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macrumors regular
Jul 20, 2011
Taipei, Taiwan
Wirelessly posted (Mozilla/5.0 (iPhone; U; CPU iPhone OS 4_3_5 like Mac OS X; en-us) AppleWebKit/533.17.9 (KHTML, like Gecko) Version/5.0.2 Mobile/8L1 Safari/6533.18.5)

robT9 said:
If I'm not mistaken, a patent troll is just looking for lawsuits to file and really not defending any legitimate products. They are just using the patents they hold to hopefully make some money.

I think anyone wishing HTC or any other Android smartphone maker well in their suits against Apple is delusional.

Does anyone remember what smartphones looked like and how they worked prior to 2007?

Apple should get the credit it deserves, as Android is clearly a copy. There would be no Android without the Iphone.

And for that matter, Android would never have had any support if ATT didn't have the exclusive with the Iphone.

People purchased Android phones because they were "like" the Iphone, but were on better networks (Verizon et al).

Who are 'people'? People from the US? I live in Taoyuan Taiwan and people love Apple products here but they also hate paying an arm and a leg for an unlocked phone (all phones are sold unlocked here). Some just want a cheaper phone with less features and go for android. Anyway we need some competition in order to have innovation. If not iPhone 4 4ever.


macrumors P6
Jun 22, 2009
1. Daily Patent Lawsuit News Item
2. Competition is called a patent troll
3. Post is down voted
4. Apple should just buy ___ out and settle this
5. Post is up voted
6. back and forth repetition of every other patent thread
7. Rinse/Repeat


macrumors newbie
Mar 10, 2004
I won't say who I think is wrong or right in this specific instance, but I do think the patent (and copyright etc) system in fundamentally broken.

It is supposed to encourage development, healthy competition and giving an incentive to people/companies to make the world better for all of us.

Does it work that way? Nope.

Instead it hinders competition, hurts the real inventors, creates these kind of crappy "patent wars" and in the end stifles development and makes the world a worse place. I think it's time to reform the patent (and also copyright) laws so they work like they're supposed to.

Unfortunately I thinks it's going to be much worse before it gets better.


Rodimus Prime

macrumors G4
Oct 9, 2006
Why people repeat the same BS all over again.

Ps. People purchased Android phones in UK, Spain, etc because they were in better networks?

oh those pesky facts get in the way. Android was liked over seas.

I was glad when AT&T lost its iPhone exclusive. Right after the threat became real AT&T started selling some real Android phones. The first good Android phone AT&T got was the Samsung Capitivated and this year they started selling quite a few and added a lot to the list.

Simple fact is Android is popular and people like it.
My brother who has a 3GS has been talking with me and has pretty much desided to say screw the iPhone 5 because all signs point to it being a minor update and he is thinking of Galaxy S 2 when it gets on AT&T


macrumors 68030
Jan 26, 2003
BTW: That is not far-fetched: Microsoft owns a big chunk of Apple

LOL! Nice try. :rolleyes:


Care to explain how HTC is the patent troll here?

HTC is clearly not a patent troll. I'd say they're more of a Google sock puppet.


"Hi, we're HTC--quietly brilliant... and also doing whatever Google tells us to do."


macrumors 68000
Dec 17, 2010
Sacramento, CA
Wirelessly posted (Mozilla/5.0 (Linux; U; Android 2.3.4; en-gb; Nexus S Build/GRJ22) AppleWebKit/533.1 (KHTML, like Gecko) Version/4.0 Mobile Safari/533.1)

Like I've said before, everyone I work with has an opinion on the professional footballers and managers who play/manage the teams they support yet none of them are premier league footballers/managers. It's good to talk about interesting subjects, expert or not.

I would LOVE to talk about the EPL all day! GGMU!!!! :D:D:D


macrumors newbie
Feb 17, 2010
Seattle, WA
What is wrong with you guys?

What is it with people thinking software, files and ideas-put-into-practice should be free? Apple is in the business of invention, and they deserve what they earn. Someone actually wrote on this thread that what HTC has done by copying just about everything that Apple has created as being "good for competition". Geezus, man, go criminals, go.


macrumors 6502a
Jun 24, 2011
San Antonio, Texas
So android is a copy of iPhone? what about blackberry and windows mobile? are a copy too?? all smartphones are copy from iPhone?? then i can say that mac os is a copy of windows just because windows came first? competence is not copy

I believe Apple OS with graphic interface came first but others like Commodore or Atari (not the current one, Inforgames bought the name Atari and renamed itself) might have been before Apple.

Don't believe me? Klick here!


macrumors 68040
Feb 2, 2004
Pacific Northwest
Microsoft owns zero of Apple. They had a one time $150 million infusion of non-voting share investment, back in 1997 that Bill and Steve announced in Boston.

They sold it the next year.


macrumors 68000
Jun 1, 2011
Planet earth.
Reading the comments of these butt-hurt apple fanboys is really entertaining. Its like they willingly and blindly support Big Brother at any cost and Big Brother can do no wrong. Also, choice is a bad thing apparently.


macrumors G4
Feb 5, 2009
What is it with people thinking software, files and ideas-put-into-practice should be free? Apple is in the business of invention, and they deserve what they earn. Someone actually wrote on this thread that what HTC has done by copying just about everything that Apple has created as being "good for competition". Geezus, man, go criminals, go.

Nah, it's all fair and square. Let the courts figure it out and help everyone clarify their positions.

This is actually a good thing. We'll see who stands where and who owns what, and who needs to change up their game.

This is why the system exists. Let all parties test each others' IP.


macrumors G4
Feb 5, 2009
Reading the comments of these butt-hurt apple fanboys is really entertaining. Its like they willingly and blindly support Big Brother at any cost and Big Brother can do no wrong. Also, choice is a bad thing apparently.

Except Apple isn't actually "Big Brother." Nor is any consumer tech company.


macrumors Pentium
Jan 28, 2009
Quebec, Canada
Apple should get the credit it deserves, as Android is clearly a copy. There would be no Android without the Iphone.

Again for the people just tuning in : Android is an operating system, a piece of software. iPhone is a mobile handset, a piece of hardware.

Android is not a copy of the iPhone. That would be like saying Photoshop is a copy of a Logitech mouse.


macrumors 68000
Jun 1, 2011
Planet earth.
Not yet............

Apple will loose, they are going to loose market share to Android sooner or later too, and when Samsung have it's day in court and beat Apple........

I would imagine Google is beginning to get annoyed with Apple, it's gonna be fun watching them slay each other!

Now I know why Steve Jobs resigned as CEO. Go out while on top, cuz the future looks bleak for Apple. Its only a matter of time before Apple's locked down 1984-George-Orwell like ways are taken over by... you know, CHOICE.


macrumors 6502a
Jul 15, 2010
Yes bc having a choice is good. Just bc the iphone influenced the market doesnt mean other manufacturers should be stuck in the past with devices that look like my first nokia.

if you want to create a phone that looks and works like the iPhone, maybe ... just maybe you should license some patent from Apple.

Who are you to say that there's no other way to make a smartphone? go spend some R&D dollars on making a brain controlled smartphone. Collect money from Apple when they want to make a brain controlled smartphone.


macrumors G4
Feb 5, 2009
Now I know why Steve Jobs resigned as CEO. Go out while on top, cuz the future looks bleak for Apple. Its only a matter of time before Apple's locked down 1984-George-Orwell like ways are taken over by... you know, CHOICE.

Yeah, that must be the reason.
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