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macrumors 603
Aug 6, 2007
Anyone else getting nothing when right clicking a picture and choosing reveal in finder? Maybe because it is on external drive, but here on latest 10.3 this function seems not to be working.


macrumors 6502a
May 16, 2006
After clicking the dock icon to open the app, Photos is taking longer to load than iPhoto ever did. Library is 4,700 photos (21 GB). Once Photos is open and loaded it is definitely faster than iPhoto, but that initial delay is annoying. Granted, I'm using a 5400 rpm HDD and not an SSD, but still...


macrumors regular
Aug 15, 2014
I've been using the Photos App since the OS X 10.10.3 public beta started, and it has been good so far. I have just over 12K photos and the initial upload went well. All of my albums were preserved and I was able to see everything on my iOS devices with iCloud Photo Library enabled.

After updating my iPhone and iPad to iOS 8.2 the other day, I noticed a bunch of old photos that had made their way to the bottom of my photos list and the All Photos album. There is still some order to the photos, mainly the ones taken on my phone, but there are so many older photos out of order. I checked, and the timestamps are still accurate, so I have photos with a 2011 date right next to photos I took two days ago!?

I checked, and the library looks consistent between the Photos app on my Mac and my two iOS devices.

I also noticed there is an option under View in the Photos App that has a checkmark "Keep Sorted By Date" but is greyed out. Only seems to be available in Albums I have created, not the main photo stream.

Has anyone else seen anything like this?


macrumors 6502a
May 16, 2006
30k+ photo library, Photos starts in 5-6 sec. This on an old MBP, but with an SSD.

Yeah it's that SSD...

I've been using the Photos App since the OS X 10.10.3 public beta started, and it has been good so far. I have just over 12K photos and the initial upload went well. All of my albums were preserved and I was able to see everything on my iOS devices with iCloud Photo Library enabled.

After updating my iPhone and iPad to iOS 8.2 the other day, I noticed a bunch of old photos that had made their way to the bottom of my photos list and the All Photos album. There is still some order to the photos, mainly the ones taken on my phone, but there are so many older photos out of order. I checked, and the timestamps are still accurate, so I have photos with a 2011 date right next to photos I took two days ago!?

I checked, and the library looks consistent between the Photos app on my Mac and my two iOS devices.

I also noticed there is an option under View in the Photos App that has a checkmark "Keep Sorted By Date" but is greyed out. Only seems to be available in Albums I have created, not the main photo stream.

Has anyone else seen anything like this?

I've noticed this as well, and the greyed out "Keep Sorted By Date" is particularly confusing.


macrumors 6502
Sep 23, 2009
Orange County, CA
Photos App not available

Hey everyone, my photos app is greyed out. Clicking on it finder tells me I need to upgrade to 10.3 however I just installed the beta seed and all updates last night. Restarted my 2009 iMac multiple times withheld no luck. Any ideas?


macrumors 68000
Mar 17, 2013
Utah, USA
Photos loads quickly for me, much faster than iPhoto, with 8K photos. Assigning faces has smoothed out whereas it was herky-jerky at first. My plan is to use it with DxO, which will export directly to Photos.


macrumors 6502
Jul 25, 2014
Hey everyone, my photos app is greyed out. Clicking on it finder tells me I need to upgrade to 10.3 however I just installed the beta seed and all updates last night. Restarted my 2009 iMac multiple times withheld no luck. Any ideas?

Your'e not suppose to install the Security update, check your version in About this Mac. Probably states 10.10.2


macrumors 6502
Sep 23, 2009
Orange County, CA
Your'e not suppose to install the Security update, check your version in About this Mac. Probably states 10.10.2

Crap, I did install the security update. Wow, that was annoyingly easy. Shoot it does say 10.10.2, Hmm any idea on how I should proceed. Maybe I should just opt out at this point LOL :eek:


macrumors 6502
Jul 25, 2014
Crap, I did install the security update. Wow, that was annoyingly easy. Shoot it does say 10.10.2, Hmm any idea on how I should proceed. Maybe I should just opt out at this point LOL :eek:

Hard to say, I'd just reinstall 10.10.3 Beta from scratch and only take App Store updates, so far there haven't been any.


macrumors newbie
Mar 13, 2015
Shared Photo Albums

We seem to have lost the option to create a Public Website when creating an iCloud shared photo album. It was very helpful for sharing photos with non-Apple family and friends. Anyone know how to get around this?


macrumors 603
Aug 6, 2007
This weeks beta seems to have smoothed out a few of the bumps I was having when using Photos.


macrumors 6502a
Mar 24, 2013
Anyone lose the Media Browser in Safari / chrome?
I seem to have lost mine. When i upload a photo on a website, it used to have a media: section with Photos. Then it would open all my photostream photos.
Now - Nothing beyond devices favorites.
Any thoughts how I could get this back?


macrumors 6502
Nov 23, 2012
- For me a lot of my photos had their meta data messed up, and now display in random days/weeks not even close to when the photo was actually taken.

