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macrumors 603
Jan 6, 2002
Care to tell me what other upgrade options Apple gave me? OK, I'll tell you: buy a new Mac Pro. The only reason why 4870 is not supported on my Mac Pro is because Apple would rather have me pay for a new machine. Makes perfect sense, for Apple.

Seriously? You're angry because they didn't give you something they didn't promise? Upgrades, of any type, are never guaranteed. Deal with it.



macrumors 65816
Apr 30, 2008
An Apple laptop cost nearly double for slightly better hardware and certainly better OS, but at that price premium, users should get the red carpet rolled out for them. Hell, Apple should pick up the computer from my house via FedEx Next Day Air, fix it, and ship it back for some of these price premiums. Instead, we have local dealers who say that they are authorized to charge us, plus get paid by Apple for the warranty repair!

Not true dude. Thats senseless unresearched PC talk there. Compare Laptop specs and included software and the Mac is the better deal AND you wont be getting a PC with the build quality that you get in a Mac.

I buy Apple care with my laptops and I've had to send two in for repairs before. Save the Red Carpet, they did pick up the cost and they next day aired the shipping box and the fixed Mac back to me. I have also been given the option to have it repaired at a local authorized dealer or send it to Apple for their techs to repair. I aways choose the Apple option.


macrumors Penryn
Jul 11, 2003
I'm not trying to defend these service centers or say that they aren't doing anything wrong, but I bet Apple wouldn't have these problems if they didn't make it so hard for these companies to make any money. Apple makes huge margins on their computers, but only lets Authorized Resellers make around 10% on each.

Nonsense. First, this type of fraud is rampant for all manufacturers. This is hardly specific to Apple. Apple, with so much more control over their product distribution, are in a better position than others in combatting it.

As for reseller "only making 10%", I bet most are ecstatic with that. Margins on PCs is often under 5 points. No one, other than the mfg. make money (and many of them lose money). You make you money on accessories and service contracts.


macrumors member
Apr 7, 2006
A year ago, I spoke with another Apple Authorized Dealer and told them my story. The owner told me that it is in his agreement with Apple that he can -- and will / does -- charge a $30 fee for fixing Apple products that ARE covered under warranty. To me, this is not right.

I work for an independent sales and service provider and per our contract with apple there is no charge to the customer for warranty work except if there is physical damage or if data recovery is needed


macrumors newbie
Mar 31, 2005
This isn't new

The auto-industry had (has) the same problem - but it's even easier to confuse the consumer because in a car, often the warranty covers some parts of the car, but not others -- even when they use terms like "bumper to bumper" warranty.

A dealership may tell you that "this particular part isn't covered under warranty" and you'll have to pay for it. After you pay for the service, they go ahead and submit the repair to the manufacturer anyway -- thus double-dipping on the reimbursement.

To combat, many manufacturers now do a follow-up customer satisfaction phone call or survey, which tries to be very clear that they are following-up to find out how happy you were with your "free warranty repair" (at which point you reply "free? no... I paid for it.")


macrumors 65816
Mar 16, 2006
Sarasota, Florida
Wirelessly posted (Mozilla/5.0 (iPhone; U; CPU iPhone OS 3_1_2 like Mac OS X; en-us) AppleWebKit/528.18 (KHTML, like Gecko) Version/4.0 Mobile/7D11 Safari/528.16)

Hmm I wonder which was the UK company they closed down. I've dealt with a few here in the UK and I'm note sure I could say one has gone smoothly.

I owned several dealerships in the UK in the past and know for a fact this was going on as far back as Apple ][ days. How do i know? Because other dealers explained to me how simple it was and were almost shocked I did not do this. My guess is quite a few do it to this day.


macrumors regular
Nov 25, 2009
Seattle, WA
yikes.... its kinda sad that it took several years for apple to catch on... even though its pocket change to apple its just retarded.


macrumors G4
Feb 5, 2009
The auto-industry had (has) the same problem - but it's even easier to confuse the consumer because in a car, often the warranty covers some parts of the car, but not others -- even when they use terms like "bumper to bumper" warranty.

A dealership may tell you that "this particular part isn't covered under warranty" and you'll have to pay for it. After you pay for the service, they go ahead and submit the repair to the manufacturer anyway -- thus double-dipping on the reimbursement.

To combat, many manufacturers now do a follow-up customer satisfaction phone call or survey, which tries to be very clear that they are following-up to find out how happy you were with your "free warranty repair" (at which point you reply "free? no... I paid for it.")

