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SLC Flyfishing

Original poster
Nov 19, 2007
Portland, OR
OK, I got some positive feedback from a few members, and no negative feedback so I've decided to go ahead and implement it!

There are a few rules regarding the contest, nothing too drastic, just some guidelines to keep us all on the same page.

#1 You may submit only one photo per contest.
#2 The contest runs for exactly one week, from the time stamped on the first post in the thread (this will be made by the winner of the previous week's contest).
#3 Please refrain from commenting on the photos submitted in the contest. I think that a good photograph is one that can appeal to someone who may not know much about the technical aspects of photography. I think it would be best if the judge isn't swayed by someone else's opinion of the photograph.

Edit: Added by xUKHCx
Please can you PM me when you add a new contest as I can added it to the list inside the sticky, Picture threads - Photo of the Day, Assignments, Monthly Critique, Weekly Contest

The judge will decide his/her favorite at the end of the week, place a post listing it and a short synopsis of why he/she chose that photo. The winner is then responsible for starting a new thread containing a new contest and topic which again will run for exactly one week.

I'm not wanting this to be anything formal, just a fun little competition for those of us wishing to participate. I think it will help us all improve our photography. If you win, and there's something you want to improve on, that would be a great topic for your contest so you could see what others might do with it. Let's all just have fun with this.

Please everyone, don't be afraid to participate. You shouldn't worry that you are not good enough to win, you're likely much better than you give yourself credit for, and this will only help you get better!

I'll put the topic in the next post.


SLC Flyfishing

Original poster
Nov 19, 2007
Portland, OR
OK, our first topic is one that I've been interested in lately, I want to see what awesome interpretations you all can come up with.

Topic #1: TEXTURE

Let's see what types of interesting textures you can capture with your cameras, I'm not concerned about what types of texture, could be colors blended together, could be the texture of concrete, I'm leaving it wide open for your own interpretation, just needs to have some sort of texture to it!

I'll keep an eye on the thread throughout the week, next sunday I'll announce the winner, that person will then take over for the following week, so don't submit a photo if you aren't OK with being the judge for the next contest!

Let's see what you've got!



macrumors Penryn
Dec 27, 2002
Location Location Location
Do photos need to be taken this week, or can they be taken previously. I don't think we should limit this thread to photos taken this week, as many people want to participate, but don't always have the time.


macrumors 6502a
Jan 16, 2008
I just got this picture back from Costco 1-hour photo :) (My first time shooting color with a film SLR). It's got some lovely textures in it, I think..


Optimus Rhyme

macrumors regular
Oct 28, 2006
London, UK
Here's one I took today.



macrumors 6502a
Jul 7, 2005
Ya, i don' think i will participate, as no one can truly judge anothers...critique, yes, but to say one is better than the other, would be inaccurate. Photography is only partially about the technique, and skill, and the other part comes from the feeling it generates, and the story it comes from, which sometimes others cannot experience unless they were there first hand. Photography is as much a personal thing, as it is an art.
Stick to the critique, and daily photography (share) threads.

Optimus Rhyme

macrumors regular
Oct 28, 2006
London, UK
I agree marclapierre13 that it's hard to really have this as a contest when we are just posting for kicks, not as a contest. There's no winner in this threads really, nor is there a loser. There may be a stand out photo in the threads, but we're all just posting for the fun of it.

I like the idea of having this as assignment, but just don't think of it as a contest so much, just kind of a "hey, go see if you can get a good texture photo".


macrumors 68040
Feb 17, 2003
with Hamburglar.
I agree marclapierre13 that it's hard to really have this as a contest when we are just posting for kicks, not as a contest. There's no winner in this threads really, nor is there a loser. There may be a stand out photo in the threads, but we're all just posting for the fun of it.

I like the idea of having this as assignment, but just don't think of it as a contest so much, just kind of a "hey, go see if you can get a good texture photo".

I agree. The OP stated that there was positive feedback on this idea from some, but there was some negative as well in a different thread (I was a nay sayer for one.) It is identical to the "Assignments" thread but with an enormously subjective grading system that is judged by one person. *Best Photo* sounds a little too high school to me - it's art after all.

The idea itself is certainly not a bad one, it is just difficult to make sustainable and "fair" in the judgment process. It has been tried many times before but always comes back to being an assignment thread. That said, I am happy to see how it plays out! :)

SLC Flyfishing

Original poster
Nov 19, 2007
Portland, OR
I'm glad to see some more photos posted to the contest! These are all very nice, we've got a little less than 2 hours before submissions will not be accepted, so if anyone else wants to put one in go so soon!

I see your point Marclapierre! It is a good one, but this is purely for fun. There are no prizes being awarded or anything like that. And I agree with you that most of a photograph is in how it impacts someone, that's why I will judge based on my impressions and not so much on technical excellence. I can already tell you that there are some photos that have been submitted that really caught me off guard and I'm going to have a hard time picking a winner. If you don't wish to participate it's OK, I don't expect this to be anything big or official at all! Just something fun for those who want to participate. Judging may not always be fair, I suppose that depends on who is doing the judging, but I can tell you that doing things like this will help everyone involved improve on their photography!

I can't wait to see what the winner chooses for the next subject so I can go out and shoot it!


SLC Flyfishing

Original poster
Nov 19, 2007
Portland, OR
OK time's up, it's been exactly one week now. No more submissions will be considered in this thread.

I'll look through the submissions now and post (and send a PM to the winner shortly)


SLC Flyfishing

Original poster
Nov 19, 2007
Portland, OR

I'm going to go with everythingisnt's submission for this contest. I really like the depth that the shadows under the leaves give to it! I also was struck at just how much texture there actually is to this image, there are different colors, different stages of decay, some of the leaves are rough, some are smooth. Overall just an excellent image!

It was tough for me, I really liked onomotopoeia's photo as well!

Great job by all!

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