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macrumors regular
Dec 2, 2012
I really don’t understand the 16gig starting point… With the INSANE file size for videos these phones use I tend to use that up really quick. It never fails, every damn time I try and film something with my 4S I get a “memory full” error. It’s my fault for getting a 16gig in the first place because I like to shoot lots of video. But I am sick of dumping my videos to a computer so often and don’t want to pay $400 for that 64gig. I feel like 32gigs would have been a perfect place to start with this new phone. It’s a good thing my 4S still looks brand new, because it’s going to have to stick around for another year.

Yeah what ur saying will be totally a valid argument, if Apple lowers the starting price for 32gb to that of the current 16gb.

But if it doesnt, why does it matter to u whether it starts at 16gb or 32gb? Either way ur still paying more to get a 32gb phone


macrumors regular
Dec 2, 2012
Look at the cases designed for the Ipad vs the cases designed for the 5c.

Ipad's offical cases design is miles ahead.

And wheres the all-black, all-white color scheme for iphone 5c???


macrumors 68040
Feb 9, 2005
Amen to all of this. These launches are getting more and more dreadful each time around. Next time, just update the store, send out a presser and be done with it if there is really nothing better to talk about.
Listening to Ive made me realize what C in 5C stands for: Crunchy Frog, from the Python sketch with the guy from Whizzo's Chocolate Factory. This is clearly where Jony got the inspiration for his sales pitches.

"We use only the finest baby frogs, dew-picked and flown from Iraq, cleansed in the finest quality spring water, lightly killed, and then sealed in a succulent Swiss quintuple smooth treble cream milk chocolate envelope, and lovingly frosted with glucose."
"That's as may be, but it's still a frog!"
"What else?"
"Well don't you even take the bones out?"
"If we took the bones out it wouldn't be crunchy would it?"


macrumors 68040
Jun 30, 2007
Midwest USA
I honestly can't trust anything that comes from Tim Cook's mouth about Apple. Things aren't getting better. They're getting much worse for Apple's share value and ever-suffering shareholders. :mad:

Apple's share value has nothing to do with what Tim Cook or Apple does, it has everything to do with the Wall Street High School click system where everything is perception and nothing is real. Wall Street wants so bad to bet on Apple's failure. Why? Because Wall Street makes a ton more money on failures that it does on successes.

The one reason Job's was so successful, he ignored Wall Street and did his own thing. Tom Cook can't do that and it's bad for Apple (not Wall Street), regardless of what products Ive produces.


macrumors 68000
May 1, 2012
Yawn... When do the iPhone 6 rumors start?

Haptic touchscreen! Haptic touchscreen!

That was the big rumored feature for the iPhone 5, but everybody forgot about it for the 5S.


Yeah, because we all know the footage used in these videos are from the phone itself, and not another HD camera on a dolly. :rolleyes:

And for me, Sir Ive's videos are creepy. From his voice, the speed of his diction and how he uses as many ridiculously sounding words as possible for something simple turns me off the video. "Unashamedly plastic", really, you're trying to convince yourself to much Johnny.

I think the videos are fine, but I seriously think Jony could probably afford better shirts.


macrumors regular
Jun 3, 2013
Those CEO's are pretty rare. You aren't going to just pluck one out of nowhere.

Well, there's always...


...this guy.

Bob Coxner

macrumors 6502a
Mar 24, 2011
The segment that can't afford a product wr buy it in any country. The 5C is appealable to a larger group than the traditional iPhone was in the past. I think it'll do quite well in the Chinese market. And now with the path cleared fur China Mobile I think it will show through.

Incidentally the younger and middle aged Chinese market find many Americsn products desirable. There's so many knockoffs there. My wife and I have enjoyed taking advantage of that sentiment with a trustworthy pipeline of Americsn products.

Per the NY Times:

"Apple said on its Web site that the iPhone 5C would start at 4,488 renminbi, or $733, without subsidies from mobile operators. That is not far below the price of the new flagship Apple iPhone 5S, which starts at 5,288 renminbi."

US$733 is going to open up the Chinese market???


macrumors regular
Jun 19, 2013
With all due respect, i hope they do keep the 16gb configuration as the min. I dun want to be forced to pay additional ~$100 for space that im not gonna use

What me and other users want is higher amount of space for the same price. This is reasonable. Apps bigger and bigger/ flash cheaper and cheaper.


macrumors member
Sep 4, 2013
You know im tired of apple phones being so small but i need that new iphone because it just looks so damn good and i like that thumbprint scanner thingy.

but now those clowns in cuprtino think they can make >>> ME <<< wait anothe 10 days to buy? this is nuts!


Those CEO's are pretty rare. You aren't going to just pluck one out of nowhere.

I'm open. :apple:


macrumors newbie
Sep 21, 2012
What me and other users want is higher amount of space for the same price. This is reasonable. Apps bigger and bigger/ flash cheaper and cheaper.

