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macrumors 68020
Original poster
Jan 2, 2008
I cannot even begin to describe how much i hate these idiotic people. They just enrage me. Anyone who has been doing 85mph+ on the highway and then has to slow down to under 70 knows what I mean.

Today I was doing 90mph+ in the far left lane, for miles everyone moved out of the way for me. Then all the sudden I come up on this minivan with "Baby on Board, "I Love Children," "Being Nice is the #1 Rule," etc. bumper stickers and magnets. The woman was doing under 65mph would not move out of my way (and there was plenty of space). When I tried to push her, flash brights, honk, etc. she decided to brake check me. Now, not moving over is one thing, but trying to teach me a lesson when I tell you that you're in my way and that you can move over, is just asking me to screw you over.

I drove behind her for a few miles, and then when the opportunity stuck, I shot a gap to pass her, made sure she couldn't move over to another lane (besides the service lane) and I slammed off my brakes (I swear I saw a squirrel run across the highway;)), she had to veer off of the road to avoid hitting me. I guarantee she'll never try to brake check someone or force the speed limit on them again. I seriously hope she or her damn baby got whiplash. (NO LECTURES PLEASE, THEY WILL ALL BE IGNORED)

I seriously wish that .50 cal guns would be options on cars so that I could just blow up people like her.



macrumors Core
Aug 17, 2007
Today I was doing 90mph+

That is not safe. It is a shame you didn't get a ticket.

Dmac77 said:
I seriously wish that .50 cal guns would be options on cars so that I could just blow up people like her.

So do I. I would use them on people who think it is safe to travel 90+ mph on the freeway.:rolleyes:
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macrumors 601
Feb 6, 2010
On the fence
It's unsafe to drive the SPEED LIMIT in the left lane because of people who drive so fast. If anyone tailgates me, I just slow down. That said, I don't drive in the left lane except to pass.


macrumors 68020
Original poster
Jan 2, 2008
That is safe. It is a shame you didn't get a ticket.

So do I. I would use them on people who think it is safe to travel 90+ mph on the freeway.:rolleyes:

Why do I feel like you are one of the people who purposely try to slow people down because you need to be on some higher moral ground and make sure the entire world does the speed you believe is safe?


macrumors Core
Aug 17, 2007
Why do I feel like you are one of the people who purposely try to slow people down because you need to be on some higher moral ground and make sure the entire world does the speed you believe is safe?

Sorry, but I'm not. I try and avoid idiots on the highway. But why do I get the feeling that you are going to tell me that driving 90+ is perfectly safe cause you are such a wonderful driver.:rolleyes:


macrumors 68020
Original poster
Jan 2, 2008
Sorry, but I'm not. I try and avoid idiots on the highway. But why do I get the feeling that you are going to tell me that driving 90+ is perfectly safe cause you are such a wonderful driver.:rolleyes:

Because I am going to. I'm a completely safe driver (even when doing 90 or above) until I run into some dunderhead who has to enforce the speed limit themselves. Had that woman just moved like everyone else did, I would have never had to cut her off in order to punish her. And yes I did have to punish her, because she needed to be taught her dang place on the road.

EDIT: @adk - yes I am 16, however in this situation my mother was in the car and actually encouraged me to cut the idiot off. So it's not just an age based thing.

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macrumors 68000
Nov 11, 2005
Stuck in the middle with you
Why do I feel like you are one of the people who purposely try to slow people down because you need to be on some higher moral ground and make sure the entire world does the speed you believe is safe?

Dmac77 said:
Had that woman just moved like everyone else did, I would have never had to cut her off in order to punish her. And yes I did have to punish her, because she needed to be taught her dang place on the road.

Aren't you doing the exact same thing?


macrumors Core
Aug 17, 2007
Because I am going to. I'm a completely safe driver (even when doing 90 or above) until I run into some dunderhead who has to enforce the speed limit themselves. Had that woman just moved like everyone else did, I would have never had to cut her off in order to punish her. And yes I did have to punish her, because she needed to be taught her dang place on the road.


Sure, your entire post just screams at what a safe driver you are. :rolleyes:I bet if your parents saw a post like this they would take away your car. You are a menace.

EDIT: Saw your edit. If your mom is encouraging this type of behavior, neither one of you should be considered a safe driver.


macrumors 68020
Original poster
Jan 2, 2008
Sure, your entire post just screams at what a safe driver you are. :rolleyes:I bet if your parents saw a post like this they would take away your car. You are a menace.

