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macrumors regular
Oct 9, 2008
I currently have no data plan, just a talk/text plan. If I go to the Apple Store and get it for Rogers, how can I get the data plan added on (at 7-8am)? Will phone lines be open then to add the data package, or will it all just happen when I buy the iPhone (somehow through Apple)?

Also for Apple Stores within Malls, will the Malls be opening their doors before 7?


macrumors newbie
Jul 8, 2010
I just called (again) at Virgin Mobile kiosk and they still don't know if they're going to have iPhone 4 in stock tomorrow. I don't really care if they don't what's bugging me is that I don't want to get there tomorrow morning for nothing. :rolleyes:


macrumors 6502a
Jun 20, 2010
Wirelessly posted (Opera/9.80 (iPhone; Opera Mini/5.0.019802/19.886; U; en) Presto/2.5.25)

Apple store will be able to do it on their computers if a problem happens then they call.
You have to get a data plan so the carriers will make sure people are ready


macrumors 65816
Original poster
Sep 24, 2008
Hamilton, Ontario
Wireless Wave will give you a micro sim card free no probs with that

And you are correct apps not tested for iOS4 do not support multitasking.

I'm 99% sure that apps not tested for 4.0 will not support multitasking. For instance, before I updated my IGN app every time I would exit the app and go back in it would restart it fresh again. When the update for IGN (ios 4 tested) came out, it now takes full advantage of the multitasking API.

If they're not iOS 4 tested I would think they should still work fine.. just they won't take advantage of the fast app switching API or other new options..

I'm thinking of hiting an Apple store around 5 or so.. I've seen people mention they've already gotten a micro sim. I wonder if we're able to pick them up already from the dealers?

Actually you can still use the fast app switching feature but it will just start the app over again at a refreshed state, like when it's just opened.

It sucks that I have 75% off my apps not 4.0 tested....I don't understand why the developers haven't been updating their apps.


macrumors 6502
Apr 5, 2004
Great White North
Yeah, what's up with that? It's not like they just found out that they would be selling it tomorrow........

It's almost like all the carriers don't want to give their clientele time to look around at plans with other carriers. Everyone knows that their will be a shortage of supply and this way it will be harder to switch to a new carrier and whatnot.


Oct 27, 2007
Los Angeles, CA
Haha knowing Rogers though 11:59 pm seems like a good estimate if we're lucky

I'm glad I don't have to deal with them anymore. For the ~10 years I was a customer, I was on the phone with them way too much.

My mother, however, is a customer, and she's hoping to get an iP4 tomorrow. She's pretty annoyed that there are no details yet.


macrumors 6502a
Jun 20, 2010
Wirelessly posted (Opera/9.80 (iPhone; Opera Mini/5.0.019802/19.886; U; en) Presto/2.5.25)



macrumors 6502
Jan 25, 2008
what if he was kidding?

only 16 minutes left though. and 22 hours for the rogers plus store to open!

It's funny that NO ONE else I know is planning on getting an iPhone 4.

My friend isn't getting an iPhone 4, neither did he get the 3GS. He has an iPhone 3G that he got 1 month before the 3GS came out.


macrumors member
Apr 30, 2010
My friend isn't getting an iPhone 4, neither did he get the 3GS. He has an iPhone 3G that he got 1 month before the 3GS came out.

The moment I used the 3GS I knew I had to upgrade..

When are people lining up for the Rogers stores? I think 8am would be OK? (the one near me opens at 10am)


macrumors member
Apr 30, 2010
I bet there wont be a thing on the rogers website at 12:30 EDT..

I doesn't matter though right? We're all going to buy it, regardless of whatever they have up on the Rogers website. I will do all my contract negotiations tomorrow when I upgrade.


macrumors 65816
Nov 29, 2008
I doesn't matter though right? We're all going to buy it, regardless of whatever they have up on the Rogers website. I will do all my contract negotiations tomorrow when I upgrade.

Good luck! Why would they give you anything at retentions if you have already re-signed for another 3 years when you picked up the phone? They'll just say sorry sir.

Think about it.


macrumors 6502
Jun 28, 2010
lol u guys are fools.. watch and see.. bell/telus will release their info at 4/5 pm EST, then rogers will release theirs at 9/10 pm.
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