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macrumors 68020
Oct 27, 2008
i have no major issue with something that can be used as a laptop OR a tablet., but i groan every time i see someone gorilla arming an upright screen like thats the future of computing.
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macrumors 6502a
Apr 5, 2010
Long time Apple user with a newly purchased Surface Book... I have to say I'm pretty damned happy. There's some first generation bugs, like most new form factors have, but nothing earth shattering (for me, for others, ymmv). Hopefully Apple will do this form factor sometime, so I can stay within the ecosystem, but for now this is working just fine. I used it to edit/retouch images on the road during a recent trip, along with reading comics/the news using the tablet portion.


Sep 7, 2011
Microsoft Surface Book top configuration:
Dual-core i7, 16GB RAM, 512GB SSD - €2919

13" rMBP top configuration
Dual-core i7, 16GB RAM, 1GB SSD - €3100, (€2500 with 512GB)

So, they are selling the possibility to use it as a tablet and as a touch device for €400, all other parameters being identical. Most windows users are so price concious, they will notice immediately that the surface book has a terrible price-productivity ratio. Quite possibly one can find much cheaper laptops with the same features (i7/16/512). Apple has already got the lion's share of users who spend top dollar on computers. That's why these ads are geared towards Apple and this "I can't do this on my mac".

On top of that, most mac users are die-hards, and the rest have little use of a combined laptop-tablet device. Bear in mind the market for tablets is already saturated which means, whoever wanted a tablet has already bought one.

Basically, what I mean, this ad and the Surface Book will have a very little impact. I hope I am wrong, though, because little competition is not bad. The SB will never make me switch from Apple. My iPad and my iMac (and soon-to-be-purchased MacBook) are used for quite different purposes. I have absolutely no need to have a tablet and a laptop in the same device. Besides, as a tablet the SB runs for just 3 hours - and that's pity.

just curious, does that Surface Book top configuration include the 2nd GPU?

Whats the GPU option on the rMBP?

Cause for $400 more for a Laptop with the "clipboard" detachable touchscreen functionality AND the discrete GPU changes things as you will get a lot better performance from the Surface Book than the rMBP

Chupa Chupa

macrumors G5
Jul 16, 2002
I swear I've slipped into some sort of 1991 parallel universe where everything is opposite of reality. MS running ads to fend off Macs. But after I chuckle I think wow, is MS that desperate. Do they really feel Macs nipping at their heels? Heck even Apple doesn't care about Macs anymore. :(


macrumors 6502
May 6, 2012
They're still not fixing the biggest issue though. You have to use Windows. As someone that has OS X, FreeBSD, and W10... I wouldn't wish Windows 10 on my worst enemy. God it's bad. I hate that just for simple things I need to troubleshoot an "issue." Here are two examples of things that I found to be a JOKE:

1) my computer doesn't hibernate. If I install something, I have to redo the power settings to make sure it will even sleep. If I leave USB stuff plugged in I cannot wake with those things. (Mouse and keyboard!)
2) my computer wouldn't stream video to my Xbox one. I kept receiving "an unknown error occurred." When I looked it up, I found that you need to enable media streaming in windows media player.

1. OS X would do a much better job at letting you know if something is keeping it from sleeping
2. OS X would have told me what needs to be on. Like when you try to share files and it says "go to system preferences... Etc etc."

Microsoft can't get the simplest things right.


macrumors 603
Nov 4, 2008
*Surface Book bricked after a shoddily-tested Windows Update corrupts OS and causes system to be stuck in a bluescreen loop*

"My Mac can't do that"
Mac has no internet access after shoddily tested update knackers ethernet. My PC can’t do that.
Man get off your high horse, Apple have buggered a whole plethora of software lately. This ignores the constant ways to bypass the lock screen that pop up on iPhones and the length of time it took to fix the alarm clock bug.


Sep 7, 2011
I swear I've slipped into some sort of 1991 parallel universe where everything is opposite of reality. MS running ads to fend off Macs. But after I chuckle I think wow, is MS that desperate. Do they really feel Macs nipping at their heels? Heck even Apple doesn't care about Macs anymore. :(

I wonder this the same. But it's not likely. It's some bizzaro world where MS of today wants to enter the "boutique" computer market with their own hardware.

From the windows perspective, Windows isn't going anywhere and Microsoft still dominates around 90% of the OS market.

So, it feels more like Microsoft Hardware devision is trying to pretend to be Apple circa 2007 during the "Mac v PC" era and gain momentum for their hardware the sameway Apple attempted to do those many years ago

meanwhile, they're not Apple, and their software / services side isn't really struggling.

I'm not sure how I feel about Microsoft Playing this game.
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macrumors 603
Nov 4, 2008
They're still not fixing the biggest issue though. You have to use Windows. As someone that has OS X, FreeBSD, and W10... I wouldn't wish Windows 10 on my worst enemy. God it's bad. I hate that just for simple things I need to troubleshoot an "issue." Here are two examples of things that I found to be a JOKE:

1) my computer doesn't hibernate. If I install something, I have to redo the power settings to make sure it will even sleep. If I leave USB stuff plugged in I cannot wake with those things. (Mouse and keyboard!)
2) my computer wouldn't stream video to my Xbox one. I kept receiving "an unknown error occurred." When I looked it up, I found that you need to enable media streaming in windows media player.

