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macrumors 68000
Dec 6, 2001
>Blakespot: I fear that the purchase frenzy that it will put me in will cause my wife to divorce me.

He he. I feel your pain. Lets all pray for the poor women of the geek world. Their bank accounts are in for a real shock.......

Love it. That is SOOOO awesome. Ha! I DO hope they have kept secrets from us! Nothing is better than the Christmas when you DIDNT peek at your presents in your parents closet, and the whole day was a suprise.

I also love it that they read our posts! Wonder what Mr. Jobs thinks of us?


Mr. Anderson

Moderator emeritus
Nov 1, 2001
hype the hype

Its become a feeding frenzy for all this speculation. I find myself sitting here getting little tingling feelings on all the possibilities, yet another part of me knows nothing can live up to it all.

It just seems to me Apples dropped the 100 mega ton rumor bomb and everyone seems to be in the blast radius.

Speculate away, the people at Apple are all sitting around smug at their handywork.



macrumors 65816
Jan 1, 2002
The last time Apple hyped something this big, there was a different, but now familiar slogan-"Why 1984 won't be like 1984." We all know what we got then. I agree with previous posts: Apple has dropped the bomb and I am so flustered I can't even speculate anymore. Whatever their plan was, it worked on me. If I was the one at Apple who did this, I would be quite happy with myself right now. The only thing that makes me suspect is that we have seen no TV commercials for something that must be this huge. It seems that maybe Apple is stroking our collective rumor-mongering egos. I'm loving every minute of it. :)



Moderator emeritus
Jan 2, 2001
Metairie, LA
Apple's Plot

So could all of this be part of an elaborate plan that Apple has been plotting for the past few years to completely rip through any expectations and complaints that the public has come to grasp?

Have they purposely held out on us to bring us completely over the edge come 5 days?


macrumors newbie
Dec 26, 2001
What is it?

It's IT
You know that thing that doesn't fall over. Apple has put it's logo on IT and IT will change the way we live.

That all IT is. IT



macrumors member
Nov 24, 2001
Totally irresponsible

With bankrupcies rising, it is totally irresponsible for Apple to deliver excitement and fantastic new products. Consumers will be utterly incapable of ignoring them, and will buy buy buy.

Seriously, Apple has some major cajones. That's some statement on their site.

I pray to the heavens that M$ and Apple do not merge, because that would basically mean that Apple was PURCHASED by M$. And it would mean more monopoly complaints against M$, so I do not see Gates doing it. Nor do I really see Jobs giving up control of Apple, which would be the lynchpin of any deal--Gates would want control. Compared to a M$ merger, a Sony merger sounds just dandy. So does a Motorola/IBM/ATI/NVidia (or some combination) merger.

What it DOES mean is that I am not going to buy that used iBook off of eBay (at least not until after MacWorld...) and that I will probably be several thousand dollars more in debt within the next month or two...but happily so, with my new i(whatsit)....

The suspense is killing me!!!

Brilliant, evil bastards!


Originally posted by
a) the iBox to take on the xbox and...
b) emulation technology from sony enabling ps2 and xbox games to run on the iBox
c) and, of course, the iFridge.


Of course, they'll get Muhammed Ali to do a commercial for it.


macrumors 603
"Beyond the rumor sites. Wat beyond."-Apple home page banner

Apple Computer, Inc., is recognizing the existence of these sites to the general public officially on their main page. That is news.

Apple is officially stating even the rumors are understated. That is BIG news.

It may be Apple has real products of real interest to the 95% of people who are not Mac owners. That would be a coup.



macrumors member
Nov 24, 2001
Now is the time...

I do not believe that a Intel box version of Mac OSX is likely, because Apple makes their cash on hardware.

HOWEVER--if they were EVER going to do it, now is the time. Win XP is probably the LEAST POPULAR OS M$ has released in 10 years. And Apple CAN control hardware, by having a very specific list of requirements for Intel/AMD boxes (e.g., requires Intel 1.5 or AMD 1.2, Fire wire and USB ports, etc., etc., certain sound card, certain graphics card, etc.) People who upgrade to OS X with a non-approved box do not get customer support. Or maybe Apple begins manufacturing a proprietary Intel/AMD box, or maybe just use a proprietary motherboard.

As I said, unlikely, but possible. But if they were ever going to do it, their time is now.


macrumors newbie
Dec 31, 2001

Last Mac World so many of us had high hopes.

Power Mac G5
Flat Panel iMac G4
+ more

I Want To Believe!


macrumors newbie
Dec 31, 2001

Last Mac World so many of us had high hopes.

Power Mac G5
Flat Panel iMac G4
+ more

I Want To Believe!


macrumors newbie
Aug 14, 2001
Northfield, MN

I could understand your reasoning for making a detailed list of requirements for an Intel/AMD OS X, but I doubt that many Intel/AMD users would purchase it (except for us mac fans). It wouldn't be worth the cost for development.

