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macrumors 6502
Nov 25, 2010
Hey look! I have pictures of the iphone 5 too! Except not... This is very clearly just an extremely simple photoshop of the iphone 4. Here is my literally 30 second photoshop job of my iPhone 4. I just cut out part of the side. It is a fake. Just a photoshopped iPhone 4

2 hours and 41 minutes, 147 posts and 6 pages till someone finally convinced me the Original Poster deserves to have his ass beat for stirring up the community!
This guy needs banned for life for being a fake and YOU sir deserve a medal!


macrumors member
Jun 7, 2011
Tacoma, WA
Um, if someone is walking down the street with an iPhone 5 in plain sight and it gets photographed....the photographers didn't sign a NDA. Its the responsibility of the one doing the testing to keep it out of sight.

If that were the case, yes. However, a quick glance at this will tell you that is not the case (assuming it were a real iPhone 5, of course).


macrumors newbie
Nov 26, 2004
San Diego, CA

if you look at the image on the screen one clear giveaway it is fake is that there are the osx traffic light buttons on the app that is running. (ps sorry if this has been posted already)


macrumors 603
Oct 29, 2007
2 hours and 41 minutes, 147 posts and 6 pages till someone finally convinced me the Original Poster deserves to have his ass beat for stirring up the community!
This guy needs banned for life for being a fake and YOU sir deserve a medal!

Is this you?

if you look at the image on the screen one clear giveaway it is fake is that there are the osx traffic light buttons on the app that is running. (ps sorry if this has been posted already)

Those are signal bars, carrier logo and I'm not sure what else.
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somebody else

macrumors member
Feb 1, 2011
looks good

This looks very reasonable, except what's going on with the hands? Besides being more pixelated than the phone, are they holding the phone on top of the back of their hand?

This is probably a very good guess, and might turn out to be what it looks like.


macrumors 6502a
Sep 15, 2010
That's not really true at all...Porn and Art serve different purposes, and while there is some overlap, I think you'd be hard pressed to find someone who could argue that point.

Obviously I was joking, but to respond to your assertions, anyone could easily argue that point. Of course, if they argued it successfully or not, that's a whole other discussion. It would depend on their audience.

As for your statement about them serving different purposes, this is not true for everyone. Some may look at porn and see only graphic sexual gratificatoin, others may look at it as erotic art.


macrumors regular
Jul 23, 2010
Not sure if this has been mentioned yet (I'm not going to read through 8 pages) but look at the angle of the top of the phone compared to the angle of the top of the screen. They aren't parallel with each other


macrumors 6502
Jun 30, 2007
I'm inclined to believe that it's real. If it's a photoshop, though, it's a very, very good one.


macrumors 6502
Jun 22, 2010
I like the middle finger extension there!
"hey are you giving me the finger?"
"why no! I am meerly holding my iPhone 5! now go #^&k OFF!"

LOL i know right!!

I was just looking around and seen the guy holding it up and i was like



macrumors regular
Jun 5, 2011
They could have made better use of the wasted space on top and bottom of phone if this is real


macrumors 6502a
Nov 29, 2007
You honestly believe that someone with enough skill to come up with a mockup that looks that good would not know better than to photoshop it on top of something other than pixelated garbage? Come on now. That's like day 1 of Photoshop 101.

Day 1 of Photoshop 101 and still enough to fool you. ;)


macrumors 6502
Aug 4, 2007
It's interesting that the resolution of the hands is a different resolution than the phone itself : P

You noticed that too? Also, I would kind of expect to see those hands framed by elevator doors, if this was a real spy photo. :cool:


macrumors 603
Jan 20, 2010
BGR has this thread posted on their main page as a news article. Wow!, must be a slow day for them. :eek:


macrumors 6502
Aug 4, 2011
Rotterdam, The Netherlands.
I never actually believed Apple will make a complete new design for the 5. The 4 is way to succesfull with the premium feel of the glass, on the front and back, it's which separates the iPhone from it's competitors. All that iPadish design rumours for the back is just nonsense. The most logical thing for Apple to do was to perfectionize the 4 by slimming it down and giving tt a bigger screensize and making the antenna round the phone seemlees with the glass front and back for a better grip.

The fake iPhone by the Chinese is a good clue on how the real one will look like, the fake is clearly more chunky and looks cheaper but that is also the same case with the fake 4 models.

Therefor I actually do believe this is the new iPhone 5. Eventhough it looks like a slimmed down 4 but hey that's the most logical thing to do for Apple. This combined with the great resemblances with the fake chinese iPhone...I think Macrumors has the scoop for the iPhone 5. Oh yeah and about the screensize, looking at the chinese 5 cases the 5 supposed to be wider and therefor the screensize will be bigger without being it an edge to edge display. This maybe will happen when the make the screen bigger when building the iPhone 6.
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