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macrumors member
Oct 4, 2012
iOS7 makes it better than the other phones you described. Bye-bye you.

I have had all iPhones since the start. I now have the iPhone 5 32 GB.

I have always been interested in tech and been an early adapter. So Palm Pilot ( in its "hey days") I had three models, the last being the color version.

Nokia phones I have had different models. Usually "high end".

So I can say with confidence that Apple has indeed copied "en masse"!

But they did a great job with their "copy cat" technique. They produced almost flawless versions of previous known tech.

The problem for some time is that there has not been many concepts for Apple to copy and make better!

The iWatch may be something well worth waiting for. But the iPhone 5* ( for me) is now lagging behind big time!

No fingerprint sensor can change that fact! More people will switch to bigger smartphones like the Galaxy Note 3 and Xperia Z1 after the fiasco presentation sept 10.

PS I already have iOS 7 on my iPhone 5 (latest beta) it works well. But the "design" is ( in my view) not better than iOS 6, just different. Different in a way that again shows copying. They have copied lots of design elements from Windows 8 mobile and Sealfish (former Meego).

So I stick to my guns and say once again:

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Jan 2, 2011
Per the NY Times:

"Apple said on its Web site that the iPhone 5C would start at 4,488 renminbi, or $733, without subsidies from mobile operators. That is not far below the price of the new flagship Apple iPhone 5S, which starts at 5,288 renminbi."

US$733 is going to open up the Chinese market???

For the most part yes along with the visual appeal. This isn't all happening over night but its the direction.

I think too often people expect too much out of day-one buisness decisions (much like political policies). It's a process, a marathon rather than a sprint.

I'm far from a big league entrepreneur but we've done okay. The Chinese market has been good to us but we've been cautiously conservative in what we do. It does help my wife is Chinese and has excellent contacts.


macrumors member
Oct 4, 2012
Its amazing how many of these FanDroids consider a bigger screen as an innovation. As if it takes some kind of incredible genius to stuff a huge screen into something that's supposed to fit in your pocket...

You seem to have missed my point entirely. I own an iPhone 5. I have had all previous iPhones. I have the latest iMac, a Macbook Air mid 2012 and an iPad Mini. So to call me a "FanDroid" is wrong.

But I was deeply disappointed 10 sept. Now it is time (for me) to switch smartphone.
I will still continue to buy Apples computers though, since they are superior to any windows "mess".

But they have "dropped the ball" with this latest iPhone 5S/C.


macrumors 6502
Jun 22, 2010
San Diego, CA
Its amazing how many of these FanDroids consider a bigger screen as an innovation. As if it takes some kind of incredible genius to stuff a huge screen into something that's supposed to fit in your pocket...

You may be right, a 5” big screen @ 1080p it may not be an innovation…but how about a new champagne color! Is this innovation for you and Apple!!!
Well my friend if this new “champagne color” is innovation, I hope Apple will patent this before Samsung :mad:
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macrumors 6502
Jan 21, 2008
As predictable as the sun rising and setting:

Run Program:

1) Crazy hype builds before Apple event stock price runs up

2) Apple releases great new products but no earth shattering device

3) People complain that Apple has fallen behind, too expensive, etc.

4)People on Mac Rumors give out their narcissistic ultimatum "bye bye Apple,
no more Apple products for me" (ps why are these people here to begin with says a lot about them) as if any one really cares what phone you choose!

5) people claim This is not what "steve" would have done

6) The new product goes on to sell more units than the previous product

7) Apple announces amazing sales figures from the first weekend, the stock soars back up. All of us in the know who have watched this pattern for the last ten years just shake our head in disbelief at the consistency of the pattern
and the easy money that can be made on the stock.

