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macrumors 65816
Jun 29, 2005
New Jersey
gorbok said:
Why do people keep saying that? If you look at the history of both iBooks and Powerbooks, they have only been updated on a Tuesday once, every other time was either a Monday or a Wednesday. I know that doesn't fit the thread, but it's true.
There, I said it.

Thanks for clearing that up. Sorry for posting false info.


macrumors 6502a
Jan 14, 2004
Joeymon2 said:
So it's time to switch. As a result, I am stuck here bothered by the 3 problems that every other mac fanatic in my position is dealing with. ibook or powerbook, 12 inch or 15 inch, and of course should I wait for uptates or take advantage of the Student Union. All of this with a $2,000 budget. I dont expect any answers to this post becuase there really are few answers. This is one of the most common problems for a macrumors visitor to be plagued with. I just wanted you all to know that I'm here, I've been here, and I'm listening.

My opinion is get the 12" iBook to last till the Intels are out. Then you can toss down the serious bucks and get a machine to last as long as you need. I view the laptop I'm about to get (the 12" iBook) as a stop gap till I can get nice Intel PB or iBook.


macrumors regular
Jul 18, 2005
CoMpX said:
Thanks for clearing that up. Sorry for posting false info.

So there's a better chance for the ibook to be released on monday tommorow!?!?!?!?!?!?!? JUICED!!!!!!!


macrumors regular
Original poster
Jun 29, 2005
i went to the apple store today (like 2 minutes before they closed), the guy said that 1) Apple employees at the Apple store don't receive any information about new products 2) he can't disclose any information if they do come out 3) he told me that honestly he doesn't know of any impending updates for this week

if they don't update them now, i would buy a dell and send steve jobs my pics (with an os x theme)


macrumors 6502a
Jan 14, 2004
Mood said:
i went to the apple store today (like 2 minutes before they closed), the guy said that 1) Apple employees at the Apple store don't receive any information about new products 2) he can't disclose any information if they do come out 3) he told me that honestly he doesn't know of any impending updates for this week

if they don't update them now, i would buy a dell and send steve jobs my pics (with an os x theme)

I tend to believe this to an extent. If they are updating, there has to be a mysterious pallet of boxes covered with a tarp in some Apple store. I can't imagine that Apple is so on the ball that they can deliver this shipment Monday evening or Tuesday morning to every Apple store. I gotta believe there are some employees there who are aware of "inventory anomolies." But aside from that I don't think they get a special email saying: New iBooks Tuesday!


macrumors 6502a
Jan 14, 2004
Mood said:
i went to the apple store today (like 2 minutes before they closed), the guy said that 1) Apple employees at the Apple store don't receive any information about new products 2) he can't disclose any information if they do come out 3) he told me that honestly he doesn't know of any impending updates for this week

BTW, you did this all wrong. What you need to do is wait till about 20 minutes after the store closes. Wait outside the employee entrance with a van and some of your buddies (ski masks may also help). Grab the employee as he leaves the building, toss him in the van and speed off. Then you can start asking questions.

For the humor impaired, that's a joke. I'm not advising kidnapping.


Moderator emeritus
May 1, 2005
tsk said:
I tend to believe this to an extent. If they are updating, there has to be a mysterious pallet of boxes covered with a tarp in some Apple store. I can't imagine that Apple is so on the ball that they can deliver this shipment Monday evening or Tuesday morning to every Apple store. I gotta believe there are some employees there who are aware of "inventory anomolies." But aside from that I don't think they get a special email saying: New iBooks Tuesday!
That's what I said on... well, no longer sure which thread. But having worked retail it is IMPOSSIBLE that a manager would NOT know how many pallets are being brought in. Not to mention, there might be a necessity for extra "hands on board" to revamp the store displays and re-organize the stock room. So at least one or two people per store would know about updates at least a week in advance.

tsk said:
For the humor impaired, that's a joke. I'm not advising kidnapping.
Haha, the sad thing is, you know that your disclaimer is a necessity. :D


macrumors 6502a
Jan 14, 2004
devilot76 said:
Haha, the sad thing is, you know that your disclaimer is a necessity. :D

The sad thing is, some of us are just desperate enough for information to think about this.....

I just hope anyone that desperate would remember to post any info they heard :).


macrumors 6502a
Jan 14, 2004
devilot76 said:
That's what I said on... well, no longer sure which thread. But having worked retail it is IMPOSSIBLE that a manager would NOT know how many pallets are being brought in. Not to mention, there might be a necessity for extra "hands on board" to revamp the store displays and re-organize the stock room. So at least one or two people per store would know about updates at least a week in advance.

I can believe the manager would keep his mouth shut, but I've got to believe you're going to get some standard employees running their mouth off.

I don't know that it will be a week in advance. I suspect a day or two in advance.

