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macrumors regular
Oct 14, 2008
Centre of the Attention
Wow... if they really keeps redesigned iPhone 5 exclusive and unavailable to other carriers or the world (other markets than the US). They really have shot themselves in the foot.. On the other hand, if they still release redesigned phones on other territories...:apple: I'd be a happy consumer ;)


macrumors 6502a
Mar 14, 2008
I'm really torn right now... on one hand, it's the WSJ. They speak volumes and don't usually open their mouths unless they're very sure of their sources.

On the other hand, I can't believe Apple would do this. There isn't a single iPhone 4 user out there that has completed their 2-year contract with AT&T or Verizon. They'd be pissing in the faces of every single iPhone 4 user by not allowing them to upgrade without a ton of hassle.

As much as I trust the WSJ, I'm calling BS. This just doesn't add up, and I don't think Apple would screw this many customers for a few extra bucks. IMO, they'd lose more in iPhone 5 sales than what they'd make from Sprint!

apple is a business and you will be surprised that they dont care about you at allllllll....


macrumors 6502a
Sep 6, 2006
Doesn't Verizon have the same amount of LTE coverage as Sprint ? If not more.

Yeah, but Apple's said in the past that the current generation LTE chips they'd need are too large for their design; they needed to wait for the next generation which I think are due early next year.

Doctor Q

Staff member
Sep 19, 2002
Los Angeles
I doubt Sprint would make such a big bet. When all of the major carriers are all selling iPhones in the U.S., they'll be competing based on their service, coverage, prices, etc., in other words the same factors they've competed on in the past. Which companies have iPhones will drop from being a deciding factor. You'd assume that Sprint has confidence in themselves to sell their services on their own merits.

And Apple would have to be unconfident too, believing that the entire market combined would sell less than 30.5 million units. Otherwise, why over exclusivity?


macrumors newbie
May 16, 2011
All i know is the keynote tomorrow will make people's head way or another! :eek:
Need popcorn.:apple:


macrumors 6502
Jul 4, 2010
Washington, D.C.
This would be the stupidest thing Apple could ever do. Surely this is pure speculation. What incentive do they have to limit sales to Sprint?

You're asking the wrong question. The proper question is this: How much would Sprint have to pay Apple to get a 4G-compatible iPhone for the Sprint network ahead of 4G-compatible phones for AT&T and Verizon? $30 billion? Certainly seems plausible.

The only thing that doesn't really fit into this is that Apple has apparently built a dual-mode phone. What's the point of doing that if you're going to build a WiMax phone for Sprint? Economies of scale: lost. Or maybe that's why Sprint has to pay $30 billion--seems like too much, except maybe it's not when you factor in that hastle for Apple.

Of course, even then, how does Sprint expect to establish a new iPhone market in 3-6 months? Even if the LTE iPhone isn't coming until June 2012, are that many people really going to switch? If this is true, Sprint would be betting the company on the fact that virtually everyone on AT&T with an iPhone is out of contract and 50-60% of them are willing to switch for a WiMax iPhone 5.

Adidas Addict

macrumors 65816
Sep 9, 2008


macrumors 65816
Aug 29, 2011
I'm really torn right now... on one hand, it's the WSJ. They speak volumes and don't usually open their mouths unless they're very sure of their sources.

On the other hand, I can't believe Apple would do this. There isn't a single iPhone 4 user out there that has completed their 2-year contract with AT&T or Verizon. They'd be pissing in the faces of every single iPhone 4 user by not allowing them to upgrade without a ton of hassle.

As much as I trust the WSJ, I'm calling BS. This just doesn't add up, and I don't think Apple would screw this many customers for a few extra bucks. IMO, they'd lose more in iPhone 5 sales than what they'd make from Sprint!

Thank God I don't have a phone :D


macrumors 6502
Oct 26, 2010
In the wake of the new report on Sprint's massive iPhone commitment, BGR reports that this development may lend weight to claim they had heard that had previously seemed outrageous - that the iPhone 5 does indeed exist and that it will launch as a 4G WiMAX as a Sprint exclusive.The claim reportedly comes from an "incredibly solid" industry contact and is one which has seemed simply unbelievable. But with Sprint clearly betting the future of the company on the iPhone, it is at least possible that it may have gone to extreme lengths to make a staggering entrance to the iPhone market.

BGR's rumor record has been spotty over time, and it's hard to imagine Apple making this move. Still, we mention it for interest and discussion in the lead up to tomorrow's media event.