8) October gets closer new rumors about the next product start, stock starts another run up, people here start fantasizing that time travel will be possible on the next iPad

Goto Line 1


Apr 15, 2012
You may be right, a 5” big screen @ 1080p it may not be an innovation …but how about a new champagne color! Is this innovation for you and Apple!!!
Well my friend if this new “champagne color” is innovation, I hope Apple will patent this before Samsung :mad:

He never said that it was "innovation", that term was brought into play by someone else. Ad it's funny, not a single person is saying "Champagne is Innovation", while there are plenty of idio... Ehm people around who are saying that there are people saying that "Champagne is innovation". These kind of poor rhetorical seem to be more and more common on message boards lately, it's sad.


macrumors 65816
May 20, 2003
Dan Riccio said Touch ID can read multiple fingerprints in any orientation. (1:16) I guess that's great if a user accidently cuts or burns a finger that must be bandaged. So I suspect users should register all 10 fingers (and perhaps toes too for extremely clumsy) with Touch ID.

You could just, you know, use your passcode like you do now.

64-bit means bo-diddly unless it has 4 GBs of RAM, which I'm nearly positive it doesn't as that would consume way too much power. I guess the word length will be faster, but only very marginally and in an almost imperceptible manner. Perhaps in another two years 64-bit will be huge, but by then the upgrade cycle will have hit soo...why laud it as a feature if it does nothing?

64-bit can bring huge performance improvements depending on your app and how it's coded. For example, how many cycles does it take to multiply two doubles on a 32bit CPU? On a 64-bit? And I guarantee there are lots of iOS developers optimizing for 64-bit right now.

- If (Ive) the plastic casing is so incredible incredible... - Why does the 5S have a crappy metal case?

Is everything black and white in your world? Can we not have something that is good, and another thing that is better?

iPhone 5S vs. Droid Mini
Battery, Mini's lasts longer
Front AND rear cameras, Mini, more megapixels. according to various reviews, also better pictures.

Price: iPhone $199, Droid Mini $99. How is this even a competition?

Don't even get me started on the ability to sideload apps vs. having to play inside Apple's walled garden.

Battery - debatable. Show me real world tests.
More megapixels does not mean better pictures. Please point to the various reviews of the unreleased 5s camera that show the mini takes better pictures.

Price: iPhone is a better phone.

Walled garden: completely subjective. The walled garden is what made the iPhone successful. If you don't like it, who cares?

Is it just me, or do someone else havin' an issue with the biometrics stuff...

a) stored and locked at the chip only... - sort of "hard to believe" in these days

Any security researcher with a packet sniffer will be able to tell if your fingerprint data gets off the chip and sent somewhere. And if that happens, you can bet it'll be all over the news.

haha.. dude, are you Tim Cook or Ive? did we hurt your feelings? calm yourself.. spend less time defending Apple and maybe you'll realize that others can have opinions.

and ps.. Ive was raving about plastic.. take less sips from that kool-aid. nice job adding "thermo" and "engineering" in there tho skippy. you could try to get a gig doing next year's script for Ive.

If others can have opinions, then he can debate them. That's the point of the forum right?

I have seen their pattern for a long time now.


They just refine what is already known!

Even their presentation 10 sept did not show iPhone 5S/C screen - THEY SHOWED A LUMIA SCREEN - Incredible! but sadly true.


I have been a loyal customer a long time. But now it is time to abandon ship!

I want a bigger screen! I want innovation! (Fingerprint methods have been around for years and years...)

Bye bye iPhone...

P S It is starting to be embarrassing when they "overuse" words like "amazing" magical" "breakthrough" when they very well know it is not true. You can see it on their faces during presentations. They feel like schoolboys "caught red-handed" with a lie...

I know it is PR, but it is dishonest and they know it.

Wow, you've got issues. First of all refining what is already known is the very definition of innovate Get a dictionary.

And Lumia screen? You did notice that the tops and bottoms of the phone were chopped off, making it look like a different aspect ratio. What motivation does Apple have for grafting a Lumia screen onto an iPhone. You lost all credibility there.