See above. A parent was in the car and actively encouraged me to cut the idiot off. My family's general philosophy (in regards to driving) is be aggressive and intimidate people who try to screw with you; it always results in you winning (it also helps when your uncle presides over the traffic court in town).



macrumors 601
Feb 6, 2010
On the fence
Because I am going to. I'm a completely safe driver (even when doing 90 or above) until I run into some dunderhead who has to enforce the speed limit themselves. Had that woman just moved like everyone else did, I would have never had to cut her off in order to punish her. And yes I did have to punish her, because she needed to be taught her dang place on the road.


There's no such thing as being safe driving 25 above the limit. I'm not the type of person to slow people down, because that's not my business, but I am the type of person to laugh at someone who whizzes past me, then I pass 5 miles later getting written up. Just wait until your first ticket or accident, you'll reconsider your driving habits.


macrumors 68020
Original poster
Jan 2, 2008
There's no such thing as being safe driving 25 above the limit. I'm not the type of person to slow people down, because that's not my business, but I am the type of person to laugh at someone who whizzes past me, then I pass 5 miles later getting written up. Just wait until your first ticket or accident, you'll reconsider your driving habits.

Technically I was only 20 over the limit (I'm in Michigan). Also, radar detectors are a great thing:)

EDIT: @mrsir2009 - no that lady was doing 5mph under the speed limit in the passing lane, while not even passing. Traffic in the right side lane was passing her. She then proceeded to brake check me and travel under 55mph (the posted minimum in Michigan). More like wtf is wrong with her.


macrumors 601
Feb 6, 2010
On the fence
Technically I was only 20 over the limit (I'm in Michigan). Also, radar detectors are a great thing:)


Because that makes it safe.

A side note: It's under no circumstance appropriate to try to cause a wreck for someone driving slow. That's what causes road rage. Do it to the wrong person and you get killed. I would have just been nice and reported your plates to the police. I wouldn't have likely brake checked, but that's a different point.


macrumors 68030
Jan 11, 2002

I have a return rant for you: People that tailgate me. I have a 340hp car, so whatever speed I'm doing, I'm probably doing for a good reason.

No, I'm not going to pull over on a 25mph, really bumpy one lane street so you can roar by at 5 over the speed limit.

I think proper etiquette for passing is ONLY to flash your high beams a few times. If that doesn't work, take a chill pill man - there's just not much you can do about it at the time. Tailgating is an offense that should be punishable by a tazering or something, it's unsafe and idiotic among other things


macrumors 6502
Dec 26, 2006
She should have pulled out her gun and blown your effin head off:p.


macrumors 604
Sep 17, 2009
Melbourne, Australia
Technically I was only 20 over the limit (I'm in Michigan). Also, radar detectors are a great thing:)

EDIT: @mrsir2009 - no that lady was doing 5mph under the speed limit in the passing lane, while not even passing. Traffic in the right side lane was passing her. She then proceeded to brake check me and travel under 55mph (the posted minimum in Michigan). More like wtf is wrong with her.

Yeah she's so bad for driving 8kmh under the speed limit. Everyone should be driving 140kmh like you :rolleyes:

Why were you in such a hurry anyway? Was McDonalds about to stop serving the breakfast menu?


macrumors Core
Aug 17, 2007
Technically I was only 20 over the limit (I'm in Michigan). Also, radar detectors are a great thing:)

EDIT: @mrsir2009 - no that lady was doing 5mph under the speed limit in the passing lane, while not even passing. Traffic in the right side lane was passing her. She then proceeded to brake check me and travel under 55mph (the posted minimum in Michigan). More like wtf is wrong with her.

So it was wrong for her to do it, but when you do it, you are just teaching her her place "dang place on the road." Of course you don't see anything wrong with your behavior cause you are such a safe driver who was taught to "be aggressive and intimidate" other drivers when you feel that you are wronged in some fashion.:rolleyes:

Hopefully, you won't do that to someone who has a gun in their car.


macrumors 68020
Original poster
Jan 2, 2008
Because that makes it safe.

A side note: It's under no circumstance appropriate to try to cause a wreck for someone driving slow. That's what causes road rage. Do it to the wrong person and you get killed. I would have just been nice and reported your plates to the police. I wouldn't have likely brake checked, but that's a different point.

