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Jul 23, 2016
That 1499 may better be with 256 GB standard lol
Most likely. Going back to the 13" rMBP announcement in 2012, that thing had a US$1699 introductory price. I may have lowballed my estimate. The 13" will probably cost between 1499-1699 for the base model. Point is, let's not fool ourselves and expect them to keep the same prices when the redesigned version drops. It will most definitely be more expensive than the prices they have now.
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macrumors 6502a
Sep 6, 2014
One reason to be hopeful is the little circle that's not part of the apple in the that the one more thing??


macrumors 601
Feb 12, 2010
So notebookcheck tested first laptop with kabylake and still no macbooks with skylake, what a joke. The main problem is that apple use cpu that use iris with edram and have to wait for it(which is still slow). They should use with cheaper configuration cpu without edram on iris gpu and in more expensive 15inch configuration with dgpu. Now they are almost a year behind competition.
"Apple should make the Macbook Pro worse, to get it out sooner." FTFY.


macrumors newbie
Aug 30, 2016
Most likely. Going back to the 13" rMBP announcement in 2012, that thing had a US$1699 introductory price. I may have lowballed my estimate. The 13" will probably cost between 1499-1699 for the base model. Point is, let's not fool ourselves and expect them to keep the same prices when the redesigned version drops. It will most definitely be more expensive than the prices they have now.

Well if top spec macbook is currently at 1599, I won't be suprised the mbp will be even higher.


macrumors newbie
Dec 14, 2015
"More powerful mobile Kaby Lake chips with Iris graphics and desktop chips such as those appropriate for the MacBook Pro and iMac are expected to begin debuting in January..." (from Macrumors current front page)

And this news about 4k video getting specific support in Kaby Lake. I've waited for Skylake for about a year now, now I might have to wait longer. But is this Kaby MBP chips in Jan likely?

And does anyone know how quickly Apple have upgraded the processor before after a release?


macrumors 601
Feb 12, 2010
What if there is a new Air and it has Kaby Lake and the Pro has Skylake?

Will everyone freak out about the Pro being "outdated" if that happens?

Clearly they will...

Only people on this forum who don't understand the differences between processor families. Average consumer is going to see a high performance laptop with the latest intel chips possible, and buy it up.


macrumors regular
Feb 23, 2016
Then who would buy the more expensive rMB?
IDK people who are overly obsessed by portability, smaller bezels, force touch trackpad and a beautiful design?
(Honestly I wouldn't know, just guessing. It was also a way of speaking, of course I'm buying the Pro)


macrumors regular
May 23, 2016

Ugly as hell but it's a start (until Apple's lawyers shut 'em down)!


macrumors 6502a
Jun 23, 2007
First we waited for Broadwell, but there was no Broadwell.
Then we waited for Skylake, but there was no Skylake.
Then we waited for Kaby Lake, but there was no Kaby Lake.
Finally they came out with Whisky Lake, but by then I bought a Surface Pro 9.

I'm still using a 13-inch mid-2009 MBP. Last year, I bought a Surface Pro 4 because I got tired of waiting for a model from Apple to replace the MBP that was worth the upgrade cost. The Surface Pro has turned out to be a great computer. (I know, I know -- it runs Windows 10, but I've happily coexisted in the Mac and Windows worlds for years.)

Frankly, at this point the main reason I'm still hopeful for a new MBP that isn't too far behind the latest generation of processors is that I use Logic Pro for music editing and I'd like to get a 15-inch MBP to run it. But the upgrade needs to be worth spending well over $2,000 on a portable computer.
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Jan 21, 2016
Northern California
If they do update the Air, it's going to have a retina screen. They're not going to keep a non-retina device out there, That's why I find the whole "new Air" to be unlikely anyway. Three laptop lines, all thin, all with retina screens?
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macrumors 6502
May 12, 2016
I have a Dell XPS M1530!! I haven't turned it on in years. I think it's still got Vista as the OS, and I could probably use it for doing biceps curls.

You should try to revive it! My Dell XPS M1330 used to be my dads, but he had the genius idea of changing the thermal paste by himself. That had two effects: Right clicking took 3 minutes to show up and now you could make scrambled eggs on the laptop. Then he just put it in a closet for years.

Ever since I got my hands on it, I did the thermal paste correctly, increased ram from 1gb to 4gb, windows 10, and added an ssd. And now it feels like a new computer to me. It so decent that its my only computer and i took it to college with me. (Writing this exact post with the laptop) Hopefully, I wont have to wait much longer for the new MBPs :)
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macrumors 6502
May 18, 2013
Guys, do you remember the enthusiasm earlier this year at the march event?

Where everyone was so optimistically looking forward to the release of the new MacBook Pro devices?


...Don't worry if you can't remember it ...because you can experience the feeling of disappointment we all experienced back then next week on September 7th!



Apr 4, 2016
it would be hilarious if apple comes out with skylake macbookpro's in october, to see intel release the respective GT3e Kaby Lake processors in january!

i'm getting more and more of the idea that skylake is the most problematic chip intel ever made. no wonder, once new mbp are out, if they'll have widespread hardware issues popping out after few months of use.
(we haven't forgotten the infamous '11 AMD story, right?)
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