I also chuckled how clamour for innovation, yet only mention a bigger screen. Because that's innovative?


macrumors member
Oct 4, 2012
As predictable as the sun rising and setting:

Run Program:

1) Crazy hype builds before Apple event stock price runs up

2) Apple releases great new products but no earth shattering device

3) People complain that Apple has fallen behind, too expensive, etc.

4)People on Mac Rumors give out their narcissistic ultimatum "bye bye Apple,
no more Apple products for me" (ps why are these people here to begin with says a lot about them) as if any one really cares what phone you choose!

5) people claim This is not what "steve" would have done

6) The new product goes on to sell more units than the previous product

7) Apple announces amazing sales figures from the first weekend, the stock soars back up. All of us in the know who have watched this pattern for the last ten years just shake our head in disbelief at the consistency of the pattern
and the easy money that can be made on the stock.

8) October gets closer new rumors about the next product start, stock starts another run up, people here start fantasizing that time travel will be possible on the next iPad

Goto Line 1

I will make short comments about your points (nr 6 and 7).

In some countries the people are not very bright (to put it mildly ;)

Anyone want to buy a new house?
Subprime mortgage anyone?
You have low income? - No problem! (in the US)
(We will just take the house back if you don't pay - Foreclosure.)

So what if the banks go bankrupt?


P S The point being - The last idiot is yet to be born...


You could just, you know, use your passcode like you do now.

64-bit can bring huge performance improvements depending on your app and how it's coded. For example, how many cycles does it take to multiply two doubles on a 32bit CPU? On a 64-bit? And I guarantee there are lots of iOS developers optimizing for 64-bit right now.

Is everything black and white in your world? Can we not have something that is good, and another thing that is better?

Battery - debatable. Show me real world tests.
More megapixels does not mean better pictures. Please point to the various reviews of the unreleased 5s camera that show the mini takes better pictures.

Price: iPhone is a better phone.

Walled garden: completely subjective. The walled garden is what made the iPhone successful. If you don't like it, who cares?

Any security researcher with a packet sniffer will be able to tell if your fingerprint data gets off the chip and sent somewhere. And if that happens, you can bet it'll be all over the news.

If others can have opinions, then he can debate them. That's the point of the forum right?

Wow, you've got issues. First of all refining what is already known is the very definition of innovate Get a dictionary.

And Lumia screen? You did notice that the tops and bottoms of the phone were chopped off, making it look like a different aspect ratio. What motivation does Apple have for grafting a Lumia screen onto an iPhone. You lost all credibility there.

I also chuckled how clamour for innovation, yet only mention a bigger screen. Because that's innovative?

Can't you read?

I clearly said I want a bigger screen - AND INNOVATION.

If you just read (what I wrote) you would understand that I do not consider a bigger screen innovation..

Me - You 1-0


macrumors 68020
Apr 12, 2010
I have a question!

During the keynote, apple showed a video of the iphone 5C being formed from a blue goo, and it looked really cool. Also a video of gold being melted and then forming the 5S.

Where are these videos? I would like to see them.

Also during they keynote they showed an ad and said they made some others, where can I view these ads?


macrumors 6502
Jan 23, 2013
You may be right, a 5” big screen @ 1080p it may not be an innovation…but how about a new champagne color! Is this innovation for you and Apple!!!
Well my friend if this new “champagne color” is innovation, I hope Apple will patent this before Samsung :mad:

I don't think anyone, anywhere has called the champagne color an innovation. Its an option, just like the paint color on a new car is an option.

There were considerable advancements in the 5s versus the 5. Better camera including the ability to take much better pictures in low light, slow motion, and continuous photos. There's a finger print sensor which will be instrumental in simplifying purchases (both in the app store and any future payment system Apple will unveil) as well as unlocking your device.

There is an entire new M7 processor which will allow app developers and entire new set of tools to build great applications.

