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macrumors 68040
Original poster
Jan 6, 2002
Ok, is it sad that Im thinking about dumping my girlfriend cause she hates Apple and using Macs? I honestly have 30 Macs in my garage do i need a girlfriend?:confused:


macrumors 6502a
Jan 9, 2005
At the Airport. UK
dont dump her because of it...30 is a tad excessive :D but as long as you keep her above your mac in your priority list, she may be a little less hating towards macs.

just a thought:D



macrumors G4
Aug 2, 2004
Well, I'd have to say dumping her simply because she doesn't like Macs is a little extreme. However, if the fact that she doesn't like Macs is indicative of a wider ranging intolerance for things that are better, simpler, and more elegant, then perhaps she has a personality flaw that you just can't live with. :rolleyes:

Then again, maybe she's telling you she hates Macs so that you'll dump her and she doesn't have to feel guilty.


macrumors 68040
Original poster
Jan 6, 2002
Blue Velvet said:
30 Macs in your garage and she hates Apple? Is there a connection?

None that I am aware of, the reason being is she had to use a 500MzH iBook G3 with Tiger with 256mb of RAM now she thinks all Macs are slow and outdated, but she loves my iPod??

I was really just joking on the thread about breaking it off with her but how do I convince her macs are better without making her mad????

emw said:
However, if the fact that she doesn't like Macs is indicative of a wider ranging intolerance for things that are better, simpler, and more elegant, then perhaps she has a personality flaw that you just can't live with.

I like that.


macrumors 6502
Sep 28, 2005
Victoria, BC
Spock said:
I was really just joking on the thread about breaking it off with her but how do I convince her macs are better without making her mad????

Get rid of 28 of them.

Seriously, a laptop, and may be a server should work just fine for you.

I considered having a 16 comp rendering farm but there's no way the boyfriend would approve that.

The trick is, do everything in moderation. ;)


macrumors 68040
Original poster
Jan 6, 2002
jadekitty24 said:
Yes, it's sad that you would dump someone because they don't like Macs. And silly. And ridiculous. But that's my opinion.

2nyRiggz said:
Dumping your girl over a computer:confused: ......ummm yea do that:confused:

In my last post I said it was a joke, this thread was more of a test than anything to see if anybody out on the forums would agree with breaking up, I wouldnt break up with her for all the prototyte Apple machines in Cupertino!!!
I just have alot of work on my hands.


macrumors 601
Jan 8, 2004
Back in the motherland
Spock said:
In my last post I said it was a joke, this thread was more of a test than anything to see if anybody out on the forums would agree with breaking up, I wouldnt break up with her for all the prototyte Apple machines in Cupertino!!!
I just have alot of work on my hands.

Don't worry some people couldn't see humor if it stuck itself right on their face :rolleyes:
Seriously though, those prototypes would be tempting. :D


macrumors G5
Spock said:
I was really just joking on the thread about breaking it off with her but how do I convince her macs are better without making her mad????
Umm.. you don't.

She is always right.

(Didn't you get that memo? Its supposed to go out with every installation of Girlfriend 1.0. Please RTM before you consider upgrading or you'll have more trouble with version 2.0)

;) :D


macrumors 601
Jan 8, 2004
Back in the motherland
CanadaRAM said:
Umm.. you don't.

She is always right.

(Didn't you get that memo? Its supposed to go out with every installation of Girlfriend 1.0. Please RTM before you consider upgrading or you'll have more trouble with version 2.0)

;) :D

Yeah wasn't V2 the un-uninstallable one with the tough DRM, etc.? No thanks :D


macrumors 68040
Original poster
Jan 6, 2002
CanadaRAM said:
Umm.. you don't.

She is always right.

(Didn't you get that memo? Its supposed to go out with every installation of Girlfriend 1.0. Please RTM before you consider upgrading or you'll have more trouble with version 2.0)

;) :D

But come on, she has Windows 2000


macrumors 68020
Jun 13, 2005
greatdevourer said:
A friend of mine got dumped because he was caught eating a bacon sandwich :eek: (she was vegitarian)

What in the world is a "bacon sandwich"? Please tell me it's not this.


Because that's really nasty.

katie ta achoo

Blogger emeritus
May 2, 2005
thedude110 said:
What in the world is a "bacon sandwich"? Please tell me it's not this.


Because that's really nasty.

ew ew ew ew eewwww!!

Even if I weren't a vegetarian, I would dump a boyfriend for eating one of those. It's so disgusting looking!
All of that fat, going right to his heart, and slowing it down? Oy!


macrumors 68000
Aug 5, 2005
thedude110 said:
What in the world is a "bacon sandwich"?
Well, bacon comes from the meat of a pig, and a sandwich is (other than a town) 2 peices of bread with some sort of filling inside. Now, when we put that bacon to be the filling of the sandwich, it's called a bacon sandwich :rolleyes: You do speak English, right?
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