Excellent example.


macrumors 6502
Apr 12, 2003
A year ago, I spoke with another Apple Authorized Dealer and told them my story. The owner told me that it is in his agreement with Apple that he can -- and will / does -- charge a $30 fee for fixing Apple products that ARE covered under warranty. To me, this is not right.
That man is a lying piece of garbage. There is NO agreement for that. I work for an Apple service center as a Mac tech and I can tell you right now that he's been breaking the rules. Find out if he still does and report it to Apple. That's just disgusting to me. It is absolutely NOT permissible for a service center to charge the customer for ANYTHING that is covered by warranty. Period.

On the subject at hand, Apple treats service centers like crap, so I suppose this was bound to happen. Payment for warranty work isn't all that great and is based on certain metrics which can punish the provider for things that are absolutely not their fault. Also, the people down at Apple who design the enclosures and decide how everything fits together will have a special area of Hell reserved for them where they will be forced to disassemble and reassemble their abominations until the end of eternity. I swear that some Macs are designed as they are specifically to make the techs suffer. I can't think of any other reason that they would do so.

I love a lot of Apple products, but I hate Apple corporate. I think that would mirror the sentiment of every Apple tech out there.


macrumors 68040
Oct 3, 2009
I'm still baffled that Apple only offers one year of free warranty! For a computer! Damn... Even the lamest laptop you can buy that has no known brand has 2 years of warranty at least.


macrumors regular
Jun 30, 2007
You do realize that what you're talking about has absolutely nothing to do with the topic being discussed, right?

I'm glad to see Apple cracking down on this, as I would any other company being defrauded by idiots trying to make a quick buck.


You do realize it has everything to do with the topic. Fraud. Although Best Buy might not be managing a warehouse of used Mac Parts and making money off of "in warranty" and "out of warranty" items.....they are making money off misleading consumers about the warranty their computer carries.


macrumors 6502
Apr 12, 2003
Care to tell me what other upgrade options Apple gave me? OK, I'll tell you: buy a new Mac Pro. The only reason why 4870 is not supported on my Mac Pro is because Apple would rather have me pay for a new machine. Makes perfect sense, for Apple.
Your options are a Geforce 8800GT or Radeon 3870. Those are both officially compatible. If you installed a 4870 in your first gen Mac Pro, then don't cry when Apple doesn't fix it. Sure, it would be nice, but they said that it's not supported, so guess what? That means you're on your own if you decide to put it in there.

Or you could just use some third party hacks to run a PC card instead since you're going the unsupported route.


macrumors regular
Dec 1, 2009
BC, Canada
Huge surprise!!

Its a scam that a 5 year old could come up with. Practically every part inside these computers are serialized, why were they not cross checking the received defective part's serial against the one that left the factory?

Yet victims exist. Can't be that simplistic that it is "the sky is green and the grass is blue" ludicrous an idea. :rolleyes:

People obviously fell for it.


macrumors 68020
Apr 15, 2004
Washington DC
The auto-industry had (has) the same problem - but it's even easier to confuse the consumer because in a car, often the warranty covers some parts of the car, but not others -- even when they use terms like "bumper to bumper" warranty.

A dealership may tell you that "this particular part isn't covered under warranty" and you'll have to pay for it. After you pay for the service, they go ahead and submit the repair to the manufacturer anyway -- thus double-dipping on the reimbursement.

To combat, many manufacturers now do a follow-up customer satisfaction phone call or survey, which tries to be very clear that they are following-up to find out how happy you were with your "free warranty repair" (at which point you reply "free? no... I paid for it.")

While not exactly warranty related, the whole "If you don't get a receipt then your meal is free" is to have the fast food companies combat the cashier from pocketing the money you paid for your food.

I find it interesting how companies figure out clever ways to fight fraud.

Doctor Q

Staff member
Sep 19, 2002
Los Angeles
Suggested public services by MacRumors

1. List of third party repair and upgrade shops by authorized or not. Ability to comment on service experience.

2. List of third party warranty services, especially that cover customer damage. IIRC they are the same or lower cost than Applecare.
If you'd like to hear what others think of your suggestion, you are welcome to start a thread in the Site and Forum Feedback forum.


macrumors G3
Jun 11, 2008
Los Angeles, CA
How about the scam Apple is running on owners of 2006-2207 Mac Pros in which Apple refuses to honor their warranty on ATI 4870 video cards purchased for those machines, simply because in its infinite wisdom Apple decided these cards are not compatible with those models of Mac Pro, even though the cards work just fine in them?

