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macrumors P6
Jun 11, 2007
London, United Kingdom
because i would rather my laptop wasn't too hot to handle and uncomfortable to use for a few hours at a time?
like i said, mine idles at 80°C. its not too hot to handle! if i watched youtube and put it on my lap then yea it would be too hot. but not when im doing nothing.

I have a 17" 2.66 C2D unibody, and I'll chime in on my temps

Browsing on Safari - no flash, Tweetie, Mail, iChat - 45-48c
Handbrake - blu ray 1080p MKV encode to Apple TV preset - 80-82c
see nothing to bad, and the newer unibody's still arent that bad either.

I did some testing to my laptop. I used a CPU stressor, and let the fans do their job. Then I purposely prevented the fan from spinning. (QUESTION: Even w/o the fan spinning, the temps raised, but then dropped. Was this cause by the CPu maybe slowing down to prevent damage? I'm not sure if it slowed down anyways.) Then I put the fans of TURBO 4553 RPM. I should be clear, that I let the temps hit the max w.o the fan, and when they started to drop, I took out the paper clip, and let the fan spin. It dropped the temps. So to be fare, you need to look at the peak temp, and it was 186F.

Top left image: computer being stressed with the fan acting normal (default dell settings)

Bottom left image: computer after being stressed w/o fan. Fan is shown in the picture spinning at full speed. temps have droped. The peak shows hot hot it reached w/o a spinning fan

Top right image: computer after being cooled down, and rebooted. Not 15 minutes sorry. I had the fan on turbo to cool it down as shown in the bottom left. once it was cooled, I restated, and tool an image about 2-3 minutes after boot.

Just a little experiment to see how my computer's thermal paste application, fan, and heatsink perform.

hmmmm.. that test is done under windows though! we all know that windows is not FULLY optimised on macs yet, drivers, whatnot.

can you do the same test under OSX?

186F isnt too hot IMO.


macrumors 6502a
Sep 17, 2009
hmmmm.. that test is done under windows though! we all know that windows is not FULLY optimised on macs yet, drivers, whatnot.

Has windows ever been fully optimised on a mac? There always seems to be something not great about boot camp drivers, almost like, I don't know, Apple don't want Windows to run too well on their machines or something ;)


macrumors 68000
Dec 20, 2009
Here's my take on it. First "Laptop" is a generic word for "Notebook" computers. It's widely believed that Apple created the first notebook computer, with the release of the first PowerBook 100 model. They called it a notebook because it was so small compared to the laptops of that era. Being about the size of a sheet of notebook paper, hence the new category was born. At that time all the other portables were about 3" thick, with huge footprints & weighed about 12 to 20 lbs.

Heat? This will always be highly focused on & discussed. To date their has not been any portable specifically designed to sit in your lap. Period.

While I read that same article, I take it with a grain of salt. Why? First, it was just _ one_ MBP that was reviewed. Next, these are designed by skilled engineers. They're also a mass produced product therefore variation is a factor. We will see over the test of time & many reviews just how these new Core i5 / i7 MBP's perform.


macrumors P6
Jun 11, 2007
London, United Kingdom
Has windows ever been fully optimised on a mac? There always seems to be something not great about boot camp drivers, almost like, I don't know, Apple don't want Windows to run too well on their machines or something ;)

its done on purpose, of course ;) i think they let the firmware go slow haha


macrumors regular
Apr 5, 2010
OC, California
Bring it on

Hot Laptops? (or so called Notebooks)
Bring it on!
My laps are well trained for the heat with 7 years of Powerbook G4 experience. I'm so ready for New MacBook Pro!

Blue Sun

macrumors 6502a
Feb 11, 2009
Hot Laptops? (or so called Notebooks)
Bring it on!
My laps are well trained for the heat with 7 years of Powerbook G4 experience. I'm so ready for New MacBook Pro!

The new MBP's are not hot at all, my base 15" idles at 40 degrees C, 44-48 degrees C if flash is involved.


macrumors member
Apr 7, 2006
Typing this on my early 2006 Core Duo MBP 1,1 which has always idled at 55 degrees and tops out at about 75, I'm sure my new 17 inch i7 will be fine.


macrumors regular
Oct 25, 2009
Toronto On
Did some testing with my mid 2009 13" 2.26 C2D. I tested the laptop on the bed operating on battery power alone. The results are as follows with screen shots:

1- Light usage with one chrome window open and 2 tabs of macrumors.. The laptop run cool and definitely more than usable on your lap. Cpu - 57C

2- I added another 2 tabs on chrome playing youtube 720p videos. Now the laptop got too hot. The fans got really loud (possibly spinning at full speed) and the CPU temperature raised at 80C. It was imposible to use on your lap unless you are wearing like 3 pair of jeans. You could probably cook breakfast on the damn thing.


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