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macrumors G5
May 18, 2008
It's called the "iPhone Software Development Kit" for a reason. It just includes the iPad now.

Sorry, I was just remembering something about 3.2 being ipad only and confused the issue.


Jul 25, 2007
It's called the "iPhone Software Development Kit" for a reason. It just includes the iPad now.

The title of this thread is misleading.

To be clear: "It just also includes the iPad now."

Some parts of the SDK only will work on iPad, of course, but I can't talk about that.


Apr 1, 2005
Space The Only Frontier
Sorry, I was just remembering something about 3.2 being ipad only and confused the issue.

Not a biggie. Like I said. The title of this discussion makes it look like the iPad SDK when in fact that is wrong.

cmaier: the first SDK beta had the iPhone in it too. you just probably didn't see it.


macrumors regular
Jun 17, 2008
Sydney, Australia
Right, it'll just be a bunch of people with double chins because they're looking down. Still ridiculous.

Too true. Double chins, and evil looking shadows (unless the ipad shines a light upwards into your face).

Add to that having the lights in the room (or the sun!) shining down from behind your head straight into the ipad camera screwing with the camera's exposure balance.

Either way, nostrils or double chins with freaky shadows and major backlight issues - sounds like horror movie video chat.

Hang on, I've solved it. Lie on the floor (or grass) and hold the ipad in the air facing down towards you with the room lights (or sun) behind it. For short video chats only, because your arms will get pretty sore.



Jul 25, 2007
Not a biggie. Like I said. The title of this discussion makes it look like the iPad SDK when in fact that is wrong.

cmaier: the first SDK beta had the iPhone in it too. you just probably didn't see it.

Yeah, but you couldn't build for iPhone 3.1.3, and you couldn't build universal apps.


macrumors 65816
Oct 6, 2008
Hang on, I've solved it. Lie on the floor (or grass) and hold the ipad in the air facing down towards you with the room lights (or sun) behind it. For short video chats only, because your arms will get pretty sore.

Perfect solution - or you could rest in in the case/stand they demoed in the keynote.

It seems some are going out of their way to criticise a camera through a lack of imagination (or they fell out of the ugly tree and hit every branch on the way down).

Clarke and Kubrick told us we would have video chats that worked 9 years ago - can't believe we are finally getting there.


macrumors 68040
Sep 16, 2007
For those who don't want camera shots up their nose:


  • case_4_20100127.png
    163.5 KB · Views: 68


macrumors 6502a
Apr 19, 2005
It seems that almost everyone in their haste to start bitching about what the iPad does or does not do, completely over-looked the little 30 pin-USB connector along with the 30 pin-SD card slot version. YOU ALREADY HAVE SOMETHING BETTER THAN A BUILT IN CAMERA, IT'S CALLED THE iPHONE!

Do I? Damn, who's replaced my Nokia?

When connected to the iPad you will have the best camera for video conferencing, taking photos or pretty much anything else you'd need from a camera, only you have it all rolled into one small, universal device that you can move and position anywhere you like!.

Phew, you did mean my Nokia.

My guess is that it's only a matter of time before you don't even need the wire, you'll be able to use them both together in ad-hoc mode over wifi or bluetooth (if it's fast enough).

I have to say you're a genius though!

"Build in the much better $5 part from a Macbook or expect our customers to pay close to $2000 (phone+contract) for an even worse part in an iPhone."

I'm sure that's exactly what was in the mind of Jobs when he canned the camera from the gap in the bezel.

Why would Apple include a front or rear facing camera in the iPad that would serve as a horrible picture taking experience considering you'd have to hold the iPad out in front of you like a complete idiot? It's about form factor!

Yeah, because holding TWO devices in front of you with a cable between them is a much better form factor. Don't forget the Apple head mounted "magic meat sausage" pointing device to use your two devices and the Jonny Ives designed Apple Mirror so you can see the screen on the iPhone as it doesn't have a front facing camera.

But it does solve the multi-tasking problem for all those people that can't just do one thing at a time with huge annoying gaps between changing tasks.

Also this way it gives people who haven't bought an iPhone more incentive to get one.

See, Genius. You should have a job at Apple marketing.

Some people might suggest it would be an incentive to not buy either of them as it's patently stupid. Don't listen to them though.

Once again, the common mistake is being made here. It's not what Apple gear does or doesn't's HOW IT DOES IT!

I thought it was more zen than that. Surely it's HOW IT DOESN'T DO IT?

I'm always amazed by how cool the iPhone UI is whilst it's not doing something that other phones do.



macrumors 603
Video conferencing is not a "killer app" for consumers and is not in widespread use now. So lack of it will not hurt iPad sales much. But it is technically trivial for Apple to add the feature so there must be other factors. It is a bandwidth hog. There are solvable but real human interface issues. My mom uses Skype to make video calls to someone she knows in Norway. Cheaper than a phone call and the Norwaygian ( :) ) is impressed with how technically advanced she is, for a backward American.



Staff member
Feb 1, 2005
Twin Cities Minnesota
My 369Mhz ARM CPU powered Nokia phone multitasks perfectly and it's battery lasts 2 days+ of email/phone/browsing/twitter.

My Mac SE/30 with a 16Mhz 68030 multitasks (pre-emptively). It's 20 year old. The iPad is a step backwards.

