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macrumors 6502a
Mar 1, 2011
Elyria, Ohio
Kudos to Walmart for releasing the products exactly on March 16th! Meanwhile, the people who pre-ordered have to sit back and wait for Mr. or Mrs. Brown or the Funky Chickens from FedEx. I am not a huge advocate of Walmart, but they will get this product into the hands of customers before anybody else! Furthermore, the Apple experience at a 24 Hour Wal-Mart would be classic! You know you want too!

People who buy their iPads from Walmart, please post pix so the rest of us can drool all over our keyboards etc!
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macrumors 68020
Feb 23, 2010
Lagrange Point
And there is a good reason for that. The employees (including managers) have no clue what the hell they are doing. I realize that it is Walmart and they don't pay very much to these people, but it is sometimes so astounding considering the lack of intelligence. Please, don't expect to ask any employee there about details concerning electronics. Take this for example:


It is so much fun to ask them questions like, "Is the Continum Transfunctioner on that Blu-ray player integrated or not?"

They usually look at me like I am stupid and tell me, they are only working at Walmart to help pay for their PhD in Computer Science. Then, they give me a lecture on why it makes no difference as to why the DAC is not on the same chip as the DSP.


Also, a Walmart that is actually closer in the town where I work is open from 6am to midnight, NOT 24 HOURS. I'm sorry, but a supercenter should be open 24 hours. Why the HELL you are closed for only 6 hours is so comical to me I can't figure it out. These two points alone are the reason why I only shop there when I have to as a necessary evil (groceries have good prices, etc). The whole thing with Walmart and how they run their stores is just ludircious and awful in my opinion.

They close down for six hours to wax the floor and have their patented Walmart Employee Strip Parties.


macrumors newbie
Jul 16, 2010
I don't see how everyone knows what their store will have. I just stopped by mine in person and they told me they won't have any way of knowing what models they will have until later tonight. I am not sure whether to bother coming out here at midnight or go to the Verizon store one town over at 7:00. I have a hard time believing my little town Walmart will have a 64gb Verizon model but the guy said they get all the different models. Ugh. Last time I procrastinate like this.


macrumors 68020
Feb 23, 2010
Lagrange Point
My Walmart said they got 4 cases in. Any ideas on how many are in a "case"?

I think a case is four six packs. That would be 24. That is how it works for beer. I see no reason why there would be any difference between beer and iPads. (There may be a slight price differential.)


macrumors G3
Oct 5, 2008
Wirelessly posted (Mozilla/5.0 (iPhone; CPU iPhone OS 5_0_1 like Mac OS X) AppleWebKit/534.46 (KHTML, like Gecko) Version/5.1 Mobile/9A405 Safari/7534.48.3)

Must suck to work in electronics right now at Walmart. They are prob getting the same calls over and over...


macrumors G3
Jun 11, 2008
Los Angeles, CA
If Walmart had the right to sell early, they would have been broadcasting it all over the place. They probably waited until the last moment, so Apple would not shut them down.

More like they didn't pay for tv ads etc to avoid crazy crowds. Those that really really want to get one will either be regular shoppers that saw signs up when they went to ask or called in to find out. Since the stores are open anyway it's not going to really cost Walmart anymore to start sales then.

As for Apple. If the rules are you don't start until they do then that is the rule. Break it and the 5 each you got for launch is all you will get. All any store will get. Apple is real funny like that


macrumors 6502
Jan 18, 2009
I just called. My local Wal-Mart only has 10 iPad 3's.
They don't know what kind, color, or size...

There was a plot to steal $1.3M in iPads today at a BestBuy so they are on lockdown.


macrumors member
Jan 25, 2011
I work for Wal-Mart Logistics and cant wait to score one with my 10% associate discount!


macrumors 6502
Oct 10, 2008
well I have a 16GB iPad coming on preorder tommorow. Gonna go to walmart tonight since its about 5 mins from my house and see if I can nab a 32GB and then just sell the 16GB. Wish me luck


macrumors 6502a
Feb 4, 2003
Was at my super center just now. They have no idea what kind or how many they will have.

There wasn't anything close to a line forming so I'll call there around 9 and see what the story is. I want a 64 gig of any flavor.


macrumors regular
Jul 3, 2007
Wirelessly posted (Mozilla/5.0 (iPhone; CPU iPhone OS 5_0_1 like Mac OS X) AppleWebKit/534.46 (KHTML, like Gecko) Version/5.1 Mobile/9A406 Safari/7534.48.3)

Just called my 2 local Walmarts, neither will have them out for midnight.


macrumors 6502a
Aug 25, 2011
Looks like the guy who "originally" posted this thread was right. Not to mention all the people that said no way, never, are wrong congrats to the Real OP Jacoblee.


macrumors regular
Feb 1, 2008
I called my local WalMart, they have 5 16GB wifi, 5 32GB wifi+LTE, and 4 64GB wifi+LTE.... not very helpful to me as I want a 32GB wifi.... But this says something, this store only recieved 5 iPad2's when it launched.


macrumors member
Jan 4, 2012
Kudos to Walmart for releasing the products exactly on March 16th! Meanwhile, the people who pre-ordered have to sit back and wait for Mr. or Mrs. Brown or the Funky Chickens from FedEx. I am not a huge advocate of Walmart, but they will get this product into the hands of customers before anybody else!

I'm okay with FedEx. At Midnight I'll be asleep so I can get up for work in the morning. I'll go to work, come home, see the FedEx package waiting for me and see it then. But kudos to Walmart for their strategy to snag a few sales.


macrumors member
Jul 30, 2009
I'm still on the fence about heading to walmart tonight. Both the walmarts in my town will be selling them at 12:01, BUT....I dont seems like a bad idea.

I spoke to the store manager, who was nice enough to open their ipad shipment and let me know the quantity and models they have. I was so excited, I didnt think of asking about security or anything like that.


macrumors regular
Sep 20, 2000
Just a heads up...not all Walmarts are 24 hours. Best to call before you go.
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