Steve Jobs... if you read this.... I can imagine you sitting in your office with some top VPs neeling around your mac trying to think up the most dastardly headline the confuse all of us, and then blow us away at MWSF. Fine. I understand. I've read nearly every book about you and apple (I needed some reading material for a long vacation this summer) and I think I may have tad bit of understanding of your management style. So what I'm asking you to do is this: keep having your fun. There's nothing I enjoy more than having a little fun. You've got quite a captive audience here with your mac fans, and we all know it's just a little fun. And I'm sure that you know that it's fun, and then you will blow us away at MWSF. I'm okay with that. In fact, I welcome your next message. I think we're all barking up the wrong tree here... Thinking woz's gameboy is a PDA... Man some people here REALLY want a PDA... I think Apple's going to come out with something NONE of us have imagined before now. Something as revolutionary as the Mac OS. Something as revolutionary as the Segway. And I am unqualified to guess. But I will say this, Steve: Don't let us down. If you and your friends sitting in your office messing with our minds come out with a simple product revision like you did at MWNY, then I think you will be faced with some serious loss of business. But, I doubt you'll let us down. One thing about you: You know a great product when you see one. XeroxPARC, Macintosh (Raskin's idea... Your baby), NeXT, OS X, and what comes next? I think iPod was a product thrown out there just to test the water. It floats. I hope whatever comes next does as well.

And, Steve, if you do happen upon this, send me an email. I won't beg for a product list for MWSF. I'd just like to say "hi."


macrumors newbie
Aug 14, 2001
Northfield, MN
JBS for Apple?

"They're just fooling around. They've sold everything they've got and went on a plane to the bahama's and live there forever."

There's a psychological name for this. It's actually called "Jimmy Buffet Syndrome."

Mr. Anderson

Moderator emeritus
Nov 1, 2001
100 Mega Ton rumor bomb to small

Whoa, with all this talk and its still 5 days away? Apple hasn't finished taunting us either! We have 4 or 5 more one liners to go, and most likely they're going to be even more sensational.

Can it keep the pace?

Seriously, they've obviously got something big up they're slieves, but to say its something they've been working on for 5 years or so might be a little much.

Someone throw some more chum in the water to really start the frenzy.


macrumors 6502
May 4, 2001
Montgomery, AL USA
Maybe apple purchased Adobe, and iPhoto is actually photoshop 7 and they are going to take photoshop away from the Wintel World. LOLOLOLOLOLOL.

Think about it, All the photoshop beta's are called Liquid dream and when I played with betas of 4, 5 and 6, they were all called photoshop.

Maybe they are going to release g5's, and make me mad that I bought a Dual G4 800 ;)


macrumors 68000
Dec 6, 2001
An email from Steve Jobs? You aim high. I like that. How do you know that an anonymous poster right here on MacRumors isnt Steve Jobs himself? hmmmmm?


The Newton is back!!

I just went to my local Apple dealer in Amsterdam. Checking up the price for an iBook, he suddenly went silent and then said "strange, Apple is listing somethings called PowerPod, not yet available". I saw the listing myself. Wanting to put an order on one immediately, we tried to do that. However, the listing seems to have been an error as the product wasn't able to be ordered. The seller reloaded the listing, and the PowerPod on the list was gone. Apple is messing with us!

This all makes sense: We've got the iBook and the iMac, the PowerBook and the PowerMac. We've got the iPod.... and soon we will have the PowerPod!!

My guess is that the PowerPod will be the ultimate handheld!


macrumors newbie
Jan 2, 2002
The Real Scoop!

My sources inside the US Dept of Immigration and Naturalization Services (INS) have confirmed the following:


It seems that ol' Fidel has been longing for a bit of retirement in Vancouver, British Columbia for sometime. He's agreed to sell his country to Apple for an undisclosed sum (rumored to be in the hundreds of dollars!)

By the end of January, Apple will be giving every cuban a new iPod and they will be renaming the country to iCuba. Apple plans on relocating it's corporate offices to Havana by the end of 2002.

That's all I have for now, but I'll post further updates as the I get new information.



macrumors newbie
Jan 2, 2002
Not x86, but close

OSX on x86, not going to happen.

OSX on Intel's Itanium, perhaps, and couple it with the superfast CPU emulator from and Aqua and Classic should perform as well or even better than the aging and lagging G4.

64-bit, blazing fast and OSX is on Intel's next gen processor before Micro$oft.


macrumors 68000
Dec 6, 2001

The itanium has been available on the IBM Intellistation Z for quite some time now. All Windows too. I would like to see the 64 bit G5 duke it out with the itanium though.


OSX wintel exists

Apple -does- have internal builds of OSX on Windows. But at the same time, they make most of their money from hardware. Don't expect it to be an OSX wintel, unless Apple has figured out a way to release OSX on a standardized wintel box.
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