The tech bloggers have convinced the market that all that matters is screen size. I'd prefer a phone that fits easily in my pocket and using a tablet/laptop for work that requires a larger screen, but maybe that's just me.


macrumors newbie
Sep 11, 2013

While I watch Apple technology developments, I do not anguish over the features of any new product. I use Apple stuff because it allows me to get my work done with elegant tools. I don't buy every iteration of everything, but I do have a recent version of everything. I generally update my iPhone after a couple of years just to shed the diminishing battery capacity, so I am pleased with the new phones and look forward to the major upgrade from my 4s to the 5s.

As for a larger iPhone 6, no interest at all. The 5 is already too large to carry or hold discretely. For larger screen real estate, I have my iPad. Soon, I'll have a retina iPad mini, and I look forward to it.

RE: 5c. My partner, who has never had any interest in having an iPhone, is set on a Rose 5c.


macrumors 6502
Jan 23, 2013
I will make short comments about your points (nr 6 and 7).

In some countries the people are not very bright (to put it mildly ;)

Anyone want to buy a new house?
Subprime mortgage anyone?
You have low income? - No problem! (in the US)
(We will just take the house back if you don't pay - Foreclosure.)

So what if the banks go bankrupt?


P S The point being - The last idiot is yet to be born...


Can't you read?

I clearly said I want a bigger screen - AND INNOVATION.

If you just read (what I wrote) you would understand that I do not consider a bigger screen innovation..

Me - You 1-0

He thought that because that's the only feature you mentioned. If a big screen doesn't constitute innovation than what does? What is some INCREDIBLE innovation that's on an iPhone competitor that's not on the iPhone. I'd love to hear this...


You seem to have missed my point entirely. I own an iPhone 5. I have had all previous iPhones. I have the latest iMac, a Macbook Air mid 2012 and an iPad Mini. So to call me a "FanDroid" is wrong.

But I was deeply disappointed 10 sept. Now it is time (for me) to switch smartphone.
I will still continue to buy Apples computers though, since they are superior to any windows "mess".

But they have "dropped the ball" with this latest iPhone 5S/C.

Ok you're disappointed. Great. What are you disappointed about? What specific innovation do you want to see? (and apparently since a bigger screen isn't an innovation then don't cite that as being one)


The point is the same regardless of who comes up with the words.


These videos are made for the non-tech people who haven't seen every one of Apple's iPhone marketing videos from the beginning. They are effective and that's why they will be continued to be employed in their current form.


macrumors 6502
Jun 22, 2010
San Diego, CA
He never said that it was "innovation", that term was brought into play by someone else. Ad it's funny, not a single person is saying "Champagne is Innovation", while there are plenty of idio... Ehm people around who are saying that there are people saying that "Champagne is innovation". These kind of poor rhetorical seem to be more and more common on message boards lately, it's sad.

I'm so sorry that I miss lead you into my sarcastic comment...look, why don’t you have a nice lye down and cut in half the Prozac

Shop online and don’t go in any stores.:)
You can order your iPhone 5c starting September 13 with a new pink or green rubber case…They ship free and ready to use:D


macrumors 6502a
Jun 17, 2009
The CCTV Capital of the World
I take your point but the smartphone market has changed a whole lot in the past 2 years. There is a lot more choice now. A lot more really good alternatives that cost a lot less than the iPhone.

I was watching the news channel this morning and they were talking to an expert in China about Apple's chances with the iPhone 5C over there. Basically he said Apple's price was exactly double what the competition are charging and that there is no way Apple are going to sell many of these in China at these prices.

I will be very interested to see the sales numbers into next year once we get the initial launch period out of the way. Apple's smartphone sales in China have plummeted in the past year.

I agree, things have changed over the last 2 years and that there is a lot of choice out there, if you want Android.

However, Apple did not get the memo and unless (I am assuming you have an iPhone) you are able and prepared to dump your existing Eco-system of Apple product's to go elsewhere, the cost's of doing so, may not be worth the pain for the gain. ;)

I for one cannot consider this an option, apart from the fact I think that iOS is a solid platform.

