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macrumors 68040
Mar 24, 2006
Flat feet but before I had a total colectomy 2.5 weeks ago I suffered chronic constipation. So badly that I had a prolapse.


macrumors newbie
Dec 21, 2014
Seattle, WA
I have nerve damage on my right arm and leg, and I've always been blind in my left eye.

Seek help. It will only get worse if you don't. My mother has been suffering from an addiction for over ten years now. The biggest issue is that she has absolutely no desire to quit and uses rehab as a free holiday.

They didn't let her come home for Christmas this time.

I appreciate your suggestion. This (treatment) is something that I'm looking at doing early on in 2015. I've got to line some family/work things up, but shortly thereafter I will have myself in order.

It's about time I get this taken care of, and I think it'll be for the better. Difference between her and I is that I'm ready for change and to be clean. No disrespect to your mother at all though. I know what she's going through, and I really hope something changes for the better with her situation.

Once again, I appreciate your suggestion. Merry-Late-Xmass and have a great New Year!


macrumors 6502
Mar 3, 2012
In a Toaster
My Ailments - Eye Problems

- Retinitis Pegmentosa (I am loosing peripheral vision and classed as " Legally Blind")
- Cateracts (Not big enough to require removal)
- Cysts present in both eyes

This eye disease was found back in 2002, no living relative carries the Gene.

- Currently no cure for the RP
- Surgery needed for Cataracts
- Drugs required for Cysts

I get checked every 18th months to see how this is progressing.
  • Love
Reactions: arc of the universe


macrumors 68020
Apr 4, 2011
Austin, TX
Just anxiety which causes issues with having to sit still or focus on something without getting bored. Which is very irritating. I'm currently in the car on the tail end of a 23 hour ride from Ohio to central Texas and it's awful. :p Other than that in good health.


macrumors newbie
Nov 18, 2013
That's odd. I had a similar circumstance a few months ago. I was laying in bed and the room began to spin. Hasn't happened since.


Sep 21, 2012
In the middle of several books.
I'm getting that one myself. It's getting to the point that I can't eat anything without popping a few tums afterwards. If things keep going the way they are, I'll probably end up as bad as my dad.

Though a part of me thinks that simply changing my diet would help things tremendously.

Acid Reflux can be a symptom of heart trouble, along with a myriad of other underlying ailments. For those of you suffering from such, please make sure to see your GP for a full physical (including a full blood panel).


Dec 21, 2011
República Cascadia
One day, 4 months or so ago, I started burping acid, even after eating a bowl of cereal. Now I'm taking one 20mg Omeperazol a day. That the over the conter dosage of generic version of Prilosec. No side effects.

Also taking a 20mg anti-high colesterol pill. :-/


Ouch.Does that treatment make them go away? Do they burst? Can they be burned off similar to intestinal pollups?


This thread is somewhat of an eye opener. Before I posted, did not think about relatively how little I have to whine about, so far... :p

Brief pain, that's all.


Acid Reflux can be a symptom of heart trouble, along with a myriad of other underlying ailments. For those of you suffering from such, please make sure to see your GP for a full physical (including a full blood panel).

I've already considered that, since heart disease runs in my family. So far, the various checkups I've had over the years haven't given me any reason for concern there.

For me at least, it's just good old fashioned acid reflux.


macrumors newbie
Oct 23, 2014
I appreciate your suggestion. This (treatment) is something that I'm looking at doing early on in 2015. I've got to line some family/work things up, but shortly thereafter I will have myself in order.

It's about time I get this taken care of, and I think it'll be for the better. Difference between her and I is that I'm ready for change and to be clean. No disrespect to your mother at all though. I know what she's going through, and I really hope something changes for the better with her situation.

Once again, I appreciate your suggestion. Merry-Late-Xmass and have a great New Year!

How do you fall asleep? I'm at same situation, I had be able to quit 3 times, and after a while somehow I found myself on them again.
I can stay up almost all night , have to take Xans to be able sleep. I quit myself, first week is a nightmare, can't sleep, eat, everything makes me mad, no interest in anything. But slowly it goes away. But after a 6-8 months when I have bad day, I thinking, oh, just one, I am able to control it. And few weeks later I am already at 8-10 a day, and later even 20 a day. It's very good natural supplement, called withdrawal ease for day and nighttime. You can start using them even when you still on pain killers. But the best helper was subs, but again I need to get off them after I am able to quit the pain killers.
I don't drink because I can't that too, I am alcoholic, when I start it can go for a week easy sometimes even more. I don't drink for more than 10 years , nothing, not even a beer or wine. But sometimes I need to relieve stress. My friends telling me that I need to find good hobby to replace that need. I found many , like diving car detailing , but then life is great, and I am thinking well I need something once in a while to make feel even better, and then I am back at the same road.
It's kinda circle from which is hard to get out. When I am on the pills life seems great, I have energy, interest of doing things, now I am ready to quit again, most likely as you, after New Years, and I know I'll be out of doing anything for more than few weeks. So best of luck to you , be strong and , I really mean it, you will need all the strength you have. Some suggest lowering the dose, some stop using completely in one day.for me both ways is hard, but I prefer stop it in one day, because lowering the dose it's just longer and you have to go trough all the withdrawal symptoms anyway , it's just extends your suffering. So once again be strong , you will need it and Happy New Year!!
If you need some suggestions and any questions PM me, would be glad to help with that.


