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macrumors 6502a
Sep 16, 2003
Google just seem to be bent on some technological domination. Not that I have anything against competition or Google in particular, but they are getting there hands in every bit of IT they possibly can.
There's something slightly disconcerting about that.

Google will become Skynet.
Mark my words, people.

That's funny because I also have a disturbing feeling about this. Please don't flame me...I can't put my finger on it. Maybe i'm just an Apple fanboy at heart...who knows. I just think they should stick to what they do rather than dilute the brand. Like I said..I might just be sprouting emotional crap ;)
I will say that I don't like that they had a seat on the Apple board for so long and then started competing directly with them.


Jul 25, 2007
Google just seem to be bent on some technological domination. Not that I have anything against competition or Google in particular, but they are getting there hands in every bit of IT they possibly can.
There's something slightly disconcerting about that.

Google will become Skynet.
Mark my words, people.

All they are doing is leveraging their technical prowess to improve things that sucked. Search (anyone remember altavista?), maps (anyone remember mapquest?), web mail (anyone remember hotmail?), ads (anyone remember pop-under ads unrelated to your interests?), multi-manufacturer OEM phone OS's (anyone remember Windows Mobile?), patent searches (anyone remember the USPTO database?), legal research (anyone remember Westlaw?)


macrumors 65816
Sep 17, 2009
All they are doing is leveraging their technical prowess to improve things that sucked. Search (anyone remember altavista?), maps (anyone remember mapquest?), web mail (anyone remember hotmail?), ads (anyone remember pop-under ads unrelated to your interests?), multi-manufacturer OEM phone OS's (anyone remember Windows Mobile?), patent searches (anyone remember the USPTO database?), legal research (anyone remember Westlaw?)
Which also gives them access to a ton of our information. Plus, they sided with the Scientologists, which makes me even more nervous.

If we stay the course, we are dead! WE ARE ALL DEAD!


Jul 25, 2007
Which also gives them access to a ton of our information. Plus, they sided with the Scientologists, which makes me even more nervous.

If we stay the course, we are dead! WE ARE ALL DEAD!

I don't care if they have access to my information. Someone always does. What's the Scientologist thing?


macrumors regular
Dec 12, 2009
HTC will build the Google phone in the same way that Foxconn build the Iphone.

It is designed by their respective owners (in this case, Google and Apple)

When it comes to launch, you will probably find the HTC removed and replaced with the G icon. Probably, as there are still a tonne of rumors flying around with this phone....

I wonder whether Google really has a hardware design department like all the cellphone makers. Designing a cellphone is not simply working it on a computer.


Jul 25, 2007


macrumors P6
Feb 8, 2003
The Peninsula
Which also gives them access to a ton of our information. Plus, they sided with the Scientologists, which makes me even more nervous.

If we stay the course, we are dead! WE ARE ALL DEAD!

Fight back - set your search engine to Yahoo!. Or Bing. Or Ask. Or anything but Google.

Did you know that Chrome sends every keystroke that you type into the search bar to the Googleplex? How do you think that it comes up with those suggestions - it's watching everything that you type.

Some Apple fans love to use the phrase "convicted monopolist" right before they type "Microsoft" - yet many of the same people are helping to build the Google monopoly. Didn't we learn anything from the Microsoft years?


macrumors 65816
Sep 17, 2009
Unless I'm misreading (?) all they did was obey a DMCA take-down notice, as they are required to do.

Okay, I overstated it a bit. But still, our opinions differ.
There is just something big brother (if not now, then in the future) about Google having their fingers on every aspect of IT and collecting as much information that they can about us that gives me pause.

Hey, maybe I'm a little paranoid, but that's just me wondering about the eventualities of allowing a company to have complete access to our online lives.


macrumors 65816
Sep 17, 2009
Fight back - set your search engine to Yahoo!. Or Bing. Or Ask. Or anything but Google.

Did you know that Chrome sends every keystroke that you type into the search bar to the Googleplex? How do you think that it comes up with those suggestions - it's watching everything that you type.

Some Apple fans love to use the phrase "convicted monopolist" right before they type "Microsoft" - yet many of the same people are helping to build the Google monopoly. Didn't we learn anything from the Microsoft years?
I have no problem with Google having a hand in the things they do, but it's the underlying things they do, the things we don't know about, that creep me out.