Apple legally has the right to determine what hardware they do and do not support. So the question becomes whether they were up front about the coverage of such cards in their machines. Did they provide a list of the cards they support and clearly state that use of anything else would void your warranty.

If so, then you and yours knew what you were getting into. If not, then you might have a case.


Aug 30, 2006
New England
Your options are a Geforce 8800GT or Radeon 3870. Those are both officially compatible. If you installed a 4870 in your first gen Mac Pro, then don't cry when Apple doesn't fix it. Sure, it would be nice, but they said that it's not supported, so guess what? That means you're on your own if you decide to put it in there.

Or you could just use some third party hacks to run a PC card instead since you're going the unsupported route.

Neither 3870 nor 8800GT are sold by Apple. They were discontinued while my MP was still under warranty. A 3 year old Pro desktop is not an obsolete computer, for Xsakes! Oh yeah, according to Apple it is:rolleyes: FYI, there are MPs out there purchased less than 2 years ago for which there are no video cards officially supported/sold by Apple. This sucks, not to mentioned it's fraud, given that these machines were sold as "the most upgradable Mac". Apple did not tell me that I will have as little as one year to upgrade my MP with a better video card.

I put the Apple branded 4870 in my MP because, contrary to Apple's misleading information, it does work perfectly fine in a 2006 MP. I intend to exercise my right to obtain warranty service on this card, should I ever need it, even if this means using another MP's serial number to obtain it.

Are we on topic now? Good.


macrumors G3
Jun 11, 2008
Los Angeles, CA
yikes.... its kinda sad that it took several years for apple to catch on... even though its pocket change to apple its just retarded.

who says it took several years for Apple to catch on. HardMac isn't exactly the most timely site. they have more than once posted things that have been on other sites for days and even weeks as if it was a hot news item. Perhaps Apple has known and have been shutting down locations for years, this is just the biggest sting and the one that got press. just like the guy earlier this year that was getting ipods for warranty replacements and then selling them.

On the subject at hand, Apple treats service centers like crap, so I suppose this was bound to happen. Payment for warranty work isn't all that great

yes but the centers knew what they were getting into when they signed the agreement to be 'authorized'. if they didn't like the deal they should have skipped it. they could still fix the machines and charge what they want, if customers are willing to go to them. and for out of warranty repairs it doesn't matter since there's no warranty to void anyway.


macrumors 6502
Apr 12, 2003
Neither 3870 nor 8800GT are sold by Apple. They were discontinued while my MP was still under warranty. A 3 year old Pro desktop is not an obsolete computer, for Xsakes! Oh yeah, according to Apple it is:rolleyes: FYI, there are MPs out there purchased less than 2 years ago for which there are no video cards officially supported/sold by Apple. This sucks, not to mentioned it's fraud, given that these machines were sold as "the most upgradable Mac". Apple did not tell me that I will have as little as one year to upgrade my MP with a better video card.

I put the Apple branded 4870 in my MP because, contrary to Apple's misleading information, it does work perfectly fine in a 2006 MP. I intend to exercise my right to obtain warranty service on this card, should I ever need it, even if this means using another MP's serial number to obtain it.

Are we on topic now? Good.
First off, the 3870 is made to work in your Mac Pro and will not void any warranties. Ergo, it is irrelevant if Apple sells it or another vendor. It works and is officially supported by the vendor. Do you buy all of your RAM and hard drives directly from Apple, too?

And since when is a computer "obsolete" just because Apple doesn't make a particular upgrade supported for your model? Since when is it fraud when they don't make a particular upgrade part for your particular model? It isn't by ANY definition, legal or otherwise. Well, except for yours, but that doesn't fly anywhere else. Apple has no obligation whatsoever to make upgrades for your particular model. They never agreed to do so in any way, shape, or form. Your Mac Pro still functions and still works just fine. If it's still under Applecare and something breaks down then they will fix it. They are obligated to do so. If you bought the 4870 directly and not as an OEM part in another Mac, then your Mac Pro serial number is irrelevant. It's covered all by itself as long as you have a proof of purchase, which you likely do considering it would've been purchased from Apple. Serial numbers are only necessary for original parts, not separately purchased upgrades.

Boo hoo, Apple doesn't sell a video card upgrade for your Mac Pro. As it turns out, the 3870 doesn't appear to be on the market anymore. You know what that means? THERE IS NOT SUFFICIENT DEMAND. You can argue that Apple is just trying to drive sales, but when third party vendors stop selling something, it's because there aren't enough people buying. Simple as that.
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