macrumors Haswell
May 3, 2009
I'm less with ailments and more with injuries.

I've been dealing with tendonitis in my elbow (frequently called tennis elbow), and its impacting how i do karate. Its quite painful, and I've been struggling with it since September.

As for ailments, I guess my asthma qualifies for this. Thanks to modern medicine, its under control and I run and exercise all the time.


macrumors 601
Jun 8, 2007

24/7/365 for the past decade or so. Maybe two or three times during that period I was relatively trouble-free for a few hours.

Occasionally eased with hearing aids.


Dec 14, 2013
I have IBS, certain foods will ruin my whole day. Thankfully I've identified them. I've also still got minor brain damage from when I was in an accident at 16. When under emotional duress, I can get lost, have hallucinations, and become wildly irrational. It's like I become suddenly defective. LOL


macrumors newbie
Dec 28, 2014
I've had vertigo. Besides being dizzy I was so sick!!!!!! Couldn't walk because of being so dizzy.

Mr. McMac

Dec 21, 2009
Far away from liberals
I'm less with ailments and more with injuries.

I've been dealing with tendonitis in my elbow (frequently called tennis elbow), and its impacting how i do karate. Its quite painful, and I've been struggling with it since September.

As for ailments, I guess my asthma qualifies for this. Thanks to modern medicine, its under control and I run and exercise all the time.

About 5 years ago I had that in my left elbow for a few months. It went away on it's own and hasn't returned..


macrumors newbie
Dec 28, 2014
Make sure you get checked for Ménière's disease. My father has suffered from it and it's totally debilitating if you get an attack. First time he got it he was bedridden for months. It's an inner ear condition where the vestibular system is messed up and causes symptoms similar to what you describe: vertigo, nausea etc...


macrumors regular
Sep 23, 2011
Austin, TX
Hepatitis C with cirrhosis....and a degenerative disc.
Been through 2 rounds of hell going through treatment for the Hep C, unfortunately neither worked.
Started round 3 a few weeks ago, keeping my fingers crossed.


macrumors Core
Original poster
May 5, 2008
The Misty Mountains
Acid Reflux can be a symptom of heart trouble, along with a myriad of other underlying ailments. For those of you suffering from such, please make sure to see your GP for a full physical (including a full blood panel).

Thanks for the suggestion. I do get complete physicals including cardiographs.

I have nerve damage on my right arm and leg, and I've always been blind in my left eye.

Seek help. It will only get worse if you don't. My mother has been suffering from an addiction for over ten years now. The biggest issue is that she has absolutely no desire to quit and uses rehab as a free holiday.

They didn't let her come home for Christmas this time.

Addicts have to find their own personal low before they will seek to change. This decision can also be delayed if there are enablers hindering the process.

Ah....... "No side effects" from the 20mg OTC Omeperezol you began taking just four months ago? Are you sure? And you're also taking 20mg of some sort of cholesterol med as well? OTC or prescription? Is your physician aware that you are taking these? Sometimes medications, even OTC ones, can have side effects that don't show up immediately or which show up when someone is taking a couple of different things that actually don't work well together......

Before issuing you a 30-day supply of Dramamine and telling you that this latest thing (positional vertigo) is not uncommon, did your doc send you for blood work to check things out via lab tests?

I have no side effects that I am aware of. I read that over an extended period, the acid reflux meds can reduce bone density. Both of these medications are being taken under doctors supervision, through prescription.

However of note since moving to Houston, I've not been happy with the 3 different family practice doctors I've seen. I'm actively looking for another doctor. For example, with the vertigo, I read at the Mayo sitethat the doctor should have the patient do some physical orientation exercises, but instead my doctor told me to google the names he gave me and do them at home, like the Epley maneuver. In hind sight, he should have done this with me at his office. And he gave me this Rx for Dramamine, under a different name, and a frick'n 30 day supply, and not covered by insurance. It might have been cheaper over the counter. :confused:

He told me if it persists to see an Ear, Nose, and Throat specialist. My reading took me to a article that mentioned brain tumors and this got my attention. While I realize this could be the ordinary vertigo, I want to eliminate the tumor possibility so will be seeing a specialist soon.
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macrumors Core
Original poster
May 5, 2008
The Misty Mountains
24/7/365 for the past decade or so. Maybe two or three times during that period I was relatively trouble-free for a few hours.