Just recently, there was a hidden preference withing Facebook's setting to allow Google to index your profile. Granted, your profile had to public initially, but still, it wasn't known, someone had to discover it.


Jul 25, 2007
I have no problem with Google having a hand in the things they do, but it's the underlying things they do, the things we don't know about, that creep me out.

Just recently, there was a hidden preference withing Facebook's setting to allow Google to index your profile. Granted, your profile had to public initially, but still, it wasn't known, someone had to discover it.

If people don't already assume that EVERYTHING that they put on a publicly viewable web page can be indexed by google and everyone else, they are being silly. Your starting assumption should be that everything you do on the web is searchable, and you should go from there.


macrumors 65816
Sep 17, 2009
If people don't already assume that EVERYTHING that they put on a publicly viewable web page can be indexed by google and everyone else, they are being silly. Your starting assumption should be that everything you do on the web is searchable, and you should go from there.
Oh, I already do.

But it seems that Google is trying to be the monopoly of that.

Cerebrus' Maw

macrumors 6502
Mar 9, 2008
Brisbane, Australia
Fight back - set your search engine to Yahoo!. Or Bing. Or Ask. Or anything but Google.

Did you know that Chrome sends every keystroke that you type into the search bar to the Googleplex? How do you think that it comes up with those suggestions - it's watching everything that you type.

Some Apple fans love to use the phrase "convicted monopolist" right before they type "Microsoft" - yet many of the same people are helping to build the Google monopoly. Didn't we learn anything from the Microsoft years?

Thats just an Ajax script. It's like hitting enter everytime you enter a keystroke.

So rather then waiting to type "Shutterbug" and then hit enter, instead as you type the word progressively more, the Ajax script fires the Search button behind the scenes after each keystroke so you can find your answer from the sugestions faster, rather then typing the entire word/phrase and then getting your result.

Google do however, record every finalized search query (as in when you DO hit enter)


macrumors 603
Mar 27, 2009
The World Inbetween
Fight back - set your search engine to Yahoo!. Or Bing. Or Ask. Or anything but Google.

Did you know that Chrome sends every keystroke that you type into the search bar to the Googleplex? How do you think that it comes up with those suggestions - it's watching everything that you type.

Some Apple fans love to use the phrase "convicted monopolist" right before they type "Microsoft" - yet many of the same people are helping to build the Google monopoly. Didn't we learn anything from the Microsoft years?

Except Google makes good products consistently...

Oh, and for you tin foil hat people, look up The Google Toilet by SuperNews.


macrumors 68030
Jul 22, 2003
Somewhere Else
Did you know that Chrome sends every keystroke that you type into the search bar to the Googleplex? How do you think that it comes up with those suggestions - it's watching everything that you type.

Warning: Asking Google where to find something may result in Google knowing what you're looking for. :D

I'm sorry Aiden, I normally agree with much of your commentary but this post just makes you look retarded. Yeah, Google suggest works as you type. But it has nothing to do with Chrome logging your keystrokes while you have it open or whatever tinfoil hat theory you're trying to suggest with this. Because this feature works in Internet Explorer, and Firefox too.

It's only reading what you type in the search box. So, why is this a problem? Do you often type things into the Google search box that you don't intend to search for and don't want Google to know? Are you one of these AOL idiots?

It's quarter to five in the morning here and I'm trying hard not to laugh out loud at you.


macrumors P6
Feb 8, 2003
The Peninsula
Warning: Asking Google where to find something may result in Google knowing what you're looking for. :D

I'm sorry Aiden, I normally agree with much of your commentary but this post just makes you look retarded.

Yes, that came out a bit funny.

Here's a much better description - the "OmniBox" in Chrome logs your keystrokes in the URL address bar. Other browsers do it in the search box if you have suggestions on.

Some of Google's actions in the privacy area worry me - I hope that their ethics program is strong.


macrumors 68030
Jul 22, 2003
Somewhere Else
Here's a much better description - the "OmniBox" in Chrome logs your keystrokes in the URL address bar. Other browsers do it in the search box if you have suggestions on.
But still, how often do you type sensitive information in your address bar? Heck, the only time you should be typing anything personal and important on your web browser anywhere is when you're on a secure page.

