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Sounds Good

macrumors 68000
Original poster
Jul 8, 2007
I think the size of the Macbook is probably a better fit for me vs. the larger MBP, but one thing keeping me from it is that it only comes with a glossy screen (I wish it had a matte screen option).

My question to the glossy screen owners is this: How the heck can you stand the GLARE??? :eek:

I found some pics online to demonstrate my concern:







macrumors 603
Nov 7, 2004
Answer: You don't notice it. At all.

Most of your photos were taken at an angle. That helps to see the glare, but is not how most people view their notebooks.

I had a matte MBP. When that got stolen I replaced it with a glossy. The glossy screen is nicer.

Remember, before LCD screens became affordable, CRT screens were just as prone to glare. Did it bother people then? If you cannot help seeing the glare, then what is on your screen is just not interesting enough to divert your attention.


macrumors newbie
Jul 15, 2007
Well, I don't know how people feel about it who had a non-glossy disply before but I owned an acer notebook with glossy display and I found the acer display to be much worse. In fact, I was very suprised when I first started my macbook because of how disappointed many have been with the display. I realy like it. But if you have the possebility I would advise you to go to an apple store and have a look.

Greetings from germany


macrumors 6502a
Jun 3, 2007
Harrisburg, PA
I don't use mine with any bright lights behind me. Even when I am outside, I just sit without the sun at my back. Works fine. There's no place that I use my lappy that I can't adjust to reduce glare. And the quality of the screen makes the adjustments worth it, to me.


macrumors 604
Apr 6, 2007
My question to the glossy screen owners is this: How the heck can you stand the GLARE???

*shrug* I guess some people (myself included) are exceedingly lucky and work in environments where glare isn't such a problem.

That said, you're ALWAYS going to get glare and other undesirable effects if you're pointing your screen into the sun. I've never been able to use a laptop or LCD screen, matte OR gloss, with the sun shining on it.

Even so, my office window makes my office quite sunny and as long as my LCD screens are at an angle from the window, the glare doesn't reflect into my face, and I can use my MBP just fine.


macrumors regular
Mar 8, 2007
the only time it has ever bothered me was at school, only because i had the backlight on the lowest setting at all times and the classrooms were bright because of all the florescent lighting, so that led to lots of glare, but otherwise when your face is parallel to the screen as it is in normal use not at the angles these pictures were taken, and the backlight is at a descent setting, glare is not the slightest bit noticeable...but thats just my opinion


macrumors 65816
Jun 3, 2007
I notice that in all of those pictures the screen is either tilted at an angle that you wouldn't normally work at, off, or both. Each of those factors contributes to the glare that you see in the photos. I haven't had any problems on my glossy 15" MBP because I either 1) don't work with the screen at a weird angle and/or don't angle the screen at a bright light source, or 2) don't worry about the glare when the computer isn't in use. Its a non-issue for me.


macrumors 68020
Aug 30, 2006
Can't say I notice it normally to be honest. It's probably there but the crispness of the colour seems a fair trade off to me. :)

Sounds Good

macrumors 68000
Original poster
Jul 8, 2007
I notice that in all of those pictures the screen is either tilted at an angle that you wouldn't normally work at, off, or both.
Well, I wasn't really looking for "perfect" pictures :)... I just did a Google search for "Macbook glossy screen" and these are the first pics that came up.

Thanks for the comments everyone!


macrumors 68030
Oct 31, 2006
I've mostly used my MBP at home so far, but I've had it for 2 weeks, and no issues with glare.


macrumors 603
Dec 2, 2006
the OC
if you're looking at the macbook straight on and considering how bright the display is, you really don't ever notice the glare. my problem with the glossy screen was the colors, but that's another story.


Moderator emeritus
May 1, 2005
Answer: You don't notice it. At all.

Most of your photos were taken at an angle. That helps to see the glare, but is not how most people view their notebooks.
Bingo. :)

I was worried about the whole "glare" thing until I had the chance to use a MB for a couple of days. I fell in love. And that's when I decided to sell my 12" iBook for the MB.

Would do it again, gladly.


macrumors 6502a
Jan 20, 2007
it's really just a matter of choice. The MB and MBP glossy screens I have to saw are much less reflective then a lot of glossy screens out there, and are probably some of the most usuable and nicest. I have a matte MBP simply because I prefer the color CORRECTNESS over the crispness as I do a lot of design work and prefer to have the contrast more accurate to printing, however, the glossy screens I used were quite nice. I could see for school maybe having a matte screen can be better in a lot of instances (not having to worry abouat where I sit with my mac vs. my friends having to sometimes move around abit in small windowy classrooms to find a good view) but it's really not as bad, and once you start usin your computer you will forget about the glares anyway if there are any :)

It would be nice to have a matte option though for the Macbooks.


macrumors 65816
Jun 6, 2005
geez... if the glossy REALLY bothers you that much just get some fine sand paper and sand it down so it isnt glossy ;)


macrumors 6502a
Jan 20, 2007
geez... if the glossy REALLY bothers you that much just get some fine sand paper and sand it down so it isnt glossy ;)

or more realistically. Search the forums. There was a post on here a few months ago that was about how he switched out his macbook screen for a matte samsung? or some other brand he got for a few hundred that fit perfectly.

You could always do that... if you REALLY want a matte macbook and feel comfortable.

edit: there... do this :) lol


Moderator emeritus
May 1, 2005
There was a post on here a few months ago that was about how he switched out his macbook screen for a matte samsung? or some other brand he got for a few hundred that fit perfectly.

You could always do that... if you REALLY want a matte macbook and feel comfortable.
:) This thread?


macrumors 6502a
Jun 20, 2004
I have both a MacBook and a MacBook Pro. If you look at the machines at the Apple Store, you get a lot of glare. For the most part, that's because of their lighting conditions and the fact that you're viewing the notebooks from an angle.

I don't notice any reflection or glare on my two machines. The only issue I have had is working at a Starbucks with a window directly behind me. But, even if I was on a non-glossy screen, I'd have some problems with a window behind me.
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