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macrumors 6502a
Jan 28, 2005
When we bought our iPhones, our T-Mobile contract period had already been fulfilled, so we were able to switch to ATT on June 29, with no penalty.

Many posters on this, and other, forums have said that they would have purchased an iPhone, except that it would cost too much $ to break their contract.

Thinking out loud here... What if Apple, ATT and the other iPhone carriers (or both) offered an extra incentive to those tied to another carrier's contact:

-- Apple could offer Apple Store credits ($ or, say an iPod)
-- The carriers could offer reduced cost (for a period of time-- maybe with reduced reimbursement to Apple)
-- The carriers could offer additional services (or, say an iPod)

This would not need to offset the entire penalty-- just bring the "cost of switching" to iPhone to an acceptable/attractive level.

What if they sliced $200 of the price of the iPhone, for everyone, in one day. $200 is about the price of many carriers' ETFs.

Oh wait...


macrumors 6502a
Apr 22, 2005
Right now it's the Samsung F480 that shows the way in hardware. 18 months ago, it was the Nokia N95, nine months ago, the Nokia N82.

I hope the iPhone 3G can catch up to the hardware of the N82 and keep up with the Samsung F480. Interface-wise the iPhone is still streets ahead, but this new Samsung shows that competitors haven't stood still.

Slimmer than iPhone!!
Much smaller in every other dimension too.
Tactile feedback for touch UI
5 Megapixel autofocus camera
LED Flash
7.2Mbit 3G HSDPA (!!)
Image stabilizer
Video Recording

No GPS (Nokia N95/N82) or Xenon Flash (Nokia N82), but I doubt the iPhone 3G is going to have everything either...


macrumors 6502a
Jul 29, 2004
SF Bay Area
Right now it's the Samsung F480 that shows the way in hardware. 18 months ago, it was the Nokia N95, nine months ago, the Nokia N82.

I hope the iPhone 3G can catch up to the hardware of the N82 and keep up with the Samsung F480. Interface-wise the iPhone is still streets ahead, but this new Samsung shows that competitors haven't stood still.

Slimmer than iPhone!!
Much smaller in every other dimension too.
Tactile feedback for touch UI
5 Megapixel autofocus camera
LED Flash
7.2Mbit 3G HSDPA (!!)
Image stabilizer
Video Recording

No GPS (Nokia N95/N82) or Xenon Flash (Nokia N82), but I doubt the iPhone 3G is going to have everything either...

Saw the video... You're kidding....right?


macrumors 6502a
Jun 10, 2007
Right now it's the Samsung F480 that shows the way in hardware. 18 months ago, it was the Nokia N95, nine months ago, the Nokia N82.

I hope the iPhone 3G can catch up to the hardware of the N82 and keep up with the Samsung F480. Interface-wise the iPhone is still streets ahead, but this new Samsung shows that competitors haven't stood still.

Slimmer than iPhone!!
Much smaller in every other dimension too.
Tactile feedback for touch UI
5 Megapixel autofocus camera
LED Flash
7.2Mbit 3G HSDPA (!!)
Image stabilizer
Video Recording

No GPS (Nokia N95/N82) or Xenon Flash (Nokia N82), but I doubt the iPhone 3G is going to have everything either...

Touch Wiz? The scrolling feature looks naf! But, I agree that the iPhone definitely needs a better camera.


macrumors 603
Aug 29, 2006
That's utterly pathetic.

"we plan to have an iPhone SDK in developers' hands in February" - That was October. Now 4 months later, they're saying they need another 4 months? They got the development plan wrong by 100% ?


I'm not sure which is more suprising:
- That there's bitching about Apple having to slide a week or so from a deadline self-imposed months ago
- That there isn't a big WWDC thread ramping up yet.

As the recent audio of the COO meeting described - Apple's doing the best it can over the areas it's chosen to tackle. The SDK touches many of the fields of it's business, making it a lot more complicated. Convergence of this sort is seen at the OS level, the technical level, the operational level, sales and support level etc.

They're setting up the SDK for their next generation iPhone and also an iTablet you'd presume. A lot of planning - they don't want a half-assed SDK, they want something out now, and something meaty come WWDC, where mac rumorites will be whining about whether WWDC will make up for MWSF's lack keynote content/ooomph.

"we plan to" Give them a break. Give them a cheer :) Life goes on.


macrumors 68000
Apr 22, 2003
<Whining rant>

Anyone else still feel like they're still beta-testing for Apple at a hefty price-tag?

No. Actually I am quite happy with (most) of the Apple products I own. I bought them knowing what they were capable of doing for me now. In general they have performed above expectations with a relatively low rate of glitches.

If you aren't happy with what a product will be able to do when you buy it, for the price it is offered, then perhaps you should purchase something else rather than whining about it.


macrumors newbie
Oct 11, 2007
Please people!

People who think this should have just happened overnight have no idea just how much work goes into something like this. Making a third party software environment that is reliable, consistent, supportable, and secure takes a lot more work that the (admittedly impressive) work that the hacking/hobbyist community has done. If only I had a nickel for every time my Treo 700p crashed or was utterly hosed or unstable because of one garbage app or another. Certainly Apple could adopt the free-for-all model, but Apple prefers a, shall we say, more "refined" experience when it comes to consumer products, especially for its first foray into a major new marketplace. And that necessarily includes the iTunes selection and syncing paradigm.