1. OS X would do a much better job at letting you know if something is keeping it from sleeping
2. OS X would have told me what needs to be on. Like when you try to share files and it says "go to system preferences... Etc etc."

Microsoft can't get the simplest things right.
1. Please tell me you’re joking. Sleep problems on Macs are among the most common on forums.
2. “An unknown error occurred” As it’s unknown you get absolutely no help from the OS is fixing it either.


Jun 22, 2007
Now this is a better ad than the bug chicks Windows 10 one. At least the product, Surface Book, can deliver what is being shown.


macrumors regular
Jan 29, 2003
just curious, does that Surface Book top configuration include the 2nd GPU?

Whats the GPU option on the rMBP?

Cause for $400 more for a Laptop with the "clipboard" detachable touchscreen functionality AND the discrete GPU changes things as you will get a lot better performance from the Surface Book than the rMBP

Yes, the high end Surface Books do have the discrete GPU, and it works very well. There's an integrated GPU in the tablet, and a separate more powerful GPU in the base which kicks in when the SB is used as a laptop. With software updates, they now work very well together. I just bought the highest end stock configuration iMac, and I think this desktop has a no more powerful GPU than my SB which has the custom NVIDIA unit.
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macrumors 68000
May 7, 2005
Microsoft Surface Book top configuration:
Dual-core i7, 16GB RAM, 512GB SSD - €2919

13" rMBP top configuration
Dual-core i7, 16GB RAM, 1GB SSD - €3100, (€2500 with 512GB)

So, they are selling the possibility to use it as a tablet and as a touch device for €400, all other parameters being identical. Most windows users are so price concious, they will notice immediately that the surface book has a terrible price-productivity ratio. Quite possibly one can find much cheaper laptops with the same features (i7/16/512). Apple has already got the lion's share of users who spend top dollar on computers. That's why these ads are geared towards Apple and this "I can't do this on my mac".

On top of that, most mac users are die-hards, and the rest have little use of a combined laptop-tablet device. Bear in mind the market for tablets is already saturated which means, whoever wanted a tablet has already bought one.

Basically, what I mean, this ad and the Surface Book will have a very little impact. I hope I am wrong, though, because little competition is not bad. The SB will never make me switch from Apple. My iPad and my iMac (and soon-to-be-purchased MacBook) are used for quite different purposes. I have absolutely no need to have a tablet and a laptop in the same device. Besides, as a tablet the SB runs for just 3 hours - and that's pity.

You think all i7s are the same, do you?

Black Belt

macrumors 65816
Jun 15, 2007
Microsoft releasing your internal network passwords without your knowledge to Skype and Facebook users...Can't do that on a Mac either.
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macrumors 6502
May 6, 2012
1. Please tell me you’re joking. Sleep problems on Macs are among the most common on forums.
2. “An unknown error occurred” As it’s unknown you get absolutely no help from the OS is fixing it either.
Maybe on the forums. But in actuality, sleep problems are the easiest things to fix.

Most of those links have error numbers with actual answers if you follow them.

Black Belt

macrumors 65816
Jun 15, 2007
If I am fixing pictures I doing that on a real computer with a real, color-corrected monitor...a BIG monitor, not some puny laptop monitor. And the last thing I want to do is to have to reach up from my desk and try and reach and touch my 30" monitor. I am prefer to sit contently in my comfy leather chair and edit on my iPad Pro in Graphics Tablet mode.


Sep 7, 2011
1. Please tell me you’re joking. Sleep problems on Macs are among the most common on forums.
2. “An unknown error occurred” As it’s unknown you get absolutely no help from the OS is fixing it either.

both of you are correct:

I have experience in both OSx and Windows 10 weirdness that isn't easily explained by either OS. From sleep issues in OSx (depending on version), to "Something Happened" errors trying to install W10

Both OS's have issues, Both OS's are also fantastic in today's day of age for what they do. But both have different ways of doign some things, and have their own strengths
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macrumors 6502
Feb 21, 2006
Orlando, FL
STILL can’t run OS X! I’m sure MSFT’s hardware partners on the high-end are really appreciating MSFT’s entry into the field!


macrumors 68040
Jun 30, 2007
Midwest USA
Yet they are the only growth in the industry overall.

Funny, that.

Yep, hype really does work. Why do you think the government is spending so much on paid advertising these days?

Yet there is a group of professionals that kept Apple alive when nobody else cared that have been abandoned. With Apple's success we have buggy, poorly designed products that are no longer leading edge. New users don't get that. Why? Well because Android and Dell are no better and they don't know that Apple was capable of doing better. But that does not change reality.


macrumors 6502
Feb 19, 2010
Targets a non competitor, the only way Microsoft can compete is to make misleading ad's.


macrumors 6502a
Apr 30, 2009
Los Angeles, CA
I think Microsoft need some decent designers, that Surface book looks UGLY.

The hinge part is pure vileness. Looks like it came from the 1960s.
View attachment 620424

To be fair, the amount of times you'd use it that exact way is probably very low. You're either full laptop mode on desk/lap or you unhinge and use the tablet alone. I know I can't speak for everyone, but I just don't see people folding it like a magazine and holding it.
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