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macrumors 601
Original poster
Mar 12, 2002
BrisVegas, Australia
i think just about everyone has seen edesignuk's Angelina Jolie thread with the massive pics, and that lead me to thinking about other websites with heaps of wallpapers and stuff.

here's a few of my favourites: - heaps of stuff. Anime, Games, Movies... Girls. :D this site was also mentioned by someone here on MR, so i guess some credit should go to them for pointing me to it. - Max's Empire. lots of sweet pics, girls mostly. :D - Mandolux. lots of interesting pics, and also very good shots of airforce planes, F-14, etc. I think there's even a wallpaper of an X-2, or one of those concept planes. He's also got massive walls for dual screen setups. very nice.

well that's all of best wallpaper site i can think of for now.

and if anyone else knows of some good wallpaper sites, please share with the rest of us. :)


macrumors 601
Original poster
Mar 12, 2002
BrisVegas, Australia

i forgot to mention that Mandloux also makes wallpapers at 1152x864, but that's the res of the older TiBooks. i love sites that make the res especially for the mac.

and thanks RobVanDam, i'll have to check out those sites later when i get some time. :D


macrumors 603
Sep 6, 2002
Houston, TX
Originally posted by cb911

i forgot to mention that Mandloux also makes wallpapers at 1152x864, but that's the res of the older TiBooks. i love sites that make the res especially for the mac.
1152 x 864 is a 4:3 ratio that really only exists on CRT monitors, to my knowledge. the older TiBooks had resolutions of 1152 x 768. is that what you meant?

[edit]having checked the site, you're a bit off--none of those is the TiBook resolution, ever. they do have plenty of 1440 x 900 and 1920 x 1200, which is nice. but yeah. that is a great site.[/edit]
Originally posted by tazo
I recommend

they have a lot of great wallpapers, the guy is a mac user ;) makes dual monitor wallpapers, and makes wallpaper just for the TiBook screen, the cinema displays, and the 17" iMac.

What more could you want?

It only costs 5 dollars and you get access to all of this guys awesome work.

Pm if you need "help" with it.
i could want it to be free. there's lots of incredible stuff on the web, absolutely free. i can't justify spending 5$ on that stuff. it's fairly common stuff.


macrumors 601
Original poster
Mar 12, 2002
BrisVegas, Australia
Originally posted by shadowfax
1152 x 864 is a 4:3 ratio that really only exists on CRT monitors, to my knowledge. the older TiBooks had resolutions of 1152 x 768. is that what you meant?

yeah, that's what i meant. oh well he doesn't do specific resolution walls for Macs....:(

the Art of Greg Martin looks good, nice & big 1600x1200 walls, that's what i like to see! :D

PlazmaDesign does look like it's got some good walls as well. maybe i would pay $5 if i had a cinema display or something. you don't see too many 1920x1200 wallpapers out there.


macrumors 601
Original poster
Mar 12, 2002
BrisVegas, Australia
i just had a look at some very good stuff in there, but it all looks like it's smaller res. but they also have some walls from other sites, so by having a look there you can find your way to other good sites. - some very nice photoshopped stuff, they're not quite photos, but sort of an 'ultra-real' style. - looks like they've got a heaps of a selection, but i think most, if not all of them are only 1024x768. - big range of walls, sport, cinema etc. they have a range of sizes from 1024x768 upto 1600x1200.

i'm having a hard time finding good quality walls, like 1600x1200. there are some out there, but i sure haven't found them yet, so if anyone can help with that... :D

i've also stumbled accross some more, um... 'adult' themed sites. i thought i'd better not post any of that stuff, considering different people that might be viewing the threads. :p

more links to come later! :D


macrumors 604
Jul 16, 2002
back in NYC!
Lately I've been getting my desktops from, but they aren't a desktop site, so you have to search for ones which are of decent size to make a desktop. I found a bunch that fit the size requirements, and a couple that made really tight desktops - here is an example :):

(my desktop for July)

My current desktop is also from breedart and can be found in the Sept. Desktop thread.


macrumors 68040
I went to mandolux and was a bit confused with the layout of everything.

He doesnt make wallpaper to display across dual monitors....he displays wallpaper for the left and wallpaper for the right, but usually there is a 3200x1200 or whatnot combination wallpaper to strecth across 2 screens.

How do i download something from mandolux, to display across 2 monitors.

This is for windows....


macrumors 601
Original poster
Mar 12, 2002
BrisVegas, Australia
desktopia looks good. :)

here's an interesting site: there's only 8 wallpapers here that i could find, but they're all good, available in sizes up to 1280x1024. i thought the site intro was good as well. :D - looks like an OK selection of game wallpapers. i used to go to, but now you've got to pay $10 to get any of the good walls. :mad: - anime wallpapers. they've only got about 10, but they're all available in resolution up to 1600x1200.:) - some more anime walls. - looks like a good site. abstract walls, as well as anime.

enjoy, i'll keep looking. :D


macrumors 601
Original poster
Mar 12, 2002
BrisVegas, Australia


macrumors 601
Original poster
Mar 12, 2002
BrisVegas, Australia
hey, i just found another site, kinda like Max's. ;) the same in just about everyway, except it's for all the D.I.Y. wallpaper makers. :D kinda funny to have those sorts of pics at a URL like '' :D

and another one: they've got some *particularly* good walls, but i don't know if you can get the full res pics, they all look like 800x600. and i can't read russian, so that doesn't help any.:p
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