As far as Google and privacy concerns go, if you're a Firefox user I highly suggest an extension called "CustomizeGoogle" (yes, all one word just like that). It alows you to disable Click Tracking on many Google services, anonymize the Google Cookie ID, block sending to Google Analytics, default to a secure connection on GMail, Calendar, Google Docs, Reader, etc. and this is in addition to doing stuff that's really useful to you as an end user like removing ads and sponsored search results and adding links to look up things on alternative search sites on the Google results page for a term.


macrumors 6502a
Sep 16, 2008
spec's leaked,

...The clever folks at These Are The Droids have analyzed the Android 2.1 ROM for the Nexus One and discovered specs for the Nexus One, including a proximity and ambient light sensor, an accelerometer, a magnetic compass, WiFi, a stereo FM speaker, a noise-cancellation chipset, OpenGL ES 2.0-capable graphics, and references to an auto-focus camera with LED flash. These are Droids also notes that the ROM 2.1 hints at a Snapdragon processor inside.

The Snapdragon is capable of clock speeds that top 1GHz--nearly double the processor speed of Motorola's DROID. The OpenGL ES 2.0 support should also satisfy gamers, and put the Nexus One on par with the iPhone in terms of graphical power.

Another interesting feature is the purported FM tuner...

sweeet! :D

sell it with a 64/128gb model, and i will be all over it. battery life can't be worse then my craptastic iphone battery. ;)


macrumors P6
Feb 8, 2003
The Peninsula
But still, how often do you type sensitive information in your address bar? Heck, the only time you should be typing anything personal and important on your web browser anywhere is when you're on a secure page.

Some people have made comments about how Eric Schmidt was a "Google spy" on the Apple board (not that I believe that literally).

Why would Google need a spy, if they have a key logger watching every search and URL opened from 1 Infinite Loop?

You won't be typing your SS# and credit card numbers into the address/search boxes - but data-mining the info would be great for industrial espionage, or any other kind of espionage.


macrumors 68020
Jul 13, 2008
Odd, I manage to recognize iPhones, Pres, G1s, Blackberrys. I guess I won't know anything about recognizing Droids until I actually see one.

I watch for these things and like others here I've yet to see one in the wild. Except in the Verizon store, where I spent some quality time with the thing. Nice screen, inconsistent UI, ugly industrial design, horrific hardware keyboard (seriously, that keyboard just sucks). And like the Pre, it seems the Droid buzz has completely faded away. Already. Now the Nexus One is the Android flavor of the day (that splintering sound you hear is the sound of rapid platform fragmentation).

This Droid is not the iPhone killer you're looking for. Move along. Move along.

Perhaps you've also noticed that the Droid and iPhone look similar from a distance, yet neither look anything like a G1, Blackberry, or Pre?

The screen is far superior. The UI is the best I've seen outside of the iPhone, and is very comparable. Yes, the physical keyboard sucks, however the predictive virtual keyboard is superior to the iPhone's.

But yes, the Droid is not the iPhone killer. AT&T is. The more people experience issues with their service and potential "policies" for limiting bandwidth, the more they will seek out alternatives.


macrumors 68030
Jul 22, 2003
Somewhere Else
Why would Google need a spy, if they have a key logger watching every search and URL opened from 1 Infinite Loop?
That would only be if everyone at Apple was using Chrome (as far as the address bar goes), and since Chrome has not been available on Mac until after he left I guess you can take that as you will.

As for Google Suggest, that is a feature you can turn off. I don't know if that stops the keystrokes from being sent to Google or just stops the suggestions from being looked for. But once again, we're talking about something Apple employees are searching for. You keep painting this picture of Apple employees idly taping their thoughts into the Google search box instead of on a notepad window. Why would an Apple employee be typing something into the Google search box, if they don't mean to search for it on Google? Why would an Apple employee use Google as a research tool if the secrecy of what they're looking for is that imporatant, especially secrecy from Google.

I hate to use a gun analogy here, but...

Let's say there is a loaded gun sitting on the table. This is not a household with children and everyone is aware the gun is loaded, nobody is trying to clean the firearm right now. "Oh noes!" Aiden Shaw says, "That's dangerous. A full grown adult might pick up that gun and accidentally point it at someone and pull the trigger! We need to put a trigger lock on it." While I can't argue putting a lock on the trigger will not make the gun safer, an adult is hardly going to use the gun in a deadly way on "accident" the circumstances that would lead to something like that happening are too obscure. The same applies to this Google Suggest/Address bar nonsense. Nobody is going to accidentally type a corporate secret into their address bar or the search box on Google. Just like I'm not worried about accidentally typing my SSN into Google.
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