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  1. Gamercraft567a

    I can’t believe in a few years we will be on iOS 20 and iPadOS 20!

    I can’t believe in a few years we will be on iOS 20 and iPadOS 20! As you know iOS 17 and iPad os 17 was announced a few days ago and I was thinking “wow we’re close to iOS 20 and iPados 20” when watching WWDC23
  2. Gamercraft567a

    Apple vision pro: I don’t think you could actually use it on a plane here’s why

    1. Noise from other passengers and other noises from planes and that would hurt the immersion 2. Plane wi-fi is usually slow and the show your watching will buffer a ton 3. battery some planes don’t have outlets/plug’s 4. embarrassment people near you will probably make fun of you if they don’t...