^ This. Video uses a TON of space on these things. I don't need a ton of space but starting at 32g for the same price would have been a nice move. It also would have had me buying the 5S. AND It would have let me get the 64g for a reasonable price. Right now... yea no way I am paying that. The 4S has been my favorite phone I have owned, but they are making it really hard/expensive to even want to upgrade it. I will just slap iOS7 on it now and hope that feels new for a while. :rolleyes:


macrumors newbie
Sep 11, 2013
"It's simpler, more essential..."

"More essential"? Is Jony Ive parodying himself now?

I agree, Apple could do with a presentation refresh. Philip Schiller's tone sort of undermines his words. He sounds as if he feels embarrassed by releasing all those superlatives. "Isn't it gorgeous", he says. All the while Phil knows it's...well... glossy polycarbonate.


macrumors member
Oct 4, 2012
Apple is copying once again!

I have seen their pattern for a long time now.


They just refine what is already known!

I had a Palm Pilot once. Palm had a software store with freeware and payware.

Apple copied this concept and started the "App Store"...

Nokia had a touch screen internet "brick" albeit with a stylus. It could play music and surf the internet. This was many years before the iPhone...but Nokia made the mistake of not giving it phone functions.

They copied from Xerox, Nokia, Palm (among many others).

Now they copy Nokia AGAIN!

Even their presentation 10 sept did not show iPhone 5S/C screen - THEY SHOWED A LUMIA SCREEN - Incredible! but sadly true.


I have been a loyal customer a long time. But now it is time to abandon ship!

I want a bigger screen! I want innovation! (Fingerprint methods have been around for years and years...)

Bye bye iPhone...

P S It is starting to be embarrassing when they "overuse" words like "amazing" magical" "breakthrough" when they very well know it is not true. You can see it on their faces during presentations. They feel like schoolboys "caught red-handed" with a lie...

I know it is PR, but it is dishonest and they know it.
Last edited:


macrumors 6502
Nov 28, 2009
iPhone 5c should of been the iPhone 5 IMHO. The current iP5/5S shell is awful. How they can sell that as a premium device compared from it's predecessor; god only knows. People are right that Apple are becoming increasingly margin hungry.

Looking at the line-up now, surely Apple can afford to drop the bottom model (4S now) and have the 5c as the entry around £350 mark? (talking UK pricing here) £450 for a medium device is crazy. Can't forget Apple are still a luxury tech brand and always will be. Maybe they can't make the gap between 5c and 5s bigger because everyone would snap up the 5c as the 5s doesn't enough to justify its bigger price tag currently.

I will be snapping up a 5c as there's no competition left worth considering. My Blackberry Z10 is full of bugs, most Android phones are too big and clumsy and Microsoft/Nokia is a no-go.


macrumors 6502
Nov 28, 2009
I have seen their pattern for a long time now.


They just refine what is already known!

I had a Palm Pilot once. Palm had a software store with freeware and payware.

Apple understood this concept and started the "App Store"...

Nokia had a touch screen internet "brick" albeit with a stylus. It could play music and surf the internet. This was many years before the iPhone...but Nokia made the mistake of not giving it phone functions.

They copied from Xerox, Nokia, Palm (among many others).

Now they copy Nokia AGAIN!

Even their presentation 10 sept did not show iPhone 5S/C screen - THEY SHOWED A LUMIA SCREEN - Incredible! but sadly true.


I have been a loyal customer a long time. But now it is time to abandon ship!

I want a bigger screen! I want innovation! (Fingerprint methods have been around for years and years...)

Bye bye iPhone...
iOS7 makes it better than the other phones you described. Bye-bye you.


macrumors 65816
Dec 5, 2012
I have seen their pattern for a long time now.


They just refine what is already known!

I had a Palm Pilot once. Palm had a software store with freeware and payware.

Apple understood this concept and started the "App Store"...

Nokia had a touch screen internet "brick" albeit with a stylus. It could play music and surf the internet. This was many years before the iPhone...but Nokia made the mistake of not giving it phone functions.

They copied from Xerox, Nokia, Palm (among many others).

Now they copy Nokia AGAIN!

Even their presentation 10 sept did not show iPhone 5S/C screen - THEY SHOWED A LUMIA SCREEN - Incredible! but sadly true.


I have been a loyal customer a long time. But now it is time to abandon ship!

I want a bigger screen! I want innovation! (Fingerprint methods have been around for years and years...)

Bye bye iPhone...

Don't let the door hit you on the way out...


macrumors 6502
Jan 23, 2013
I do not miss the point. The price difference in between 5 and 5S is just too small.
I mean... come on! What is Cook doing! He obviously thinks, selling inferior (compared to Apple's own top products) devices for premium price does protect the image? The iPad2, the non-retina iPad Mini, now the iPhone C, the ongoing offer of lousy 16gb... - What this guy did (and does) in fact, is flooding the market with not-so-good-stuff for high price. How long will it take, to destroy Apple's good image? Cook is bringing the destruction a jump into mass-marked would have brought - and at the same time, this attempt is crippled by a greedy attempt of keeping the margin of profit insanely high.
And about aesthetics: iOS7 and this C-phone clearly show, that Ive's best time is over - to say the least.

