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macrumors 6502a
Aug 21, 2008
So 64 gb is how much of actual formatted user space? OSes are starting to take up more and more space. Even you iOS 8.

(Yes I know, its bound to)

Black Magic

macrumors 68030
Sep 30, 2012
The problem with Microsoft is the fact they keep clinging to old technology and wants everyone to use computers the same old way. Basically, they won't give up on Windows and alter in ways it needs to be. Perfect example is the fact that this model will come with 64 GB or so but the fact that over time Windows updates will hog up all the space. The WinSXS folder will keep piling up with monthly patches until someone with technical experience cleans it up for the end user.

Microsoft still doesn't get it and never will.


Jan 26, 2010
Let me admit my bias up front: I despise Microsoft. I literally passed up the chance to walk across the street and hear Bill Gates speak.

That said, I have to admit: These folks are persistent.

I guess I can admire the marketing tenacity without admiring the product or the company.

Well that's equally as insane as hating or loving Samsung or Apple or whoever. they genuinely don't give a monkeys about you.

Why waste your energy in hating a company that make and pushes technology forward even if you don't want to buy that particular brand / tech. I don't like Windows, but I love the xBox. I don't like Samsung phone interfaces but love their chips in my iPhone or the chips in my Fridge Freezer.


macrumors 6502
Oct 6, 2013
I actually played around with the Surface tablets and they're quite good. I LOVE the touch based Desktop mode.


macrumors 6502
Aug 14, 2012
I'm using an Unbranded (no, really, that's the brand name) Windows 8.1 tablet with the Intel Atom 1.33ghz quad core, 2GB RAM, and 32GB storage. It's not the fastest machine around, but Cowboom regularly sells them for $80, and it works perfectly fine.

The resolution is only 1280x800 and the battery life is a little short, but it's a fully functional Windows 8.1 machine and serves its purpose for me. Did I mention I paid $80? :)


macrumors 6502
Jun 13, 2011
The Atom is not a powerful enough processor for desktop Windows and desktop applications. One again, Microsoft is missing the memo on the mobile device revolution, which will end up being good news for Apple, et al.


macrumors 6502a
Sep 14, 2012
This is where the iPad should have already evolved too... aside from minor speed bumps and making thinner, there reallt hasnt been any innovation in the ipad since retina.

I want the new macbook (2015) logic board in an ipad shell and screen for $499


macrumors 6502
Dec 2, 2012
They are basically selling these models at a loss. If i remembered correctly, all surface from the original till now have not made any money. Microsoft is playing the long card. they are pumping so much marketing money that they are losing on all of them. Microsoft have enough in the bank to do that.

The big question is how does the OEM feel about this. Dell/Lenovo/HP. They are the ones that are losing.


macrumors 65816
Mar 23, 2003
Los Angeles, CA
The Atom is not a powerful enough processor for desktop Windows and desktop applications.

You're delusional. For the purposes of a tablet at this price point, it's plenty powerful. Millions of people used first gen Atom based Netbooks for everything without complaint, and this processor is dramatically more powerful than those old ones.


Jan 26, 2010
The problem with Microsoft is the fact they keep clinging to old technology and wants everyone to use computers the same old way. Basically, they won't give up on Windows and alter in ways it needs to be. Perfect example is the fact that this model will come with 64 GB or so but the fact that over time Windows updates will hog up all the space. The WinSXS folder will keep piling up with monthly patches until someone with technical experience cleans it up for the end user.

Microsoft still doesn't get it and never will.

In all fairness I think Satya Nadella does get it and is changing it, but it may take time. I think they finally understand that they need to kill support for old tech and move on. Which is what Apple are very very good at and why of the most part their machines run slick as butter.

The xBox and the surface are their key to the future. They are basically a half-closed ecosystem.

Their problem has always been placating the enterprise customers. Who don't want to change their desktops every 2-3 years. But given now you can have the same / better power in a laptop or tablet and connect that to a bigger monitor. More and more companies are going that way and even hotdesking.

I've always said that 8 was a complete mess with dual apps and the FUBAR Registry system. but it looks like they are pushing changes now.


macrumors 68020
Sep 29, 2008
So 64 gb is how much of actual formatted user space? OSes are starting to take up more and more space. Even you iOS 8.

(Yes I know, its bound to)

Windows 10 (supposedly) will have a much smaller footprint than 8.1:

Windows 10 might take up as much as 12 GB (less compression of files) on a Surface with more storage. It can take up as little of 4 GB, I believe (on a tablet with 16GB of storage, for example).


macrumors 6502
Jun 13, 2011
The problem with Microsoft is the fact they keep clinging to old technology and wants everyone to use computers the same old way. Basically, they won't give up on Windows and alter in ways it needs to be. Perfect example is the fact that this model will come with 64 GB or so but the fact that over time Windows updates will hog up all the space. The WinSXS folder will keep piling up with monthly patches until someone with technical experience cleans it up for the end user.

Microsoft still doesn't get it and never will.

You are totally right, Microsoft really never got the memo on mobile devices, and that they are NOT the same thing as desktop computers. There is a reason why Macs run OS X and the iPad and iPhone run iOS, Macs and mobile devices are fundamentally different animals. Yes, the two OSs share the same Darwin core, but they are used in different ways (touch for iOS, mouse and keyboard for OS X), and so Apple has developed them along distinct paths.


macrumors 65816
Apr 29, 2008
Upstate NY
Impressive overall.

It's also important to keep in mind who the target user is for the Surface 3, i.e. tablet users, people who do internet browsing, email, social media etc and who similarly make use of and enjoy an iPad. For people who are looking to replace their desktop or laptop, they should go with the beefier Surface 3 Pro instead.


macrumors 65816
Jun 15, 2013
As with Android phones this looks progressive, powerful and capable on the outside, but when it comes to the software side I question what I'd actually do with it, to make up for the app ecosystem. "But it runs Windows! It runs everything!" On an Intel atom keyboard? Not sure what I'd run on that. MS Office in one half of the screen and VLC in the other half? There has got to be something beyond that.


macrumors 6502
Jun 13, 2011
You're delusional. For the purposes of a tablet at this price point, it's plenty powerful. Millions of people used first gen Atom based Netbooks for everything without complaint, and this processor is dramatically more powerful than those old ones.

Windows is also dramatically more bloated than it was in the past.


macrumors 68020
Jan 6, 2004
Dallas Texas
I have a love hate for the Surface. I love that you can run Photoshop on it with a pressure sensitive pen. I hate Microsoft Windows.


macrumors 65816
Jun 13, 2009
The 4gb wifi version is so mine, gonna stop by MS store this weekend to check it out.


Dec 6, 2012
Compared to the new Macbook this price is impressive. But to compare it to the ipad is wrong right now since iOS is the competitive OS for Windows, OSX is.
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