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macrumors 68040
Touch ID is one huge disaster waiting to happen. We know how the NSA can get their grubby fingers into pretty much anything through secret court orders and clandestine scheming, and lying to the public (even congress) at the same time.
Quite frankly Touch ID is nothing more than a gimmick IMO, I can do just fine without it.

And horseless carriages were nothing more than a gimmick at the time.

Are you suggesting a connection between TouchID and the NSA - or is it just that we shouldn't worry about security because the government can take any data they want from us? I don't know about you, but I'm more worried about someone snatching my ipad or iPhone when I'm on the train than the gov't digging into my whereabouts. Frankly, I don't have an overinflated sense of self worth to think the gov't really cares who I am or what I do.

And TouchID is not just a way to unlock your iphone or ipad, it will become the way forward for general identification for purchases, banking, etc.


macrumors 6502
Sep 18, 2013
I remember seeing that video too! It just wouldn't surprise me if there was no touch ID,no gold in either the mini or the IP5. I'd love to see a IP5 with touch ID and a gold mini with retina. I know it's wishful thinking though. Hopefully there's just retina in the mini and I'll be happy :)

Found it. still pretty convincing, if it doesn't have touch id i would be shocked. :eek:


macrumors 68020
Jun 27, 2011
I think ipad mini will have hoping for touch ID. But I think in order for them to keep it under $400 they'll do away with the touch ID.

I wouldn't be surprised if they forgo the touch id for full size ipad.


macrumors 6502
Jul 17, 2013
It's not about having to remember them, it's about saving you the bother of typing them in. How many times do you unlock your iDevices every day? For me it's 30-40x (sounds a lot but if you count it soon adds up), combined with passwords for app purchasing etc it can save a lot of time and effort.

People said the same about Siri, but now it only takes me 5-10 seconds to google something, send a message, set a timer as opposed to 30 seconds previously.

It all adds up.

Not to mention your muscle memory adapts to touch ID.


Oct 10, 2013
Relax. The world is not out to get you. As brutal as this may seem, no-one at Apple, or indeed your government, cares about you.

If you've committed crimes, feel free to be a little paranoid, but whilst you're spending your quiet Sundays on MacRumors, I'd suggest keeping an open mind to this tiny piece of useful technology.

Thats what you think, before they do "care" about you.
There were two dictatorships and the holocaust where I come from, just in the past 80 years.
And the people who made them possible were arguing just like you:
"Your governement is not out for you. Dont mind being registered and identified, unless you are a criminal ... Its more convenient that way."
Next thing you know is: they make laws that might make you a criminal, they abuse power (like it usualy happens. Learn from history!) and at last they ask you to "take a shower".

I love apple. They make great products and I gladly give them my money for it. They introduced itunes to give artists the opportunity to get their rightful reward for their art without piracy.
But: A fingerprint sensor is a dangerous convenience.
Your generation will probably have to learn this the hard way, but sadly then it will be too late. I hope I am not around to watch.
Just use a pin. Is that really such a burden that u might have to give up ur liberty for it?


Touch ID is one huge disaster waiting to happen. We know how the NSA can get their grubby fingers into pretty much anything through secret court orders and clandestine scheming, and lying to the public (even congress) at the same time.
Quite frankly Touch ID is nothing more than a gimmick IMO, I can do just fine without it.

I agree!


macrumors 6502a
Jun 7, 2009
Louisville, Kentucky
I am aware how it supposedly works for now.
Nevertheless your fingerprint is saved somewhere. They might change policy later or without your knowledge and there might be nothing you can do about it.
Its also a psych trick to get people used to hand over their identity to an electronic device.
This is dangerous territory to go into and also frightening careless behavior.

Do you ever eat at a restaurant? Do you ever open a door in public? Do you ever hold onto a handrail? Do you ever drink a coke can? Do you TOUCH anything in public? Then anyone with a little knowledge can get your fingerprint.

What they can't do with that is do the steps needed to copy your print to fool the touch ID. They need a high res photo of your finger to even start the process.

All of you conspiracy theorists are the ones who are 'drinking the koolaid' these days.


Oct 10, 2013
And TouchID is not just a way to unlock your iphone or ipad, it will become the way forward for general identification for purchases, banking, etc.

You are hitting the nail on the head there.
Purchases and banking should be anonymous! Touch id paves the way into cashless society. That will be the last drop to lose even the most basic freedom.
They dont like you --> they just switch off your cash supply. Or better: confiscate it. Like recently in cyprus.
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Oct 10, 2013
Do you ever eat at a restaurant? Do you ever open a door in public? Do you ever hold onto a handrail? Do you ever drink a coke can? Do you TOUCH anything in public? Then anyone with a little knowledge can get your fingerprint.

What they can't do with that is do the steps needed to copy your print to fool the touch ID. They need a high res photo of your finger to even start the process.

All of you conspiracy theorists are the ones who are 'drinking the koolaid' these days.