-, my iPhone, and Mac all display different numbers of photos/videos.

- After doing a Mac update I had a ton of photos duplicated. Some 3-4 times. Had to go through and delete them.

- Both Mac and iPhone are on iCloud Photo Library and yet when I hook up my phone it wants to import hundreds of photos it says are new.

Hope these issues get worked on. iCloud Photo Library has been in beta for a long time, and there are still have some pretty serious problems. At least for me. I never had a problem with iPhoto duplicating images or messing up the dates and organizing photos on the correct date. A lot of people are going to be pissed off when 10.10.3 goes live and their libraries get messed up like mine did.


macrumors 6502
Nov 23, 2012
After trying a few things I've given up on iCloud Photo Library, and reverted back to what I used to do with Photostream. I also use OneDrive as a 3rd party backup.

Now I have all my photos in the correct date, and Photostream in Mac Photos app is perfectly synced with Photostream on my iPhone. Its a shame iCloud Photo Library can't get basic syncing right yet. iCloud Photo Library seemingly has some good features that Photostream doesn't have but I've been really frustrated by my phone showing one image count, my Mac another, and yet a different number. Photos app just would not display photos by their proper date/time. It was a garbled mess of images showing under one date when they were taken many weeks differently than was being shown.

Still a beta but I'll keep using a system that has worked pretty well for me without any glaring issues for a long time now.

And I hope Photos app gets better. I like the interface but it needs some additional features and some polish.


macrumors regular
Mar 18, 2012
- Both Mac and iPhone are on iCloud Photo Library and yet when I hook up my phone it wants to import hundreds of photos it says are new.

I've noticed that the phone will still consider any photos taken or saved on the phone since last import/delete as new photos. they will still show up as new when you plug in your phone for import.

To me, this is good, as I still plan to keep a separate archive of all photos. I was concerned that with ICPL the phone would not consider them 'new'. I still want to import my newly taken or saved photos, in addition to automatically adding them to ICPL.


macrumors newbie
Mar 23, 2011
Moving from Aperture to the Photos app really is a sacrifice. That said, if I could have the following features, it'd be doable:

1) Ability to manually geotag Photos
2) A Published API so we have have plugins (Nik, etc)
3) When "Hiding" a photo, it still appears in albums. This should be fixed or at least prompt when hiding a photo if it should be removed from all albums.
4) Ability to combine non-iPhone sourced shots into a "Burst" - AKA he equivalent of Aperture's "Stacks" This is absolutely necessary.
5) Drag and drop from Photos into other apps doesn't seem to work. Hopefully they'll add this in the next version
6) I'd like to see star ratings come back but I'm not holding my breath. They seem to only want keywords
7) a Better keyword panel. To use the keyboard shortcuts, I need the floating panel up? wtf Keyword keyboard shortcuts should be global within the app.
8) I want the ability to have the keywords overlaid on the images so I don't have to hover over the keyword image or have the keyword panel up to see what it's tagged with
9) Need the ability to create smart albums based on more metadata. Such as a smart album with photos containing NO GPS information.


macrumors regular
Sep 30, 2013
I made another thread before I saw this thread but here is my problem...

The photos all is changing the dates of a lot of my images.

Stuff that was taken in say.. June 2013 will show up in November 2010. Some even go back to 1st January 2000.

It's becoming a pain in the .... To have to keep editing the dates of the photos. Especially as you can't do a batch at a time all to the same date.


macrumors member
Feb 28, 2012
why are hidden photos visible in the all photos album? it kind of defeats the purpose of hiding them. hidden photos also show up in suggested faces.


macrumors regular
Feb 25, 2008
I am using Photos across two computers (iMac and MacBook Pro). I have quite a large library, and have always kept it stored on my iMac, which has much more hard drive space.

As I understood it, the full resolution photos would not be downloaded to the satellite devices (iPhone, iPad, etc.), and I assumed that would include my MacBook Pro. I wanted to be able to see simply the same, lower-resolution photos I might get on my iDevices.

However, in the settings menu, one only has the option to either: A: Download Originals to this Mac or, B: Optimize Mac Storage (Store full-resolution photos and videos in iCloud. Originals will also be stored on this Mac if you have enough storage space.)

Where this causes a bullspit issue is that, as I chose option B for my MacBook Pro, where I choose not to store my photos, because of the "originals will also be stored... " part, Photos is slowing eating up all of my hard drive space.

Apple needs to get rid of this part, allowing me to choose one main computer (my iMac) in which to store the full-resolution photos.

Does anyone know if this storage space is dynamic? As in, if I need room on my laptop, will the photos delete themselves to allow room, or am I going to have to go through the hassle of deleting originals by hand when I need the space?

I would like access to Photos on my portable computer, but I will remove it if continues to be a space hog, forcing itself on me like a drunken frat boy at a cheap strip club.

Do I just need to turn off iCloud Photo Library, only using My Photo Stream? If I did that, would I still have access to my entire library, or only newer photos added since the invention of Photo Stream?
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