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macrumors 68020
Jul 1, 2009
Don't worry, the San Andreas Fault is 9 km from 1 Infinite Loop, the Haward Fault is 17 km, and the Calaveras Fault is 25 km away.

What could go wrong?

Exactly. It's perfectly safe to build underground roads so we can plant more grass and trees and produce more oxygen. If anything happens with those fault lines, I'm sure it will be contained to a couple mile radius. :D

Just think of all the future lives that will be saved by improving the environment. ;)


macrumors P6
Feb 8, 2003
The Peninsula
The rocket phallus is not Gaudí

This bejewelled rocket ship is just plain hideous, I'm sorry...he must have done some great buildings to have been knighted, but this isn't one of them. On top of being gaudi and awful, it certainly doesn't fit into this, or any, neighbourhood, except one inhabited by the Jetsons.

Not at all - Antoni Gaudí is widely respected as one of the most visionary architects of the late 19th and early 20th centuries.

Gaudí's works are mainly Art Nouveau, not 23rd century cartoons.

Exactly. It's perfectly safe to build underground roads so we can plant more grass and trees and produce more oxygen. If anything happens with those fault lines, I'm sure it will be contained to a couple mile radius. :D

I'm glad you used the smiley - since in the 1906 earthquake over 400 km of the San Andreas Fault ruptured. Cities 35 km from the fault suffered catastrophic damage.

Your conclusion (that it's safe to build tunnels) is correct though, but it's because we understand more about engineering to survive earthquakes - not because of distance from the rupture.

My home is about 35 km from the epicenter of the 1989 Loma Prieta earthquake. In our immediate neighbourhood one family had a floor lamp fall over which broke the light bulb, and our next door neighbours had their back fence knocked down by the water sloshing out of the swimming pool. (Our pool was oriented 90° from theirs, and we just had a wet patio.)

Unfortunately, an elevated freeway 88 km away collapsed, killing 42 people. Seventy or so buildings collapsed or were seriously damaged in a neighbourhood 95 km away in San Francisco, killing 4.

One good result from the Loma Prieta earthquake is that we have few old hospitals in the area. The two main priorities prompted by that quake were to reinforce/replace any hospitals and bridges that weren't built to withstand strong earthquakes.
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macrumors newbie
Apr 22, 2011
"Starchitect" Norman Foster leaks his own rumor...

Did anyone else notice that the rumor of Foster's involvement with the Apple Camps originated in Spain in the Spanish language "el Economista", the home country of his sex therapist wife? Curious and curiouser...
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