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macrumors 6502
Aug 29, 2006
You don't HAVE to use apps that have iAds.:)

One sure doesn't. Ads are my pet peeve, even the banner ads I am already getting in iOS4. I am deleting all my apps with them, except Fandango because I dont like the other movie apps. The rest...into the dustbin!


macrumors G5
May 2, 2002
Who in their right mind thinks this is a good thing???

I didn't pay good money to buy an iPod and purchase apps to be subjected to advertisements.

This doesn't benefit me the customer - only Apple and app developers.

You may not own an iPhone or iPod or any smartphone, so what you may not realize is that there have ALWAYS been two common ways for developers to pay their rent and buy food:

1. Sell the app.

2. Sell ad space.

Ads in apps are nothing new. There have been free, ad-supported apps on the iPhone for as long as the App Store has existed. Ditto for other platforms. BOTH options will always exist: free apps, and paid ad-free apps. (Obviously if a developer chooses to put ads in a paid app, users and reviewers won’t like that. Which is why that has never taken off.)

Apple didn’t suddenly invent app ads. They simply offered a better alternative for them. Better for developers AND for users.

So what makes you think paid apps will suddenly have ads in them? That’s absurd: devs could always have done that, that’s nothing to do with iAds. But users object, and devs act accordingly. As they have for years now.

iAds is certainly a pretty boring feature (except for developers—and feeding them does bring cool stuff to users!) but it’s not a harmful one.

One sure doesn't. Ads are my pet peeve, even the banner ads I am already getting in iOS4. I am deleting all my apps with them, except Fandango because I dont like the other movie apps. The rest...into the dustbin!

Banner ads are nothing to do with iOS4. Certain apps and web sites have always had them, and always will. There were plenty of ad services (including Google) before Apple added their own offering to the mix. Nothing has changed in that regard. And choosing not to use those apps is indeed the solution! (I personally like when an app is free, with ads, but you can choose to buy the app and have no ads. Options are nice—and I take advantage of both options. I like free apps! At the same time, in some cases it’s worth it to me to buy once and skip the ads.)


macrumors regular
Apr 28, 2008
South Florida
Get a job. If you can't afford a buck or two for a quality app, maybe you have other priorities in your life that should be concerning you.

I don't have a job, but I do have a company, thank you very much.

I work with a lot of developers and most app buyers like FREE apps, this enables us to do that and still keep high quality.


Sep 15, 2009
Dallas, TX
Am I the only who finds the fact that iAds can use location targeted ads but we have to pay $99 to find our iPhone through targeted location?


macrumors 6502
Jun 6, 2006
St. John's, Newfoundland
well...'s called 'selling an app', you know, like actually making money from the sale of a product. If an ap isn't worth buying for $.99, I doubt the value will skyrocket merely by making it free and ad-supported. may be right...time will tell if it's a success or not...personally I buy apps and expect them to not have advertising...


macrumors regular
Apr 28, 2010
Who in their right mind thinks this is a good thing???

I didn't pay good money to buy an iPod and purchase apps to be subjected to advertisements.

This doesn't benefit me the customer - only Apple and app developers.

It benefits you because that's how developers are able to make their apps FREE! You'll rarely see ads on paid apps...


macrumors 65816
Jan 23, 2003
Silicon Valley
Who in their right mind thinks this is a good thing???

I didn't pay good money to buy an iPod and purchase apps to be subjected to advertisements.

This doesn't benefit me the customer - only Apple and app developers.

No, you didn't purchase apps to be subjected to advertisements. You got FREE apps that have ads to subsidize them. Not QUITE the same thing.


macrumors 65816
Jan 23, 2003
Silicon Valley
Am I the only who finds the fact that iAds can use location targeted ads but we have to pay $99 to find our iPhone through targeted location?

Actually, no you don't. There are a number of "find my iPhone" clones in the app store that don't require MobileMe. And the $99/year gets you more than just "find my iPhone."


macrumors newbie
Dec 16, 2008
The fact that Apple not only has some of you accepting this...but excited about it and welcoming it with open arms...might just be the most goddamn pathetic thing I've seen in an age. Talk about Stockholm Syndrome.

These are ADS! Why are you people happy...about ADS?! Just because Jobs says these are swell, Apple got you acting like trained circus seals, just mindlessly clapping away.

Sheesh! Next thing you know people will be looking forward to commercials during sporting events, like the Super Bowl!!


macrumors 65816
Mar 22, 2010
London, UK
I just downloaded the app only for the ads( I wonder how many of you did the same) but the ad isn't there!


macrumors 6502a
Jul 30, 2008

Get a job. If you can't afford a buck or two for a quality app, maybe you have other priorities in your life that should be concerning you.

Way to completely miss his point. You know how people use Hulu because it's free and ad-supported? You know how people use YouTube because it's free and ad-supported? You know how people use Google because it's free and ad-supported?

By your philosophy, only deadbeats with no jobs should be using the aforementioned services. "Real" people with jobs, according to you, only use services that require you to pay up-front, right?

What you don't understand, or don't know, or choose not to accept, is that iAds are no different than AdMob ads that have been present since the introduction of the App Store. The only difference is that Apple is working to make the ads LESS intrusive and MORE relevant. That's it. Ads don't take up any more space than AdMob ads (small banner at the bottom of the screen), and as before their usage is determined by the developers who create the applications.

So you can blame Apple, your trusty scapegoat for ads in Applications, but at the end of the day they are included because developers have chosen to include them.

Small White Car

macrumors G4
Aug 29, 2006
Washington DC
I just downloaded the app only for the ads( I wonder how many of you did the same) but the ad isn't there!

I saw it a few minutes ago, but now I can't get it either.

I assumed it was some kind of "once you've seen it, it goes away for awhile" thing, but if you're not seeing it either than maybe they took it down for some reason?


macrumors 68030
Jun 27, 2009
yep, considering it was free (I mean ad supported) I did a curiosity download and there is NO ad lol


macrumors 604
Mar 17, 2004
Who in their right mind thinks this is a good thing???

I didn't pay good money to buy an iPod and purchase apps to be subjected to advertisements.

This doesn't benefit me the customer - only Apple and app developers.

You're being silly. If it benefits app developers, it is a draw to the iPhone platform. More developers = more applications for iPhone instead of Android. More applications = good for you.

Lack of developer support is what kills platforms.

On top of that, we're talking about ads that don't interrupt your current application- a step up from Google ads in most applications right now.

And finally, making it easier for developers to implement ads means more free apps.


macrumors 68020
Jan 6, 2004
Raleigh, NC
First Hulu makes us pay a low price for content that would normally cost us $50/month with cable... now Apple expects us to be delivered decent advertising for some free apps? Inexcusable!

Hulu and the Apple app developers should give us everything we want for free out of the goodness of their hearts! They don't NEED to get paid so they can do frivolous things such as purchase food to consume!

I'm truly outraged.



macrumors newbie
Jun 24, 2010
Who in their right mind thinks this is a good thing???

I didn't pay good money to buy an iPod and purchase apps to be subjected to advertisements.

This doesn't benefit me the customer - only Apple and app developers.

Is the app developer gets paid from apple by advertisements, they wont charge the customer. This way everyone wins.

One thing you, as a customer, can do to increase the number of free apps, is simply lookup some of these ads, the iAds are really the type of ads that you wanna see.
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