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macrumors 6502
Jan 27, 2007
Congratulations to lordonuthin/whiterabbit on achieving breaking the 80 Million Point barrier!

Thanks. I'm peddling as fast as I can! :D

It has finally started to cool down a bit here, well at least at night. It was 105f the other day, Texas hot! Ouch... Feels good right now (midnight) at about 70f, widows are open cool breeze coming through, not sweating so much.


macrumors 601
May 10, 2010
I have now a lonely ride in front of me; next folding member SteeveMoody is 7m points ahead. :eek: Ganbatte ...
The price will be: top ten ! :D

Louis Wu

macrumors 6502
Sep 1, 2011
congrats to Louis Wu on amazing 50 million points!

Thank you very much, Christian!

on to 60 million!

it's getting lonely here Christian -- aren't you supposed to be catching me?



Thanks. I'm peddling as fast as I can! :D

It has finally started to cool down a bit here, well at least at night. It was 105f the other day, Texas hot! Ouch... Feels good right now (midnight) at about 70f, widows are open cool breeze coming through, not sweating so much.

105°??? that's nuts. hopefully back down to normal for you now. sure is cooler these days over here...


macrumors 601
May 10, 2010
it's getting lonely here Christian -- aren't you supposed to be catching me?

That's the plan, our white bunny just need to send me one or two Titan ... Have enough slots free. :D
Else hopefully later this year ... But even plus one 780 get me only close to you with your current rate ... Need to squeeze some CPU more ... ;)
Last edited:


macrumors 6502
Jan 27, 2007
That's the plan, our white bunny just need to send me one or two Titan ... Have enough slots free. :D
Else hopefully later this year ... But even plus one 780 get me only close to you with your current rate ... Need to squeeze some CPU more ... ;)

There is a box full on the way to you! Just remember to put whiterabbit where it says username otherwise they won't work. :D and you will need to do "the dance" for the UPS delivery guy otherwise he will deliver the box to the next apartment where that cute girl lives, and she will pull a hat out of the box and then she will pull a bunny out of the hat! :p but seriously, why don't I just send you some of my folding points er, pointers :D:eek::D

Louis Wu

macrumors 6502
Sep 1, 2011
Still dreaming of a dual Xeon E5 setup. Then I ask my credit card and my power bill :eek:

I want to be a big guy too :D

you really have the basics of folding down to 2 simple steps:

1) open wallet

2) remove credit card...


There is a box full on the way to you! Just remember to put whiterabbit where it says username otherwise they won't work. :D and you will need to do "the dance" for the UPS delivery guy otherwise he will deliver the box to the next apartment where that cute girl lives, and she will pull a hat out of the box and then she will pull a bunny out of the hat! :p but seriously, why don't I just send you some of my folding points er, pointers :D:eek::D

was that the red pill or the blue one?

(actually, some of those "folding pointers" were pretty helpful in my regular life!)


macrumors 601
May 10, 2010
Now that is quite some precision: 100,009,102 ; missed by 9102 points ;)

And all those points made by and belong to whiterabbit: congratulation, great achievement & contribution.


macrumors 601
May 10, 2010
congrats to ChristianFAH on 20 million points!

Thanks; was a much hotter summer with my 780/660Ti this year. Looking forward to upcoming winter when I can more enjoy the produced heat. :rolleyes:

But also thanks to all you in #3446: it much more fun to fold in a team with lots interaction and supporting/cheering each other :) :)

Now I need to rebuild my Linux box. Plan to change filesystem to ext3 and maybe use Ramdisk as working folder. Squeeze more PPD; if I'm brave I install the new NV driver hoping the 36hr bug is really gone. Low PPD this weekend. :eek:
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