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macrumors P6
Original poster
Jun 11, 2007
London, United Kingdom
Mod Note: Here is a list of the previous threads

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Post Your Mac Setup: Past & Present (Part 2)
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Post Your Mac Setup: Past & Present (Part 4)
Post Your Mac Setup: Past & Present (Part 5)
Post Your Mac Setup: Past & Present (Part 6)
Post Your Mac Setup: Past & Present (Part 7)
Post Your Mac Setup: Past & Present (Part 8)
Post Your Mac Setup: Past & Present (Part 9)
Post Your Mac Setup: Past & Present (Part 10)
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macrumors 68030
Mar 2, 2009
Here's Mine

These are mine. I have a problem, i know


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macrumors 68030
Mar 2, 2009

Here's the rest

Only 1 monitor works, the small one. I got the other two for 10 bucks! and one kinda works i guess :(


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macrumors 65816
Mar 26, 2008
Keebler said:
Well folks, I've been looking, researching and not doing anything about a new desk for some time now. I finally picked the task up again and by PURE LUCK, I ran into an ex-co-worker who explained they had some cubicles to get rid of. That positive thinking my wife's been telling me about paid off!

So after a few truck trips and hours of putting the desk together, cutting another middle piece to use as a shelf and starting at the empty desk trying to plan where to put all of my gear, here it is

I bought supporting legs from IKEA to help with the weight.

Every cable is labelled at the start and end destinations. I've tried to tie as many cables together as I can. I'm going to wait a few months to ensure I don't move anything around then will buy some velcro straps.

Still to come:

- will move the white imac out and into the living room to be the 'family' computer

- need to set up my nikon coolscan

- a few more A/V pieces need to be set up beside the filing cabinet on the right hand side

- researching new speakers - so far looking at the Rokit line as I need flat sounding speakers for the accuracy of my client tape transfers

- waiting until Monday or later next week to see if Apple announces a new 27" monitor so I can see whether or not the 24" display refurbs drop in price (or buy NEC, Dell or Samsung screens - they have to be fantastic for colour accuracy). It's hard for me to get away from Apple b/c I've been a huge fan of the 20" display I paid big bucks for almost 6 years ago

Looks amazing, but I think it would be even nicer to have the towers on the floor and the ACDs where the towers are now. It would look a bit less crowded that way IMHO.


macrumors 68030
Jun 20, 2005
Looks amazing, but I think it would be even nicer to have the towers on the floor and the ACDs where the towers are now. It would look a bit less crowded that way IMHO.

thanks for the feedback. i agree and I actually had them on the floor in the last set up (never posted), but the problem was 2 fold:

1. dust :( - harder to clean and reach behind the towers. Now it's at a great level which makes it easier to clean that pesky dust and also to change cables if need be.

2. access to burners - I burn plenty of DVDs so it's better to have them at a higher level which is easier to grab. I have my printer station set up on the opposite side of the towers (not visible), so it's an easy grab, turn and place on the printers. I do want to get an automated printer, but not ready to spend the money on one just yet :)



macrumors member
Aug 24, 2009
I suppose I'd best ask the obvious question: Why two?

Probably because one is older, and he still uses it but he bought a new one because the older one is slowing down? Your saying if you had two, you would hide one even if you periodically used them both? :)


macrumors 65816
Mar 26, 2008
Probably because one is older, and he still uses it but he bought a new one because the older one is slowing down? Your saying if you had two, you would hide one even if you periodically used them both? :)

If I had two, I would transfer my data to the new one, sell the older one, and recoup some of my investment ;)


macrumors 6502a
Aug 16, 2009
North Burbs, IL
question for some of you...

why is that some on here connect their MBP to their iMac/desktop?

it it to network between the two?
if so, can't that be done wirelessly?

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