Its priced at exactly the same price the iPhone 5 would have been after introduction of the 5s. And while you could argue you lose the value of the all aluminum casing they give you that value back with improvements to the camera and battery.

They're trying to offer the best components they can at the cheapest price possible. I don't see anything wrong with that strategy.


macrumors 6502a
Oct 15, 2011
Live wallpapers?

at 1m 20s on the Fingerprint video, the wallpaper is animated - is that a new feature?


macrumors newbie
Feb 7, 2008
McLean, VA
apple debased. By themselves

The 5c is a cheap product. Apple is not known for cheap products. They have shot themselves in the foot (or maybe the knee).

The 5s is simply not compelling to me for and of the features such as: 64 bit, faster cpu, better camera, fingerprint recognition, nice colors.

Could Apple be devolving to the lowest common denominator?

Color me disappointed. But I'll proably upgrade to the iPhone 6 next year. The Android doesn't appeal to me; I prefer the closed environment provided by Apple.


macrumors 6502
Jan 21, 2008
a few observations:

I think a lot of people on here are ragging on Apple because they are disappointed there were no Wow announcements. IMO what more can you do with a phone. Apple is doing what it making excellent reiteration with each release. Improving the camera, adding fingerprint, adding M7 chip, 64 bit these are all really a big deal!! In addition , a tremendous amount of work and time must be put into the software. Imagine how much programing has to be done on the camera app itself. It added multipoint exposure detection, it now takes
numerous images simultaneously and analyzes for sharpness and than creates the best picture from these. Imagine coding this! Imagine how much processor power this demands to make it appear it is occurring in real time. Hence the statement the 64bit processor will improve photos. They also have increased the pixel size! this is huge as an improvement to the actual photo way more important than increasing the number of pixels.

when people comment "yawn" "boring" "nothing new or ground breaking" you are really just advertising your own ,superficial uneducated narcissistic analysis
of technology and demonstrating your goal lack of understanding of computer science and material engineering.

From my armchair coaching vantage point my criticism of Apple is they don't try to go after numbers by decreasing their profit margin. To me it would seem the more people they get on the Apple platform the better. Once you drink the kool aid and buy tons of iOS apps you are kind stuck and will end up buying more Apple hardware. So why not just try to get every user possible by lowering prices? This being said I have a feeling Apple knows more about the business than me as evident by the the amazing growth their company has demonstrates and the huge amount of cash they generate


macrumors 6502
Jan 23, 2013
I have seen their pattern for a long time now.


They just refine what is already known!

I had a Palm Pilot once. Palm had a software store with freeware and payware.

Apple copied this concept and started the "App Store"...

Nokia had a touch screen internet "brick" albeit with a stylus. It could play music and surf the internet. This was many years before the iPhone...but Nokia made the mistake of not giving it phone functions.

They copied from Xerox, Nokia, Palm (among many others).

Now they copy Nokia AGAIN!

Even their presentation 10 sept did not show iPhone 5S/C screen - THEY SHOWED A LUMIA SCREEN - Incredible! but sadly true.


I have been a loyal customer a long time. But now it is time to abandon ship!

I want a bigger screen! I want innovation! (Fingerprint methods have been around for years and years...)

Bye bye iPhone...

P S It is starting to be embarrassing when they "overuse" words like "amazing" magical" "breakthrough" when they very well know it is not true. You can see it on their faces during presentations. They feel like schoolboys "caught red-handed" with a lie...

I know it is PR, but it is dishonest and they know it.

Its amazing how many of these FanDroids consider a bigger screen as an innovation. As if it takes some kind of incredible genius to stuff a huge screen into something that's supposed to fit in your pocket...

flat five

macrumors 603
Feb 6, 2007
Yeah, unfortunately Ive has become more and more of a parody of himself. I love his design work, but the fancy words and head tilt schtick is getting really, REALLY old. The way he babbles on and on obsessively about minuscule details like some Rain Man is just sleep inducing now.

The schtick had more relevance when he was talking about big stuff like the MacBook Pro unibody design and manufacturing process, but to use the same approach for trivial trinkets like the 5C cases ("...the soft, matte, microfiber lined silicon is a very intentional contrast to the glossy hard-coat finish of the iPhone..." - cool story bro, wanna hear mine? Once upon a time, nobody gave a ****. The end.) is complete overkill that just begs to become an SNL mock commercial.

I honestly think Federighi should be promoted to the new face of Apple, he carries the Steve Jobs torch better than any of the other clowns and his segments of the keynotes are the most enjoyable, informative and upbeat. Schiller's sweaty wart collection, Ive's autistic ramblings and Cook's nauseating accent ("gorjez ret'na displaaaaurghhh") kill the excitement.

lol.. and he's the one obsessively babbling? #
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