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macrumors 6502
Feb 11, 2005
Everytime I consider cutting the cable, I work out the numbers and see that the TV portion of the bill is pretty cheap, and I'd lose my local sports, plus some decent channels and programs, that I end up keeping my TV package. If you consider that a 50 mbps connection and a landline (which I still want for 911) would run $80, it doesn't make sense to not get the TV at that point for a few bux extra, also considering that I own my own multi-room TiVo system and don't pay monthly for that.


macrumors 65816
Mar 31, 2009
They can't. Any more than Time Warner. Apple doesn't have the power in this game. The cable companies do. They have contractual deals affording them exclusive rights to broadcast in their areas. Until Apple can get the content providers to change the terms of their deals to allow direct access. It's a no go

Apple also finds themselves in a tough spot because they can't just go and try to get themselves defined as a cable company because of the government approved oligopoly that is the cable companies. In many areas only one company is allowed to operate via cable and the cable companies could try to argue that that includes their cable based Internet feeds and shut Apple out that way. So first they would need to get some kind of legal judgment splitting the two feeds up and barring the cable companies from blocking or throttling based on type of data or source. And they can't get that until a company does that kind of blocking and why bother until the first issue of the content contracts is solved.

All of which I think is what the rumored talks are about. Both for these apps, the iTunes stores etc

Well I know that but tell that to Charter they blame on Apple TV for not allowing some BS they always come up with.


Moderator emeritus
Sep 8, 2010
If you're getting internet, chances are you are also getting basic cable channels if you plug your tv into the wall (unless they install a filter to block the channels, which would cost them time and money to do).

Perhaps I'll give it try just to see. But I still don't want all the crap that comes with it. :p


macrumors 65816
Mar 31, 2009
Since I can not get HBO Go on Apple TV because my cable company Charter Communications is too greedy Apple TV should add Amazon Prime for the time being, imagine if they did. We already get it on our iPhones and iPad how different can it be being on Apple TV.


Mar 25, 2009
Networks more control over Apps than On Demand

But I can do that with DirecTV's HBO On Demand channel.

It seems like Networks have more control over their Apps than OnDemand. I find OnDemand pretty wretched as it almost never have full seasons of shows and programs, that alone past seasons. And it's fairly random what they do have. Sometimes a network like HBO or Showtime will randomly throw up a full season of say S1 of Boardwalk empire, but then have maybe eps 4 and 7 of S2, and the last ep of the current season.

And it's all timed, I remember the first time I watched Game of Thrones was on HBO OnDemand, I was watching S1 and really getting into it, by the time I got to Episode 7 they pulled the damn season off for almost a year. So I was left hanging and lost interest in the show. I don't even bother with OnDemand anymore because it is so frustrating.

With HBO Go you get practically EVERYTHING that HBO has ever produced, plus all their movies and it doesn't seem like any of the shows are timed. So that means all seasons of GOT, Wire, Sopranos, Entourage, etc. None of which are available on their OnDemand Channels.


macrumors G4
Sep 15, 2011
Vilano Beach, FL
Everytime I consider cutting the cable, I work out the numbers and see that the TV portion of the bill is pretty cheap, and I'd lose my local sports, plus some decent channels and programs, that I end up keeping my TV package. If you consider that a 50 mbps connection and a landline (which I still want for 911) would run $80, it doesn't make sense to not get the TV at that point for a few bux extra, also considering that I own my own multi-room TiVo system and don't pay monthly for that.

Same here, I work out the numbers, factor in the "costs" involved in time/effort/ease-of-use, actual costs with various services (and subs required to keep up with various series), and keep winding up with pay TV services.


macrumors 601
May 19, 2011
I can't help thinking we must be heading for an App Store. All these apps are great, but they can't just keep cramming them all onto the home screen. An App Store would also allow for a wider range of channels available and also country specific apps such as iPlayer, 4OD and iTV Player here in the UK. As well as other film services such as LoveFilm.


macrumors G3
Jun 11, 2008
Los Angeles, CA
And it's fairly random what they do have. Sometimes a network like HBO or Showtime will randomly throw up a full season of say S1 of Boardwalk empire, but then have maybe eps 4 and 7 of S2, and the last ep of the current season.

Yep. That's why many would rather own their fav shows. Too much of these games like Amazon getting an exclusive deal on Downton Abbey seasons one and two and forcing it off Netflix. I don't like Amazon so I had to either give money to a company I don't like or skip streaming them. Fortunately iTunes out them on sale at a decent price so I just bought them. No regrets.

But there are even still issues like shows that are up on iTunes that are missing seasons. I haven't checked in a while but only seasons 1, 2 and 4 of Secret Diary of a ********* were up for ages, might still be. Season 2 of Jeremiah with no season one. Season one of several order shows with none of the other seasons and so on. And then there are the shows where the first two seasons are only in SD etc. The whole thing needs serious clean up


macrumors 6502a
Sep 17, 2007
Every time I read these "Apple TV update announcement" threads, I'm happy my wife and I cut the cord. So many people getting so upset that they want to cut the cord but can't live without such and such channel or that it doesn't work with their cable company. I was the same way. We cut the cord to not only save money but to, more importantly, force ourselves to change our viewing habits so we don't watch so much damn TV.

Want to cut the cord? Just do it and forget about the fact that you won't get HBO Go. Read a book or go outside instead (or watch something on Netflix). Had we not cut the cord, my wife and I never would have started watching shows we've discovered since that are now some of our favorites. There's so much else to watch or do. Really, there's life beyond Game of Thrones and whatever other show that you would loose by not having cable TV.


macrumors 68040
Sep 3, 2010
And STILL no Time Warner

Tim Cook needs to be fired

Not just for letting Roku beat them to it, but because of the big **** up that he allowed to happen today. Moron let Samsung beat them to the market with a SmartWatch.

He's got to go for his incompetence. He is killing Apple!

1) did Jobs rage out when a Diamond launched MP3 players before them? nope. why? because apple's would be better.

2) Cooks is CEO of the most profitable PC maker in the biz, the most profitable cell phone maker, and most profitable tablet maker. why on earth would you think theyd fired him? because youre bored with your life and want new toys nooooowww? get over yourself, man.
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