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macrumors 68020
Aug 6, 2008
love your signature!
When is Siri going to become vaguely useful?
if it was a dog, they would have had it put down by now.

Who knows, according to the creators behind Siri Steve Jobs hamstrung it.


macrumors 68000
Nov 2, 2009
Wish they would actually get Siri's functionality to the level of Cortana or Google Now. Or at least open it up for others to access during apps. Siri is good at setting appointments and reminders. And good for silly parlor tricks they program before big events.

But it SO underwhelming compared to what was demoed years ago and has failed to improve.


macrumors 6502a
Sep 15, 2014
I dunno. I don't think I'd ever get tired of a talking dog, even if it talks nonsense.

It's a pleasant enough surprise when a dog doesn't poop on the carpet, eat the poop, puke the poop, eat the puke, then puke the puke. Maybe my standards are a little lower than yours. :)

Well speaking of talking dogs.. :D



macrumors G3
Nov 26, 2007
I always thought W was pronounced double U.

Siri says Dubs Dubs D C for WWDC

I always pronounce it "Dub". I know the name is "Double U" but that's 3 syllables. It defeats the purpose of an acronym to replace the words "World Wide" with "Double U Double U".

Alternatively, you could just said "World Wide D C", but then you're mixing part of the name with an acronym.
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Sep 9, 2012
This developer page gives a few minor hints about some software additions we can expect.

"Hello self-combusting selfies" is perhaps referring to a SnapChat-like non-permanent picture message that's only temporarily available to the recipient.

"Hello rain in five minutes" seems to refer to improvements in the Weather app along the lines of near-casting or now-casting, which offers improved and more detailed short-term forecasts based on recent and current observations.

Other less interesting ones seem to be about sport deals (Baseball) on AppleTV, some watch stuff and some fitness stuff which could be AppleTV or Apple Watch-related or both (integrated).

But we know most people just want to see the hardware!
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macrumors regular
May 1, 2014
Spewing out silly jokes is all that Siri's good for.

Google's AI is running circles (and beating Go champions) around Siri.

While Google was buying DeepMind AI, Tim Cook and Eddy Cue were buying BEATS urban fashion brand and made billionaires out of bunch of rappers.

Apple's run by morons.
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