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macrumors regular
Original poster
Mar 6, 2014
It says I'm not allowed, and the most likely reason is that I have not verified my email.

When I try to send an email verification, I never receive one. I have checked everywhere, including spam, and it just never sends.

Please advise and thank you.


May 3, 2010
It says I'm not allowed, and the most likely reason is that I have not verified my email.

When I try to send an email verification, I never receive one. I have checked everywhere, including spam, and it just never sends.

Please advise and thank you.
I believe you need more than 77 post, to post in PRSI.


macrumors Haswell
May 3, 2009
Please see the FAQ

Only users with a history of 250 posts (user title 6502 or higher) and membership for at least 6 months can access the Marketplace forum. Only users with a history of 100 posts can post in the Politics, Religion, Social Issues forum. If you start a "for sale" thread or political thread in another forum to avoid this rule, your thread will be deleted. Once you reach 100 or 250 posts, you may not immediately be able to post in these forums. The privilege is added automatically when the forum system does routine processing, so check again in a few hours. The delay is normal, so please do not contact us to report it as a problem on the same day that you reach 100 or 250 posts. When you first gain access to the Marketplace forum, you will see it in the Community section of the forums.


macrumors regular
Original poster
Mar 6, 2014
Thanks for the replies everyone! Don't know how I missed that.


macrumors 601
Apr 18, 2011
It's a way the moderators keep the spambots and similar out of PRSI. And in this exact respect it does it's job well.


macrumors member
Feb 4, 2015
It's a way the moderators keep the spambots and similar out of PRSI. And in this exact respect it does it's job well.

When it comes to spambots, what's the difference between a "Politics, Religion, Social Issues" sub-forum and every other sub-forum here?


macrumors Haswell
May 3, 2009
When it comes to spambots, what's the difference between a "Politics, Religion, Social Issues" sub-forum and every other sub-forum here?

Its not about spambots as much as the focus of MacRumors is not to discuss politics and social issues but topics related to Apple products. The idea is that people who join are doing so to discuss the technology and then later on if they wish venture of into the political topics.


macrumors member
Feb 4, 2015
Its not about spambots as much as the focus of MacRumors is not to discuss politics and social issues but topics related to Apple products. The idea is that people who join are doing so to discuss the technology and then later on if they wish venture of into the political topics.

That makes perfect sense and is the reason why most forums have a similar system.

The spambot reason was silly.


Oct 10, 2013
I came in here to tell the OP that posting in PRSI will get him banned, but I was too late. :p


macrumors 604
Aug 10, 2010
Indeed. I noticed that, as well.

However, I greatly doubt that merely asking questions about access to sub-fora with specific access requirements was what gave rise to those actions…

Nah, I just find it amusing how often I see similar things happening.


macrumors Ivy Bridge
Jul 29, 2008
In a coffee shop.
Nah, I just find it amusing how often I see similar things happening.

Yes. I know…..I have noticed this particular pattern as well.

It's PRSI in general.

When I first joined this forum - in common with many (perhaps most?) who subsequently joined, I had lurked for a while, as I had just bought an Apple computer (a MBP) and I had questions about the thing as it was my first Apple.

Anyway, I joined, asked my question, and lingered awhile. Then - as someone with a deep and abiding fascination with politics (I studied and taught it for years), I will admit that I was really looking forward to joining PRSI.

And when I did, I found it………bizarre at times. And still do. In fact, much of the time now, - and not against my better judgement - these days, I tend give it a very wide berth indeed……..


Oct 10, 2013
Yes. I know…..I have noticed this particular pattern as well.

When I first joined this forum - in common with many (perhaps most?) who subsequently joined, I had lurked for a while, as I had just bought an Apple computer (a MBP) and I had questions about the thing as it was my first Apple.

Anyway, I joined, asked my question, and lingered awhile. Then - as someone with a deep and abiding fascination with politics (I studied and taught it for years), I will admit that I was really looking forward to joining PRSI.

And when I did, I found it………bizarre at times. And still do. In fact, much of the time now, - and not against my better judgement - these days, I tend give it a very wide berth indeed……..
PRSI is about real world topics.
And the real world is a bizarre place. ;)


macrumors Ivy Bridge
Jul 29, 2008
In a coffee shop.
PRSI is about real world topics.
And the real world is a bizarre place. ;)

Well, yes, maybe.

What you call 'The Real World' is, indeed, a bizarre place; I have worked in some of the odder, stranger and weirder corners of that same world.

But - having said that - some of the hidden nooks and crannies of PRSI brig a whole new dimension to the very concept of what might be considered bizarre. At times, PRSI is not just 'bizarre'; it is the refuge of the downright deranged.

And, I suspect that the - ah, knowledge - of 'the real world' as displayed by some of the denizens who dwell therein is………..perhaps…..incomplete, or, it contains, gaping holes, or rather large lacunae…….

However, be that as it may. I have found that the loud expressions of frothing opinions - almost invariably conducted in a tone of wild incoherent rage - is no substitute for reasoned argument, and some knowledge or awareness of relevant facts.


macrumors 6502a
Apr 13, 2016
I found I wasn't allowed to either. PRSI exists under different name on many forums and usually with restrictions as it can be a scary and heated place to be. I've not seen a post requirement as high as 100 before but hey ho. Them's the rules.

I was going to join the Zika thread but will wait a while. Probably for the next disease :)
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