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macrumors newbie
Original poster
Dec 9, 2011
Hi. I just found out this week about OnLive, the game service that allows you to play video games through the cloud using OnLive's servers/application.

Anyway, they have a sale this weekend so I bought two games for $5 each.

The two games I bought are Major League Baseball 2K11 and NBA 2K11.

I'd like to buy a joystick/game controller so I don't have to use the keyboard. But I want to get one that's as cheap as possible. Ideally $15 or less.

OnLive sells their own wireless controller for $50 which is overkill for my needs.

There are a bunch of USB joysticks on ebay but I'm not sure which ones will work with a Mac and the OnLive service. Some cheap joysticks don't mention Mac compatibility at all, but they do use USB.

I did contact OnLive with this question, but I thought I'd post here too.


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