Article Link: Sprint Commits to Buying $20 Billion Worth of iPhones, To Get Redesigned iPhone 5 Exclusively?
Well, there goes the credibility of that rumor. Yawn.


macrumors 6502
Jun 10, 2008
Ok this is getting ridiculous! No way in hell AT&T and Verizon allow spare Sprint to do this. Both Verizon and AT&T have WAAAY more cash on hand than Sprint. Please!


macrumors regular
Jun 26, 2011
Apple sells more iPhone units outside the United States than it does inside. So why is every article about iPhone 5 focused on US networks and technologies that are rarely seen outside that country?


Same goes for comments ala "but iPhone is only $99!"; no, it's $99 upfront on a contract. You pay for the phone as part of the contract.

BGR said:
Dedicated Assistant button, possibly integrated with the new home button, “think gestures or a two-stage button like a camera shutter key).

Yeah right. Next rumour.


macrumors 68030
Jul 28, 2011
I'm going to call bull.

You may very well be correct.

Perhaps tomorrow the room will fall silent, when the announcement is made that there is _NO_ announcement.

"Sorry folks, but we (Apple) are still in last minute negotiations, there will be no announcement until a later date."

Thank you, and oh... one more thing...

We _REALLY_ appreciate you all turning out for todays event. :apple:


macrumors 65816
Jan 6, 2007
I can see Sprint being cut in, but not exclusively

I agree. Alienating millions of customers on AT&T and Verizon just doesn't make sense. Exclusivity worked in the beginning when the iPhone was brand new, but now as one of the most popular phones in existence its 5th iteration won't be tied up to one carrier.


macrumors 68040
Oct 9, 2008
I would have an easy time believing that Sprint would be willing to do this, but Apple? All those - what was the poll? - 95% of current iPhone owners would want to upgrade? That's an awful lot of customers that wouldn't be able to upgrade. I don't think Apple would miss out on that many sales.

Those who want to upgrade can upgrade to the 4S. Its still an upgrade.


Mar 26, 2008
Wirelessly posted (Mozilla/5.0 (iPhone; U; CPU iPhone OS 4_3_5 like Mac OS X; de-de) AppleWebKit/533.17.9 (KHTML, like Gecko) Version/5.0.2 Mobile/8L1 Safari/6533.18.5)

Wimax? great ... another US frequency bs no one else in the world uses. stick 2 one and be done with it


Mar 11, 2003
... I can't believe Apple would do this. There isn't a single iPhone 4 user out there that has completed their 2-year contract with AT&T or Verizon. They'd be pissing in the faces of every single iPhone 4 user by not allowing them to upgrade without a ton of hassle.

YOU signed a 2 year agreement! Why in the world would you feel entitled to upgrade before 2 years? When you enter into a contract, those are the breaks. Deal with it. (btw, it only costs a few bucks to break the contract - much less than the subsidized value you reaped)


macrumors 603
Oct 29, 2007
I think this rumor is ludicrous because the iphone is such in strong consumer demand that Apple no longer has to work out deals to get it on certain carriers. The carriers come to them. Why would Apple shoot themselves in the foot by not selling a different iphone variant on all of the other carriers, especially if it has a feature that is in high demand?

I also don't see Apple including a special radio that only works on one carrier that is obviously moving away from that standard in favor of LTE. I'd like to meet BGR's source, right after he gets out of kindergarten class and has his nap.


macrumors 68020
May 23, 2011
There might be some merit to this rumor, Sprint will get the iPhone 5 along with the other two, but it will boast and advertise the nations FASTED iPhone with WiMax. They might also stick it to them with price. You never know.


macrumors 6502
Mar 16, 2009
There's nothing special about WiMAX. LTE kills it in speed and coverage, and HSPA+ beats it in speed and coverage. If the 5/4S has any 4G tech it would be LTE, it will have HSPA+ but that only works for AT&T users.

Sprint is mortgaging the company on it being able to draw a ton of existing customers from AT&T/Verizon, except for the fact that most of their target customers are still under contract with competitors.


macrumors member
Oct 3, 2011
Great ! ! !

iPhone 5 with HSPA+ for Germany from day one...
i don't need a LTE enabled device here in germany... only a few cities have this network standard ... but hspa and hspa+ 14.4 and 21 MBits are available on a wide area ...

G R E A T ! ! !

hope this is true
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