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Apr 12, 2001

Ahead of Apple's WWDC 2016 keynote next Monday, June 13 at 10:00 a.m. Pacific Time, Siri is now offering up some traditionally witty responses to users that ask about potential announcements. iPhone users can test Siri themselves by asking "what to expect at WWDC?" or similar questions.

All of Siri's responses are unsurprisingly vague, including one related to the popular HBO drama series Game of Thrones. Each response includes a link to Apple's WWDC website, which provides a schedule of events and other details about the weeklong developer conference at Moscone West in San Francisco.


Siri previously revealed that WWDC 2016 would be held on June 13-17, prior to any official announcement, and offered similar "give us a hint" responses leading up to its September 2015 media event last year.

As is usual, Apple is expected to unveil the latest versions of its iOS and OS X operating systems for iPhone and Mac respectively at WWDC 2016.

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Article Link: Siri Offers Witty Responses to Users Asking About WWDC Announcements
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Jun 3, 2015
First assistant program that refuses to answer your question. Beginning of skynet event.
Siri with Apple map:
"Siri...take me home"
Shows me the path to drive off the cliff.

If Siri refuses to talk, it's time to water board the iPhone.


macrumors 6502
Jul 25, 2012
I'm finding the news about Siri's responses to questions about WWDC to be more exciting than I am about the actual event. I sure hope I am greatly underestimating WWDC this year, and Apple ends up showing off some great updates to both software and hardware.
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macrumors G3
Nov 23, 2011
Well a talking dog would be good, if it talked sense... its like that game where you ask a question and you answer a difference question. while its funny for a while..... soon gets old.

I dunno. I don't think I'd ever get tired of a talking dog, even if it talks nonsense.

It's a pleasant enough surprise when a dog doesn't poop on the carpet, eat the poop, puke the poop, eat the puke, then puke the puke. Maybe my standards are a little lower than yours. :)


macrumors G3
Nov 23, 2011
Interesting there's so many negative comments... given Apple generally is a little late coming to the party, but tends to really hit it home when they do, I'm expecting this will be a very exciting WWDC. I think SIRI in particular is going to see a huge improvement.

I agree Popeye, and your enthusiasm is refreshing on this forum. Jokes aside of course, I am excited for this year. :)


macrumors regular
Dec 3, 2007
Hoping for more functionality and usability and less Siri sass! I don't care for my phone to be artificially witty.
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