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macrumors 603
Feb 7, 2011
Did she not do well?

I know there was push back with having her but she seemed to do ok
She sis three seasons, and that seems to be the rule for modern Who Doctors. The longest was of course Tom Baker for 7 seasons from 1974 to 1981. I liked her though I thought the writing under producer Chibnall sometimes weak.
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macrumors 603
Feb 7, 2011
Hello all.

Thought it was time to bring this thread back up to date...

Whitaker had her final outing as the Doctor in October 2022 in the BBC's 100th Celebration story, Power of the Doctor. It saw the return of 2 classic companions - Ace and Tegan - in the first such return since Sarah Jane in 2006, not to mention the return of Doctors 5, 6, 7, 8 and pseudo 1 - the first time Classic Doctors have been in the new era outside of clips. By the end of the story it had cleared house, with all current companions and the Doctor bowing out.

Jodie's debut episode 4 years earlier had seen something like 10-11 million (UK) viewers (WHO's biggest ever, including the original era, as everyone wanted to see the first female Doctor). The finale was only around 4m. There was a lot of issues at play here such as the decline in terrestrial tv, yadda yadda, but whilst plenty of people may point at the decision to cast a female Doctor as a bad one, I strongly feel it was not Jodie's fault, but rather that of showrunner Chibnall. The stories ultimately were what was failing here, more than Jodie's acting... but anyways.

RTD is back as showrunner after the BBC tried several other options, all who of whom said no. More importantly, Bad Wolf is taking over as production company from BBC Wales. Bad Wolf was created by RTD alongside his WHO producers, and has been creating quality content in the interim. After the WHO announcement, Sony bought a large chunk of Bad Wolf, suggesting a big budget was now possible for the show, thanks to deeper pockets than the BBC. Then, just after Whitaker's finale, it was announced that Disney was becoming the worldwide distributor of the new WHO era (excluding the UK), so - budgets really are expected to increase noticeably.

RTD to return as Showrunner

The new Doctor was soon confirmed as Sex Education star, Ncuti Gatwa (pronounced Shu-tee). I've enjoyed this show, and in particular his performance, so am hopeful he'll do a fine job. At 30 years old, he's not the youngest Doctor (that was Matt Smith, and even Peter Davison was I believe 29 when he debuted as Doc5), although Ncuti is best known for playing a teenager.


However - before we get to Gatwa, David Tennant and Catherine Tate will be returning as the Doctor & Donna for THREE specials during the show's 60th Anniversary month of November 2023. (How can Donna return?? Wait and see, says RTD.)

Doctor and Donna back


This pic was taken during filming - Also seen here is Bernard Cribbins returning as Donna's grandfather, Wilf, in Cribbin's final acting role before his death. :( There are rumours we may see Matt Smith return as well (his schedule was clear during filming, and Tennant said there were more big surprises in store... maybe Capaldi too?

And now today the new companion for Ncuti's Doctor - Millie Gibson from Corro Street will play "Ruby Sunday" has been announced. Their first story is going to be in "the festive season" of 2023 (Christmas?!), followed by the full season (of likely 8 episodes based on leaked financial info) in 2024.


That's it in a nutshell...

RTD has in the past commented on his belief that WHO is big enough to spawn its own platform of adventures akin to Marvel or Star Wars, and with Disney now owning the distribution rights worldwide (ex UK) - that seems even more likely... although entirely uncomfirmed. I'd be surprised however if we don't hear about some spinoffs toward the end of the 2024 season - assuming it does well.

All of this has certainly reinvigorated my interest in the show, which has wanted during Chibnall's era.
Exwllwnr summary Doctor - I mean @cosmichobo those two look adorable and Ms. Gibson will be relatable to the young folks like my niece who is one year older than her.
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macrumors 6502a
May 4, 2006
Did she not do well?