And yes, I also agree that the 5C is a joke.


macrumors member
Oct 4, 2012
He thought that because that's the only feature you mentioned. If a big screen doesn't constitute innovation than what does? What is some INCREDIBLE innovation that's on an iPhone competitor that's not on the iPhone. I'd love to hear this...


Ok you're disappointed. Great. What are you disappointed about? What specific innovation do you want to see? (and apparently since a bigger screen isn't an innovation then don't cite that as being one)

Innovation is something NEW!

If it is something NEW - Maybe people do not know it (yet).

The first iPhone showed innovation (something new, not known).

So when you ask me what I want to see...Well something NEW!

Actually I have a couple of ideas. But to mention them would not make me any money at all. Some big US Company would "pick up the ideas", include them in their smartphone and make a lot of money.

Remember Swedish inventor Hakan Lans? He had to fight 15 years in US courts and they "ROBBED HIM" anyway.

"Land of the Free" - Closest country you get to the DDR nowadays.

(DDR = Deutsche Demokratische Republik)


macrumors regular
Jan 16, 2008
lol the 5C is exactly the same as the 5 except for the cheap color casing. Seriously Apple? One year and this is what you come up with? lol


Mar 23, 2006
I agree, things have changed over the last 2 years and that there is a lot of choice out there, if you want Android.

However, Apple did not get the memo and unless (I am assuming you have an iPhone) you are able and prepared to dump your existing Eco-system of Apple product's to go elsewhere, the cost's of doing so, may not be worth the pain for the gain. ;)

I for one cannot consider this an option, apart from the fact I think that iOS is a solid platform.

And yes, I also agree that the 5C is a joke.

Yes I agree and that's why I will stay with the iPhone. But I read somewhere that the average person only spends something like $10/year on smartphone content. I guess most people use the free apps. So switching for those people isn't really too much of a problem. For me I like the simplicity of having everything work together seamlessly but if they want to continue growing Apple needs to get keep their existing users and attract more converts to the cause. That's going to be hard at these prices.

Todd B.

macrumors 6502
May 1, 2013
Innovation is something NEW!

If it is something NEW - Maybe people do not know it (yet).

The first iPhone showed innovation (something new, not known).

So when you ask me what I want to see...Well something NEW!

Actually I have a couple of ideas. But to mention them would not make me any money at all. Some big US Company would "pick up the ideas", include them in their smartphone and make a lot of money.

Remember Swedish inventor Hakan Lans? He had to fight 15 years in US courts and they "ROBBED HIM" anyway.

"Land of the Free" - Closest country you get to the DDR nowadays.

(DDR = Deutsche Demokratische Republik)

Nobody is going to innovate anymore on a phone; not Google, not Apple.

What do you want, a hand growing out of the top?

Why is it Apple is always criticised for "not innovating" in every release that they do yet Google releases minor update after minor update for Android and it's no big deal?

You're all becoming so predictable with your Apple hate.

lol the 5C is exactly the same as the 5 except for the cheap color casing. Seriously Apple? One year and this is what you come up with? lol

Because, as we all know, the 5C was the only thing Apple released yesterday....


macrumors 6502a
May 19, 2010
Wow the iPhone gets a lot of press from everyone. 5s looks like a really nice phone. Anything with a WOW factor may be a few years in the phone market. Unless you cruise over to "Alternative Devices" on this forum and see the peeps who talk about EVERY Android phone that comes out in great detail. MotoX apparently was innovate, Note 3 of course. WOW watch movies on a 5 inch screen!! :p

Anyway, I was a little surprised they didn't do 32/64/128 for the S, and start the C at 16GB's and offer it for $399 off contract.

My house phone is really amazing by the way, it kills anyone's here. Speed dial is revolutionary on it.
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macrumors 6502
Jul 25, 2010
I have to say that the videos have become so predictable and boring after many years of the same people, with the same format. They need to be more creative and try to keep people interested.
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