, and also be wrong... How embarrassing!!
For your own knowledge: he did NOT need a V in the word "wife's", merely the apostrophe. One would hope you were being sarcastic, but I didn't see an /sarcasm tag....

It's "a /sarcasm tag", not "an".


macrumors 68040
Jun 20, 2007
I also hope they upgrade the quality of the display. The viewing angles and brightness on the iPad Air are sub-par compared to the iPad 3/4.
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