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macrumors 68030
Nov 6, 2012
Originally Posted by TommyA6 View Post
The thing is, the s6 edge has no extra functionality compared to the normal s6. The display is just curved
The note edge can at least show time on that side, but calling that very useful is stretching it.

I watched a hand's on and it can show the time, it also flashes a certain color depending on who is calling if upside down.


macrumors G4
Jun 11, 2009
That's fair.

But you can at least appreciate that this is how technology works and always has, right?

Not every advancement is an immediate and gigantic gain. Even the internet itself, was a slow gain that took a few years. When it picked up steam, then it blew up and we now can't imagine our lives without it. I mean, if we wanted to, we could probably list 100s of examples of this.

Not every innovation has to be immediately revolutionary. Most advancements aren't. But they do pave the way...

Personally, I'm excited that the Edge can make slide-out menus easier to use or the screen experience more immersive. Doesn't sound too bad to me at all.


Anyway, I think we've spent enough time getting side-tracked. Time to get back to the topic of the thread...

If the Edge is too expensive or too hard to come by (didn't Samsung say there would be shortages), I'd be pretty happy with the S6. The more I read and see videos of it, the more impressive it is.

I'm only worried about a couple of things:

1) Battery life. It's pushing A LOT of pixels. I know Samsung has rated the battery life to be longer than the iPhone, but I want to see real world usage results.

2) Touch Wiz. I've never really used TW before, and all this "lag" talk scares me. I'll have to see if the trimmed down TW really is what Samsung claims.

S6: 2550mah 2560x1440
Note 4 3220mah 2560x1440

S6 has about 80% of the battery the Note 4 has. Same resolution, I'm not sure if the actual display size makes a difference. With the hardware improvements I would think the S6 would have great battery life, I know my Note 4 just refuses to run out of battery.

You also have the power saver and ultra power saver mode and also the adaptive fast charge, those are all freaking amazing.

Don't worry too much about the lag, it does exist but really boils down to us very tech users nitpicking. The iphones have their own set of visual issues as well on the same level IMO.


macrumors G3
Oct 27, 2009
2) Touch Wiz. I've never really used TW before, and all this "lag" talk scares me. I'll have to see if the trimmed down TW really is what Samsung claims.

I've had the S3, S4 and now the Note 4. In my experience the talk of lag is over exaggerated. I even had people tell me, it's because I don't notice it. Well if I don't notice it, then it's all good. :D

I had moments on the S3 and S4 that I did experience some lag. But it was only occasional. I haven't experienced a hiccup yet from my Note 4 and I had it since Oct.


macrumors G4
Jun 11, 2009
Samsung experience guy last night said BB should stock them in about 3 weeks, does that sound accurate? I wonder if they will hold back the edge like they did with the Note edge. It's going to take a lot of willpower to not buy one, but I can't live without my stylus so I will most probably hold out for the Note 5, only 7 more months to go.


macrumors P6
Aug 7, 2011
Those are all spec bumps. You can try and spin it anyway you want.
Faster SoC=spec bump
faster RAM= spec bump
faster flash=spec bump
Gorilla Glass 4=spec bump

Curved display=not a spec bump, but functionality remains to be seen
faster SoC uses less power means better battery life

Faster RAM and new standard. LPDDR4 RAM not found in any other smartphone.

Faster and NEW flash storage standard not found in any other smartphone.

Newer stronger Gorilla Glass 4 not found on any other smartphone!

Curved display New technology and innovation.


macrumors G4
Jun 11, 2009
faster SoC uses less power means better battery life

Faster RAM and new standard. LPDDR4 RAM not found in any other smartphone.

Faster and NEW flash storage standard not found in any other smartphone.

Newer stronger Gorilla Glass 4 not found on any other smartphone!

Curved display New technology and innovation.

Note 4 has gorilla glass 4, it's still Samsung though.


macrumors G5
Apr 8, 2013
I've had the S3, S4 and now the Note 4. In my experience the talk of lag is over exaggerated. I even had people tell me, it's because I don't notice it. Well if I don't notice it, then it's all good. :D

I had moments on the S3 and S4 that I did experience some lag. But it was only occasional. I haven't experienced a hiccup yet from my Note 4 and I had it since Oct.