What happens on the morning of an update? If you walk into an Apple store out east, are they all set up with the new update? Or do they have to wait till it's announced to put stuff out?


macrumors regular
Original poster
Jun 29, 2005
i told the guy that there were strong rumors that there would be updates specifically a widescreen ibook and the guy gave me a lecture how these rumors sites are fake, and it's usualyl based on gossip and then i told him taht it was hoping that he would know the name but nope, he's just another regular joe schmoe.

you know that backentrance of the apple store where the employees enter and exit? I was thinking of entering that room to see what's up, sneak in and see if they have anything new, hack into their database, etc etc.


macrumors 65816
Jan 22, 2002
3rd rock from the sun...
sacear said:
I knew the Airport performance on my PB G3 Firewire (Pismo) was excellent compared to others' Wintel laptops, but didn't realize how excellent until I got the PB G4. The PB G3 Firewire (Pismo) with an original Airport card has easily ten times better wireless reception both in distance and strength than my new PB G4 with an Airport Extreme card. I can take my PB G3 Firewire (Pismo) anywhere around my house inside or outside and get very good wireless signal. With my new PB G4 I essentially must be in the same room as the wireless transmitter. That really makes me mad, because what's the point of wireless if I can't be mobile?

My father-in-law had exactly the same problem wit his 14" iBook. It turned out that the little antenna cable wasn't plugged right into the Airport Extreme card and therefore he got only 50% of the normal reception. After plugging the cable firmly, it worked like a charm.

Maybe you should check that.



macrumors regular
Jun 11, 2005
Tomorrow the widescreen iBook!
Remember what Jobs said?! "New amazing PPC products!"
A mere bump on specs doesn't cound so amazing to me!


macrumors newbie
Jun 30, 2005
London, UK
Tahko said:
Tomorrow the widescreen iBook!
Remember what Jobs said?! "New amazing PPC products!"
A mere bump on specs doesn't cound so amazing to me!
He actually said
Steve Jobs said:
we've got a lot of great PowerPC products in the pipeline
I'd be happy with widescreen, but I do wonder whether we're just getting our hopes up over something that's not going to be true.


macrumors member
Jun 7, 2005
Tahko said:
Tomorrow the widescreen iBook!
Remember what Jobs said?! "New amazing PPC products!"

Well - what else should he have said? "Only lame speed bumps for the next two years" and watch the apple stock hit the ground?!

I don't believe in a change of the form factor as an "silent update" on a tuesday.. Maybe we'll see a third type of notebooks, the "wideBooks" or however the marketing guys want to name ist, in Paris..


macrumors regular
Original poster
Jun 29, 2005
i have a bad feeling for tomorrow. we'll see when i get back home at 11 pm and then i stay awake til 4 am

since i created this thread, it is my duty to inform everyone when the new ibooks/powerbooks come.


macrumors 6502a
Jun 7, 2005
Mood said:
i have a bad feeling for tomorrow. we'll see when i get back home at 11 pm and then i stay awake til 4 am

since i created this thread, it is my duty to inform everyone when the new ibooks/powerbooks come.

As much as I want them to be updated, I have a feeling they won't be updated either...


macrumors regular
Jun 11, 2005
lizard79 said:
I don't believe in a change of the form factor as an "silent update" on a tuesday.. Maybe we'll see a third type of notebooks, the "wideBooks" or however the marketing guys want to name ist, in Paris..
Oh shutup! I like to hit the ground from high above the clouds once the slightly beefed iBook is released... :(


macrumors 6502a
Dec 20, 2003
the all new iBook will be an empty shell and steve will be standing there with a big smile on his face and the screen at his keynote will say: BYOP... Bring Your Own Parts :p hahaha

anyway this thread has been fun (along with all the thousend other threads wandering around in the wasteland) but it's time to stop talking about what ifs... and just wait and see what tomorrow bring (aaargh I'm getting poetic here :p hahaha)


macrumors 65816
Jun 29, 2005
New Jersey
Jo-Kun said:
anyway this thread has been fun (along with all the thousend other threads wandering around in the wasteland) but it's time to stop talking about what ifs... and just wait and see what tomorrow bring (aaargh I'm getting poetic here :p hahaha)

Great point of view. I was just checking out iBooks and PowerBooks today in person, and I think that currently, the 12" PB is better bang for the buck. (for my needs anyway) I will probably get a 12" PB unless the updated iBook is a better deal.

So, for me. I think I will go PowerBook, but first I would like to see what the iBook updates bring.


macrumors 65816
Jun 29, 2005
New Jersey
Does anyone think that the PBs will be updated with the iBooks? Or maybe soon after? It doesn't seem like any of these rumor sites are talking about PBs, so maybe just a price drop if anything at all? Because if the new iBooks don't impress me, I'm goin PowerBook, baby! Yea!! :D But seriously, what do you guys think?


macrumors 6502a
Jul 5, 2005
Here's a plan, they drop the iBooks for now and give iBook prices on the Powerbooks. How's that?

If I was Steve Jobs, that is definately what I'd do.
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