I know there was push back with having her but she seemed to do ok
Based purely on UK ratings...
Eccelston - First season average 8.1 m
Tennant - First season average 7.8m, then 8.0, 8.4, and 11.1 (4 specials only)
Smith - First season average 8.0m, then 7.7m, 8.2m
Capaldi - First season average 7.3m, then 6.3m, then 5.6m - first real decline in ratings
Whitaker - First season average 7.9m, then 5.5m, 4.8m

As I said, Whitaker was facing things like streaming services really coming to the fore, as well as Covid... but however you look at it, from start to end she lost 3m viewers. But as I said - I think the fault lays with Chibnall, who just didn't come up with the goods from a story perspective. It was also Capaldi's issue IMO - he had some good stuff here and there, but it wasn't as consistent... I think Moffat should have handed off sooner, but - finding someone to run the show is not easy.


macrumors 6502a
May 4, 2006
What possessed them to introduce the "Timeless Child" idea ? Utter nonsense to re-write the Doctors history after 60 years.
The fan theory is - The Brain of Morbius; all those extra faces...

I do not like the concept at all... and I suspect that RTD may just shelve it - OR - he'll run with it. It's rife for spin off potential - Ruth Dr or other/s.
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macrumors 6502a
May 4, 2006
After a 4 year hiatus I am back on YouTube.

Uploading all my old content from 2010 - 2019, and will then be looking at making new stuff, too.

My personal fave to give you an idea of my content:

The War Games - In 10 Minutes
Boom! (Ace and her Nitro 9)
Kandy Noir (what if Happiness Patrol had been b&w)

...just to name a few.

Not amazing content, but hey, once upon a time I had a few thousand subs, and around 700,000 views... so not too shabby at the low end of town. :)

Disclaimer - Not monetised, not making a cent, just for the enjoyment and to share with fans.
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macrumors 6502a
May 4, 2006
Cool, subscribed and will watch once I am at home - the special is coming soon isn't it?
First special is Saturday 25 November UK time... With 2 more specials each week after that.

But also if you can get it - they have colourised the original Dalek story, abridged it down from 7 x 25min to just 75mins, rescored it as well... It's due to air on the actual anniversary day - 23 November - on BBC4. No idea how anyone outside of the UK will get to see that "live" but I'm sure it'll be available afterwards.


macrumors 6502a
Mar 20, 2017
Nottingham, England
My thoughts on The Star Beast. Possible spoilers ahoy. Very exciting, lots of cool explosions and sets. The Disney+ money has been well spent. David Tennant and Catherine Tate are an absolute joy. As an old fan who is very familiar with the comic strip on which the story is based, seeing Beep the Meep and the Wraith Warriors come to life was mind blowing though my knowledge spoilt the twist for me.
Lots of interesting characters particularly the women in the wheelchair who clearly knows the Doctor.
Was less impressed by RTD using an almost magical solution to resolve the meta crisis in Donna’s head (Donna and her child are magic) and London streets being ripped literally ripped apart then ’magically’ put back together again. A solid 8 out of 10.
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macrumors 604
Mar 3, 2010
My thoughts on The Star Beast. Possible spoilers ahoy. Very exciting, lots of cool explosions and sets. The Disney+ money has been well spent. David Tennant and Catherine Tate are an absolute joy. As an old fan who is very familiar with the comic strip on which the story is based, seeing Beep the Meep and the Wraith Warriors come to life was mind blowing though my knowledge spoilt the twist for me.
Lots of interesting characters particularly the women in the wheelchair who clearly knows the Doctor.
Was less impressed by RTD using an almost magical solution to resolve the meta crisis in Donna’s head (Donna and her child are magic) and London streets being ripped literally ripped apart then ’magically’ put back together again. A solid 8 out of 10.
Disagree. It was awful. Retcons and lectures. The “a male presenting can’t understand” lecture was not only misandrist, but also transphobic which is probably a first… and worse of all, it was just bad from a filmmaking point of view.

I give it a 2/10. Heck, even BBC’s own review complained about it…

Edit: and don’t get me started on the Davros thing.
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