I agree. It's all overblown. The only samsung phone that I've used that had lag was the original galaxy note, but that's from 2011. Since then I've had the S4, S5 and note 3 and none of them lagged. I also used my boyfriends S3 and that didn't lag either.


macrumors 604
May 21, 2012
I agree. It's all overblown. The only samsung phone that I've used that had lag was the original galaxy note, but that's from 2011. Since then I've had the S4, S5 and note 3 and none of them lagged. I also used my boyfriends S3 and that didn't lag either.

S4 was pretty laggy in the USA. Phone was garbage truth be told.

My S5 and Note 4 were overall a smooth experience though.


macrumors G5
Apr 8, 2013
S4 was pretty laggy in the USA. Phone was garbage truth be told.

My S5 and Note 4 were overall a smooth experience though.

I know there were some issues with lag when it was first released but by the time I got it (July 2013) there had been a software update to address this. I think that's why I didn't experience it.


macrumors P6
Jan 17, 2013
Wales, United Kingdom
Galaxy S6

The S4 was pretty bad here if you believe all the complaints. The S5 was what the S4 should have been and I think it was this that hampered sales of the S5 to be honest.


I know there were some issues with lag when it was first released but by the time I got it (July 2013) there had been a software update to address this. I think that's why I didn't experience it.

If it was improved in July '13 then EE customers were left out in the cold. I know of 2 people who had severe lag and stutter until the end of their contracts in late '14. Unless of course it was a manual update that none techy types would have a clue how to install?

Sorry way off topic so don't worry :)
Last edited:


macrumors P6
Aug 7, 2011
I agree. It's all overblown. The only samsung phone that I've used that had lag was the original galaxy note, but that's from 2011. Since then I've had the S4, S5 and note 3 and none of them lagged. I also used my boyfriends S3 and that didn't lag either.
i have had the S3, S4, S5, Note 3 and Note 4, There might have been a little delay lag on the S3. But since then I have not had lag on any of my Samsung phones. I think it is all overblown and exaggerated. The current gen phones don't lag.


macrumors 65816
May 15, 2013
faster SoC uses less power means better battery life

Faster RAM and new standard. LPDDR4 RAM not found in any other smartphone.

Faster and NEW flash storage standard not found in any other smartphone.

Newer stronger Gorilla Glass 4 not found on any other smartphone!

Curved display New technology and innovation.

Every iPhone gets these kind of updates.

More/faster RAM, faster and less power hungry SoC, updated display/resolution, faster flash, tougher glass...

The Game 161

macrumors Nehalem
Original poster
Dec 15, 2010
The thing is, the s6 edge has no extra functionality compared to the normal s6. The display is just curved :eek:
The note edge can at least show time on that side, but calling that very useful is stretching it.
Actually it has more than just that..notifications and easy access to most key things you would use


macrumors P6
Aug 7, 2011
Every iPhone gets these kind of updates.

More/faster RAM, faster and less power hungry SoC, updated display/resolution, faster flash, tougher glass...

Not like these they don't. I think either you just don't get it....or are being this difficult on purpose.

New standard for RAM......LPDDR4 no other phone has it.
New standard for flash storage not seen in any smartphone
Curved display not found on any smartphone
Gorrilla Glass 4 No on else has it.

These are spec bumps but new products and standards.


macrumors 604
Nov 7, 2014
Thanks for the feedback. Good to know the lag is overblown as I'm really interested in the S6 or S6E.

I actually found Android on my Oneplus faster to use than iOS on my iPh6. Neither really lags, and neither is perfectly smooth either. They both have their hiccups here and there, and they're both pretty smooth. And I'm not even on Lollipop yet.

And with the additional features you get on Android, I think Android edges iOS out a bit. In fact, in my day to day usage, I am having trouble going back to iOS on my iPh6. iOS just feels so limited. What good is all that smoothness when there's so much your phone can't do?

Anyway, I can't wait for reviews/ user feedback on the S6 and Edge. I only recently got a Oneplus so I'm not sure I can justify purchasing the S6/E so soon, but I'm excited.


macrumors 604
Nov 7, 2014

Samsung announces new 8 MP ISOCELL sensor for front-facing cameras

Samsung today announced a brand new image sensor that's specifically made for front-facing cameras. Called S5K4H5YB (the name just rolls off the tongue, doesn't it?), the new sensor is an 8 MP CMOS one that's based on Samsung's proprietary ISOCELL technology, while also using a new RWB color pattern filter (this one's developed by Samsung, too).