Occasionally eased with hearing aids.

Earlier I mentioned vertigo. Well I've also noticed I have a low level ringing in my ears. I have no idea if this is associated with the vertigo, but another reason to see the ENT specialist.

Tinnitus (TIN-ih-tus) is noise or ringing in the ears. A common problem, tinnitus affects about 1 in 5 people. Tinnitus isn't a condition itself — it's a symptom of an underlying condition, such as age-related hearing loss, ear injury or a circulatory system disorder.

Although bothersome, tinnitus usually isn't a sign of something serious. Although it can worsen with age, for many people, tinnitus can improve with treatment. Treating an identified underlying cause sometimes helps. Other treatments reduce or mask the noise, making tinnitus less noticeable.
(Mayo link)

I have IBS, certain foods will ruin my whole day. Thankfully I've identified them. I've also still got minor brain damage from when I was in an accident at 16. When under emotional duress, I can get lost, have hallucinations, and become wildly irrational. It's like I become suddenly defective. LOL

Hopefully you have your list of acceptable foods established. Depending on the sensitivity, as with food allergies, I realize there can be real dangers eating out.

Rheumatoid arthritis at 45. Don't really take anything for it as I've learned to deal with the pain.

I've been expecting this for years... ;) (Not to make light of the condition.)

Fibromyalgia... Sorry... most people don't know it by the acronym. :eek:

Do medications control this?
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macrumors 68000
Aug 26, 2006
Atlanta, GA
I'm one of the lucky few. No allergies, no known issues, all my stats are average or better even though I eat crap and for the longest time drank about 100oz of Coke a day (now, it's 12-40 oz per day). According to most charts, I'm overweight, and only a few pounds from "obese" (5'10" @ 195 lbs), but I don't appear anywhere near anything I would consider obese (and none of my doctors have said anything), so I'll take them with a grain of salt.

It's possible that I have minor acid reflux (dad has it pretty bad), as every now and then, I have this nasty feeling like I'm about to throw up. Dunno.


macrumors 601
Jun 8, 2007
Earlier I mentioned vertigo. Well I've also noticed I have a low level ringing in my ears. I have no idea if this is associated with the vertigo, but another reason to see the ENT specialist. …

I hope that the specialist is suitably understanding of your description of the symptoms. (Around thirty years ago when I saw a specialist, that person seemed unable to process any response that did not fit a generic script.)

My visit to the audiology department at Royal Sussex County Hospital, two weeks ago, was a first class experience. I can't fault the two people who attended to me. At the time of fitting of new hearing aids, the tinnitus became almost negligible with the aids switched on.

More recently the tinnitus is much worse, again … overwhelming even with the aids turned up full. I guess it's a result of the stresses of Christmas and so on. The tinnitus is typically worse when I'm anxious, which increases my stress levels, and so on …

… so Huntn, maybe the tinnitus in your case is simply a reaction to unconscious stress caused by vertigo, or worry about the vertigo.

Thanks for the link.

I'm one of the lucky few. No allergies …

OK, I think I'm allergic to Paracetamol. Last time I had it – accidental, without realising that it was in some (not all) types of Lem-Sip – I rapidly went way downhill … from simple flu-like symptoms, to uncontrollable shivers, feeling incredibly cold despite three duvets on top of me. Difficult to walk and so on, skin went red, after I couple of days I walked over the road to the GP. Not a great experience, she seemed to not notice the very visible rash, and so on … gave me some medication and suggested a visit to A&E if I didn't feel better within a period of time.

Long before that time elapsed I checked myself in to hospital where I reportedly drifted in and out of consciousness. Long story short: I stayed on M.A.S.U. (Medical and Surgical Assessment Unit) for days, longer than the norm, where I was treated for hepatitis of unknown cause (not A, B, C … and so on). To the credit of the consultants: during and after my stay in hospital they pushed to have me tested repeatedly for things that I had received the all clear on.

For around four weeks afterwards I typically awoke unable to outstretch one arm, with something similar in one of my fingers/thumbs. When this first happened I panicked, my housemate (a nurse) took a practical approach and I learnt to simply grab a door handle then lean back then hey presto the arm worked.

Years later, the events of that time remain somewhat puzzling.

Less exotically, I occasionally react strangely to some types of Kellogg's breakfast cereal.

Also I'm not as tolerant of wheat as I was in my youth. But I love wheat-based products so I just go with it. Tsk tsk.
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