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pdf app

  1. rhett7660

    iPhone PDF Reader - One the reads the PDF out loud

    Hello, Can anyone recommend a PDF reader, that will read an entire multi-page document out loud? One that doesn't need to be promoted by highlighting text or to go to the next page? One that reads the document until it either finishes said document or I manually tell it to stop? Or if there...
  2. B

    iPad PDF Metadata Editor

    Hi everybody. Hope someone could help me. I’m searching for an app that allow me to edit pdf metadata. Really just Author and Publisher tags are ok, since I can change the name in Books. I have an app for that in my Mac, but has no version for iPadOS/iOS. Also have a couple of webs that can...
  3. soid.exe

    PDF Owl: Create a table of contents using computer vision (Now in AppStore)

    Now in AppStore! PDF Owl automatically generates a table of contents for PDF files (also known as outline) using computer vision AI. Large PDF files can be hard to navigate when they don't include the pre-created table of contents. PDF Owl allows generating the table of contents automatically...
  4. breather

    Best PDF read/write app for MacOS?

    As the title says, whats the best PDF read/write app for MacOS? Clarification. How often: Sporadically Payment (if necessary): No Subscription Bloatware: No Easy: Yes For what: Reading, filing out forms.
  5. S

    Universal BookFusion: The best modern eBook Reader & Manager for EPUBs, PDFs & other formats | Calibre Supported

    Hi Everyone! I would like to introduce you to BookFusion. BookFusion, is the best way to organize, read, share and derive value from eBooks whether you are using it to learn, for work or for pleasure. We currently provide a single app that allows you to both manage and read your PDF, EPUB &...
  6. Phineasgage1848

    PDF Expert Switching to Subscription Model - Forces Account Creation even if paid V2 Customer

    I previously purchased (and highly recommended) PDF Expert 2 for Mac. But with V3, they are moving to a subscription model. I made the mistake of clicking "Update Available" on PDF Expert 2 and it updated. I was unable to use the app or any of the features I previously paid for because it forces...
  7. OrangeCuse44

    iPad iPad PDF editor NOT subscription based?

    Is there any quality iPad PDF editor that isn’t based on a subscription payment model? I have no problem buying an app but refuse to rent one for $50ish a year. Crazy to me. Thanks.
  8. I

    PDF to Pages, Keynote converter

    Please recommend a Mac app to convert PDF files to Pages, Keynotes (If possible Numbers) Most apps I saw were doing PDF --> Word, PPT, XLS. It should not just OCR / Extract Text but rather try and maintain original form, fonts as much as possible. would be great if it works with PDFs of non...
  9. N

    Intel / New Adobe Acrobat

    The laptop I have is MacBook Air (Early 2015) version 10.15.6 and it's Intel Core is i5. I am trying to download the new Adobe Acrobat Reader and it is not working for me. Any suggestion's Please? And also I want to upgrade my intel Core, is that even possible or do I have to buy a newer laptop?
  10. aaronelkins

    Open Source & Free PDF editor for Mac.

    I am working on an open source & free PDF editor for Mac, called PEP (PDF Editing Program). It will be a lightweight alternative for Adobe Acrobat. Check it out if you are interested in.
  11. frode

    New PDF Viewer ‘Reader’ with powerful views and copy-as-citation

    We have just updated our ‘Reader’ application for macOS and I hope this is correct forum to announce it, with the hope of getting feedback from you guys. Reader is different from other PDF viewers in how it gives you powerful ways to view the document. For example, folding to only see heading...
  12. E

    Presenting PDFs on Ipad

    Is there an app out there that works in the same way that Preview or Acrobat work on desktop where there's a full screen view mode and you can CLICK through the slides as opposed to going through with this sliding animation. Ive tried the Acrobat app, Evernote, Haiku Slides. None of them have...