This will probably be for the Note 5.


It looks cool. That's it.

Looking cool is hardly all there is to it.

Here's what you can do with the Galaxy S6 edge side screens: a features walkthrough

And what else might developers do with it...


macrumors 601
Jun 16, 2009
Brooklyn, NY
Thanks for the feedback. Good to know the lag is overblown as I'm really interested in the S6 or S6E.

I actually found Android on my Oneplus faster to use than iOS on my iPh6. Neither really lags, and neither is perfectly smooth either. They both have their hiccups here and there, and they're both pretty smooth. And I'm not even on Lollipop yet.

And with the additional features you get on Android, I think Android edges iOS out a bit. In fact, in my day to day usage, I am having trouble going back to iOS on my iPh6. iOS just feels so limited. What good is all that smoothness when there's so much your phone can't do?

Anyway, I can't wait for reviews/ user feedback on the S6 and Edge. I only recently got a Oneplus so I'm not sure I can justify purchasing the S6/E so soon, but I'm excited.

Just curious, what do you do on the one plus that you cant on ios?


macrumors 604
Nov 7, 2014
Just curious, what do you do on the one plus that you cant on ios?

Glad you asked! I always get so excited when people ask this. For starters, you should check out this post of mine where I explain (in pictures!) why I think Cyanogen's extra features make Android so awesome (even more awesome than stock):

Also, check out my battery life on the Oneplus in this post:

But to sum it up, the Oneplus is a great device at an insanely great value.

And in terms of specifics of what it can do versus iOS, it's just the little extra customizable features. Like the ability to set third party defaults (Rocket Music player owns Play Music and iOS' music player, easily); or the ability to customize my pull-down quick settings menu; or the ability to apply different themes (which may sound like it's just about aesthetics, but it's not. At all); I think Android handles widgets much better (in fact, I hated using Widgets on my iPhone 6 so much that I barely used them at all. Tucking them away in the notification pull down made it a drag to use. It felt so cluttered. And the more you added, the further you had to scroll down? It was just a mess in my opinion); the back button is superior to Apple's on-screen back buttons and even superior to Apple's sometimes-there-sometimes-not-there back gesture; typing and swiping is much better on Android; I can customize the on-screen buttons if I so wanted (I can add to them, rearrange them); it has double-tap to wake; I can customize the Google Now gesture to make it do something else (and add more actions to those gestures); I think the Play Store is so much better organized than the App Store; no more iTunes!; Google Now responds to my voice (I believe Siri only responds to voice when plugged into a car); and more...

Anyway, my fingers are getting tired and I can't think of much else off the top of my head. Do check out that link I provided above. I go into more detail (with pictures! :D) on why Cyanogen is so awesome.

Basically, life is easier, and dare I say faster, on Android than it ever was on iOS. After setting it up just the way I want it, my Oneplus basically understands me better and knows how to serve me, so to speak. Whereas anytime I go back to iOS, I feel confined to the way Apple wants me to do things (I hate how Settings are organized in iOS and how they're separated from their respective apps. I like that in Android I can go into any specific apps' settings right from when I'm in the app).

Anyway... hope that was the least bit enlightening. :)


macrumors 68000
Sep 5, 2009

Mophies going to jump start the battery cases.


macrumors 601
Jun 16, 2010
faster SoC uses less power means better battery life

Faster RAM and new standard. LPDDR4 RAM not found in any other smartphone.

Faster and NEW flash storage standard not found in any other smartphone.

Newer stronger Gorilla Glass 4 not found on any other smartphone!

Curved display New technology and innovation.

The One M9 uses LPDDR4 ram and gorilla glass 4, not sure about the flash storage though.

Also, LG has been using curved screen tech, though I like Samsungs implementation better.


macrumors 603
Nov 12, 2012
What isn't exaggerated is the overblown color, I put my other smartphones side by side with the Samsungs and forget about it.

If you can get past the color, then I can understand why folks have so many next gen Samsungs.
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