The comments above (and the couple below this, and probably about 99% of the rest in this thread) typify the reaction by those who have literally no idea just how much work goes into developing such an initiative. I wouldn't go so far as to say "ignorant" or "completely unable to see the big picture beyond what new little icon they'll have on their phone", but close. Apple is taking baby steps here, and an SDK allowing third party development is a massive undertaking if you want to have an element of control over the process, and the beautiful integration people have come to expect, overall, from Apple products.

"What's going on in Cupertino?" Please. You have NO IDEA how many people are working on this, and how high a priority this is for Apple.

Dave, you are so right! These clowns have no clue how massive this project is and how awesome Apple is to hit deadlines or pretty darn near close. Generally SJ will announce a new product and it's shipping either that day or shortly there after. Microblah makes a me-too announcement and says it's shipping in three years and be two months late with a crappy product! Same with Garmin and so many other Apple wannabes!

All I know is dem haters know deep down inside that Apple rocks and they're freakin jealous.


macrumors 6502
Aug 16, 2006
I still don't see a 3g iPhone until the earliest 3rd quarter 08... And when the phone does come out the FIRST post on here is going to be "how do I turn 3g off".... But who I am I??!!! 3g is 3g to me its about battery life and not one chip out there has a good battery life...


macrumors 6502
Jan 11, 2006
Right now it's the Samsung F480 that shows the way in hardware. 18 months ago, it was the Nokia N95, nine months ago, the Nokia N82.

I hope the iPhone 3G can catch up to the hardware of the N82 and keep up with the Samsung F480. Interface-wise the iPhone is still streets ahead, but this new Samsung shows that competitors haven't stood still.

Slimmer than iPhone!!
Much smaller in every other dimension too.
Tactile feedback for touch UI
5 Megapixel autofocus camera
LED Flash
7.2Mbit 3G HSDPA (!!)
Image stabilizer
Video Recording

No GPS (Nokia N95/N82) or Xenon Flash (Nokia N82), but I doubt the iPhone 3G is going to have everything either...
after watching the video, it just confirmed why I feel so good about getting an iPhone. Man that scrolling was a disaster.


macrumors 65816
Dec 11, 2002
Location: Location:
I am surprised no one is blaming the recent Hollywood writers strike!

I heard somewhere the delay may be due in part to Apple awaiting patent approval related to the iPhone and the SDK? Does anyone know if this is playing a role, or if Apple is just 'behind schedule’?

And I do think we will see a 3G sooner than later - and it will be first launched in Japan in Q2. More a dream than anything else as I want an iPhone, and 3G is the minimum to go in the Japan market me thinks.


macrumors newbie
Oct 13, 2004
I still don't see a 3g iPhone until the earliest 3rd quarter 08... And when the phone does come out the FIRST post on here is going to be "how do I turn 3g off".... But who I am I??!!! 3g is 3g to me its about battery life and not one chip out there has a good battery life...

Who are you and where do you get your information to back your claims?


macrumors 68000
Oct 7, 2007
Right now it's the Samsung F480 that shows the way in hardware. 18 months ago, it was the Nokia N95, nine months ago, the Nokia N82.

I hope the iPhone 3G can catch up to the hardware of the N82 and keep up with the Samsung F480. Interface-wise the iPhone is still streets ahead, but this new Samsung shows that competitors haven't stood still.

Slimmer than iPhone!!
Much smaller in every other dimension too.
Tactile feedback for touch UI
5 Megapixel autofocus camera
LED Flash
7.2Mbit 3G HSDPA (!!)
Image stabilizer
Video Recording

No GPS (Nokia N95/N82) or Xenon Flash (Nokia N82), but I doubt the iPhone 3G is going to have everything either...

LOL. It's no wonder these companies cannot do ads like Apple does with the iPhone and Touch. Can you imagine the reidicule they would receive in trying to compare this to the iPhone? OMG.


macrumors 65816
Sep 16, 2007
Some miscalculation there in their ability to finish the SDK, if they can only bring out a beta now.


macrumors newbie
Jun 24, 2007
your MAD

Right now it's the Samsung F480 that shows the way in hardware. 18 months ago, it was the Nokia N95, nine months ago, the Nokia N82.

I hope the iPhone 3G can catch up to the hardware of the N82 and keep up with the Samsung F480. Interface-wise the iPhone is still streets ahead, but this new Samsung shows that competitors haven't stood still.

Slimmer than iPhone!!
Much smaller in every other dimension too.
Tactile feedback for touch UI
5 Megapixel autofocus camera
LED Flash
7.2Mbit 3G HSDPA (!!)
Image stabilizer
Video Recording

No GPS (Nokia N95/N82) or Xenon Flash (Nokia N82), but I doubt the iPhone 3G is going to have everything either...

No where near even being close to the iphone.:confused:


macrumors 68020
Dec 25, 2006
Why do I get the feeling that I am going to get an iPhone and switch to AT&T and then just shortly after that T-Mobile will get it which I'm on now :( I like the Fav Fives alot. I NEVER have to even think about minutes.


macrumors regular
Aug 18, 2006
Perth, Australia
I'm not even going to read through this whole thread cuz I'm sure there's going to be a whole lot of mirror posts of this one.

All I really need to say is that if the SDK takes SOOOOOO much work and everybody should know this, then APPLE should know it better than anyone and shouldn't have projected the release for February.

Quit defending their mistakes!!! Gah!

Lmao - having read through the whole thread it's *your* post replying to him that mirrors so many :)

I wonder how many posts I'm mirroring :p


macrumors member
Feb 27, 2008
3 g software , firmware or hardware

is there a chance we might be able to run on AT&T 3G without a new phone and just a firmware update. ?
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