Good luck with reporting my plates. I've done that to drunk drivers before, the 911 operator has told me "We're sorry sir, we cannot divert officers based on heresy." Also, see above: My uncle is the traffic court judge in the jurisdiction where I did this, good luck getting a ticket to stand.

EDIT: @mrsirs2009 - No I actually just felt like going fast.


macrumors Core
Aug 17, 2007
Good luck with reporting my plates. I've done that to drunk drivers before, the 911 operator has told me "We're sorry sir, we cannot divert officers based on heresy." Also, see above: My uncle is the traffic court judge in the jurisdiction where I did this, good luck getting a ticket to stand.

EDIT: @mrsirs2009 - No I actually just felt like going fast.

And the sense of entitlement just keeps getting larger. Hope your uncle can protect you when you kill someone.


macrumors 601
Feb 6, 2010
On the fence
Good luck with reporting my plates. I've done that to drunk drivers before, the 911 operator has told me "We're sorry sir, we cannot divert officers based on heresy." Also, see above: My uncle is the traffic court judge in the jurisdiction where I did this, good luck getting a ticket to stand.


Gotta love corrupt governments.


macrumors 68030
Jan 11, 2002
Out in my neck of the woods we have a pretty well strapped police dept and they DO respond to 911 calls about drunk drivers. In fact, in Cali there's signs all over the place telling you to call 911 to report them. lol :)

Glad I don't live where you do :p

Ok, it's obvious you're very confident behind the handling abilities of your car, so hear me out:

* What kind of car is it
* When was the last time you checked your brakes
* How old are your tires, what kind are they, and when was the last time you checked the tire pressure - what was it?
* When was the last time you inspected your tire treads and suspension

I hope you can answer some of these questions.

Admittedly, if you don't do any of the above your car might be unsafe at any speed.

Rodimus Prime

macrumors G4
Oct 9, 2006
It's unsafe to drive the SPEED LIMIT in the left lane because of people who drive so fast. If anyone tailgates me, I just slow down. That said, I don't drive in the left lane except to pass.
left lane rule as from my 12 years of driving and a fair amount long distance driving (5+ hours between cities) that the left lane is generally 5+ the speed limit. Once start going faster than that you have to start adjusting your speed more often and run into more of those random elements.

Yes I have done the 90+ in the left lane and flew but at the same time bad idea to pass a car doing 70 mph in the right lane. That is a huge dealt of speed to deal with. Generally when I was doing the 90+ it was long stretches WITH OUT CARS. I have once done 100 or so cruising but the hi way at the time speed was over a 100. I was being passed at 95-100 mph. Little unnerving when the speed limit was 70 mph. I would never of believed it if it was not for the fact that I was driving in it and my dad said something to me in the passenger seat that was end with 3 cars zipping passed me and I was not passing any one just being passed. I will call that a one time thing.
Because I am going to. I'm a completely safe driver (even when doing 90 or above) until I run into some dunderhead who has to enforce the speed limit themselves. Had that woman just moved like everyone else did, I would have never had to cut her off in order to punish her. And yes I did have to punish her, because she needed to be taught her dang place on the road.

EDIT: @adk - yes I am 16, however in this situation my mother was in the car and actually encouraged me to cut the idiot off. So it's not just an age based thing.


Sorry you are a crappy driver. No matter what you try to say you are a crappy driver. You lack the experience needed. You have not had enough time to learn to see patterns and what to filter out and not filter out. Fact that you were going 90 MPH and had to slow down big time is proof of that fact. You should of spotted that issue a long time ahead of time and adjusted accordingly

Come back and talk to me when you have 5 years under your belt.

You should not be driving 90mph in a 70. 75 is really the limit. Yes as stated above there are cases were you can get away with it but I will say it is few and far between when you can cruise 10+ much less 20+ over the limit and not have an issue.
I am going to guess you were doing 90+ in a 65 which at your speed is consider legally wreckless endangerment and a cop can pull you DL. big time consider you age and complete lack of experince.

Remember one thing Dmac. YOU ARE A CRAPPY DRIVER and will be consider a crappy driver until you have 5 years under your belt. At that point then we can start judging you on how you drive.
And no I am not pulling 5 years out of my ass. Studies have shown it takes about 5 years of driving before someone really is consider experience after that point not a huge difference between someone at 20 years and 5 years in terms of how they judge and react to something. Just being young and stupid.

You Dmac are both young and inexperienced in driving. BAD BAD combination.
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