Stay polite and dont call me a "conspiracy theorist". I wrote nothing about conspiracies.
Yes. if someone is out for you specifically they can get your fingerprint. Thats obvious!
Getting a fingerprint analog of a glas or something like it is tedious and hard.
Touch id mass digitalizes your print for all time to come.
That is not possible with getting it of objects.
Those r 2 different things. Apples and bananas.
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macrumors newbie
Nov 5, 2011
Kuo doesn't seem to grasp the Apple Processor naming scheme. The X indicates that it can drive a high resolution iPad screen. His prediction that an A7X processor will power the full sized iPad is logical, but the mini 2 will most certainly not be powered by the A7 if it incorporates a retina display. My "professional analyst" guess is that the new mini will incorporate the A6X.


macrumors 6502a
Oct 20, 2009
I just want a new MacBook... not retina, just something affordable.

These rumours aren't filling me with confidence. :(


Oct 10, 2013
Reading the last few pages I forgot this thread was about the iPad event.
Well, its about the implementation of the fingerprint sensor. Which might be part of the event.
I dont care for it, but as long as i can turn it off, i'll still buy the new ipad:D


macrumors Penryn
Nov 14, 2011
iPad mini with A7? Nope.This - and a retina display - will drain a lot of battery life.It's funny cause he predicts this and not a touchID.Maybe quad-core graphics.The reason iPad mini would not get an A7 chip its because iPad 5 will (A7X, X is just quad core graphics).So....Apple would not make ipad mini so similar with the big iPad.iPad mini means portability, not performance.


Once you use it u can never go back.:D

What features does the full size iPad have that the mini doesn't? Quite honestly, outside of retina, Apple hasn't done much to distinguish the two, except make the mini more desirable in terms of design and thickness/weight. And the mini design is most likely coming to the full size iPad so there will be even less differentiation unless Apple decides to purposely leave features like touch id off the mini to create differentiation. Personally I think that's mistake. The differentiation between the two is screen size. And the only hardware differentiation should be around what's needed to support the screen size.


macrumors 603
Oct 19, 2005
Well, its about the implementation of the fingerprint sensor. Which might be part of the event.
I dont care for it, but as long as i can turn it off, i'll still buy the new ipad:D

If you don't trust the implementation of a fingerprint sensor, why would you believe you can really turn it off? For all you know it can still be recording your data.


macrumors 601
Feb 26, 2003
around the world has some EXCELLENT articles on how the dual-core procs at high speeds run circles around their quad-core brethren which run at slightly slower clock speeds.
Or did you really want a slower & worse performing big iPad, just so you could say "quad-core, ftw!"?

I was talking about the rMBP. You could catch that because I was saying 13".


Oct 10, 2013
If you don't trust the implementation of a fingerprint sensor, why would you believe you can really turn it off? For all you know it can still be recording your data.
:p good point! If u wanna go that far how do you know it wasnt there all the time, just hidden.
I think I just count on someone finding out if they record your fingerprint in secret. I am just trying to say that people should be carefull with their most private and vunerable information.


macrumors 68030
Oct 21, 2009
I wouldn't be surprised to see TouchID absent from iPads. The sensor is supposedly in short supply, and iPads have different usage patterns to phones. I suspect iPad unlocks per day are a fraction of iPhone unlocks, and the need to unlock an iPad is probably much less urgent in the average case. With a phone you might be in a hurry to take a photo or make a call. With an iPad your likely to be doing something that's going to take longer anyway.

Plus the ipad is already unlocked with the Smart Cover so it could cut into the sales of their covers which are a high markup item


I just want a new MacBook... not retina, just something affordable.

These rumours aren't filling me with confidence. :(

so why don't you buy a 2013 macbook air?


macrumors 6502
Sep 18, 2013
Ahh so basically Apple not going to release anything new.. Same old iPads, Mackbooks? With faster Processors, larger memory. The same old crap every year? I'll wait for the iPad 10 instead.... :rolleyes:


macrumors newbie
Oct 19, 2013
if new ipad has touch finger i want to say to Tim "thank you" for your hardwork. it will be good device and many customers will be happy :apple:


macrumors 68000
Feb 15, 2011
No X chip for the retina mini? don't they need an X version for those graphics? Or are the 3 cores of A7 enough?


macrumors member
Jun 10, 2013
I had to register to ask you guys, what do you think of this image?

Let me introduce myself. I'm brand new to the Apple scene and the iPad 5th Gen. will be my first iPad - I'm so excited! I've been following a few websites for leaks and information, 9to5Mac, Cult of Mac, Apple Insider and of course Mac Rumors. I've also been scouring twitter to find any information I can find. Ctechcn have popped up a few times. They've even got gold case leaks, so how credible does this image look to you guys? Doesn't the iPad 5th Gen. seem to have Touch ID integrated into it? Am I reading into the image too much?

Sorry for the long post! Hopefully someone can shed some light onto it?

I believe this to be an absolute legitimate image showing an iPad 2 mini along with a new generation iPad with touch ID... Both in space gray.
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