The iPhone, iPad, and iPod touch all actually do Multitask. The problem is, only the Apple provided applications can Multitask.

Currently you can, Listen to music, have mail watch for new messages, Push notification service listening for new alerts, download a video / song in iTunes, and be surfing in Safari (or most any other application) at the same time. Meaning, all of those processes can be happening at the same time, thus the OS can multitask.

Apple simply does not allow, or approve 3rd party applications to run in the background.


macrumors G5
May 18, 2008
Video conferencing is not a "killer app" for consumers and is not in widespread use now. So lack of it will not hurt iPad sales much. But it is technically trivial for Apple to add the feature so there must be other factors. It is a bandwidth hog.


Apple definitely has plans for it in the future, note how they cut ichat's bandwidth usage by a whole 2/3rds for SL. It will be there eventually.


macrumors newbie
Apr 1, 2009
Didn't read all 300 posts, but THIS IS APPLE.

They trickle out features version by version. They spoon-feed people technology. They know you will buy the one without the camera, and next year the same people will buy the new one with a camera, and the year after the newer one with a front facing camera.

They proved that with the iPhone. People (myself guilty) have purchased each generation of the iPhone regardless whether or not they had to pay extra because it wasn't a new phone line. Some people (myself included) just have to have the new technology as it comes out.

Most Apple users are like that.

So, this version won't have a camera. We'll all buy it. And next year when they announce the front facing camera, we'll all sell this version for half the price and buy the newer one.

Last year they got us for the updated phone. This year they'll get us for the updated phone and the first iPad. Next year it will be the updated iPhone and the updated iPad.

Ya see how it goes.... NOW THAT'S APPLE.


macrumors 68040
Dec 31, 2007
Milwaukee Area
I spend several hours a day on ichat, using the isight camera.

Even for personal use, I prefer talking face to ugly face. Facial expressions & body language are important. When I'm chewing one of my minions out, I want them to see and feel my anger!!!

As well, since I live across the country from my family, we regularly video chat. Makes us feel more like I'm around and involved, and don't need to be pressured to fly home as often.

For me, not having to drag this huge, heavy laptop around to collaborate properly would be awesome.


macrumors 6502
Apr 21, 2003
Look, I know I'm being pedantic, and that you most likely don't care, but it's: "Hear, hear", not "Here Here". It's short for "hear him", which is an old fashioned way of saying "listen to him".

I just got home and noticed that, but thank you for pointing that out. You are, Korect! :)
I think one market that people here aren't considering that MS actually have targetted through Project Natal are the teen girls - plug in their iPad and Tiffany can show Britney what she is wearing tonight so they don't clash...
I just saw Brittany an Tiffany at the party, and they looked hot. And I liked the fact they they were wearing something unique. Thanks iPad, you saved the day once more.


macrumors 68020
Mar 4, 2005
Even for personal use, I prefer talking face to ugly face. Facial expressions & body language are important. When I'm chewing one of my minions out, I want them to see and feel my anger!!!

This guy wins because he has minions. Also, it would seem he has ugly minions.



macrumors newbie
Oct 25, 2007
LOL. Yep. Obviously anything less than 1024x1024 is less than 1 megapixel.

Yes, I stand corrected on the math regarding PPI resolutions. However, I've noticed that on my iPhone 3G (which has a 2MP camera) the photos it produces are terrible even on the much smaller iPhone screen. Even though a 2MP camera would produce images mathematically correct for the iPad screen, I can't imagine how bad they would look on the larger screen. Maybe the 3G camera is just really low quality, I'm not sure. Still, iPad without a camera seems fine by me.


Jul 25, 2007
Yes, I stand corrected on the math regarding PPI resolutions. However, I've noticed that on my iPhone 3G (which has a 2MP camera) the photos it produces are terrible even on the much smaller iPhone screen. Even though a 2MP camera would produce images mathematically correct for the iPad screen, I can't imagine how bad they would look on the larger screen. Maybe the 3G camera is just really low quality, I'm not sure. Still, iPad without a camera seems fine by me.

Lots of factors go into picture quality. iPhones have lousy lenses, to start with. The 3G has much worse noise performance than the 3GS. etc. Given that the sensor is physically small, you're better off with a low megapixel count - adding more pixels just adds more noise.


macrumors 6502
Oct 23, 2006

I guess I'm one of the believers that Apple might just include the camera last minute, similar to how Apple upped the battery life on iPhone right before release, told us about the YouTube app, etc.

Why would these pieces of code be in SDK BETA 3 and NOT in BETA 2?


macrumors member
Oct 13, 2004

Jobs isn't stupid.

He knows the best way to make money.

He knows the people want cameras, Flash etc

But he says he doesn't support it or is not planning on it in public

To put down hopes

So they buy whats available

Then later

Very later

You will see exactly what you wanted, and your old one rotting in your room looking ancient

Look at what happened with the iPod

He said no color first (too much battery usage)

He said no video (no content, movie rights issues)

He said no radio (no body uses listens to it)

He said no video camera (look at the latest iPod nano)

Think about all the people who bought the different versions of iPods and made Jobs richer

History will repeat itself.

Trust me.

iPad with Flash, with Video camera coming soon. If not now, next year, if not next year, the year after.

Jobs isn't stupid. :apple:
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