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iPhone 62S

macrumors 6502a
Original poster
Aug 18, 2009
I did a search and didn't find any mention of this already.

On a lot of other tech help forums, they have a "thanks" add-on, where every post will have a "thanks" button, and if the post has helped you then you click the button and it gets added to the thank count of the user who posted.

I think this will be good on this forum, it helps see which members are helpful etc.

What do you think?


macrumors Nehalem
Feb 19, 2005
I don't like this for a variety of reasons.

First, I believe when a site becomes a popularity contest it turns people into prolific posters who are seeking unnecessary approval from a pack of strangers.

Second, I believe there can be some real great posts coming from those who are new and this type of rating system, imho, encourages some people to not take what they have to say seriously because they lack some merit badge.

Third, sometimes (seen on Apple discussions), a question is answered and it's a pretty good answer. But old dog new tricks comes in showing a more efficient way of doing something or answers the question a bit more eloquently and receives no recognition. If I were poster B then I would feel slighted by the fact that my answer wasn't good enough. If this were the case I wouldn't bother trying to answer questions that already had a "thanks" rating.


macrumors 68040
Jan 13, 2008
I don't like this for a variety of reasons.

First, I believe when a site becomes a popularity contest it turns people into prolific posters who are seeking unnecessary approval from a pack of strangers.

Second, I believe there can be some real great posts coming from those who are new and this type of rating system, imho, encourages some people to not take what they have to say seriously because they lack some merit badge.

Third, sometimes (seen on Apple discussions), a question is answered and it's a pretty good answer. But old dog new tricks comes in showing a more efficient way of doing something or answers the question a bit more eloquently and receives no recognition. If I were poster B then I would feel slighted by the fact that my answer wasn't good enough. If this were the case I wouldn't bother trying to answer questions that already had a "thanks" rating.

Thanks for that opinion.!:p


macrumors Penryn
Jul 11, 2003
Agree with Jessica. If you feel a post was helpful, say so. You can also post the universal thank you image.



macrumors 601
Mar 4, 2005
.. London ..
Eh, how about a thanks count that is NOT visible to the general population?

I.e. pressing a 'thanks' button sends a thanks to the poster, or increases their thanks count, but only the poster is able to see their own thanks count?

That would make it different from post rankings or popularity contests.

I know if I wrote a long helpful post, I'd be quite chuffed to get thanks from several other people who also found it helpful. It doesn't matter that no-one else sees these thanks - they're for me alone.

Other benefits of a private thanks counter: reduces spam posts saying '+1' or 'fab post thanks!', easier than sending PMs and clogging up their PM folder.

If you want to say PUBLIC thanks to someone, simply post saying so, same as what we have now.


macrumors P6
Jun 19, 2009
Where bunnies are welcome.
Eh, how about a thanks count that is NOT visible to the general population?

I.e. pressing a 'thanks' button sends a thanks to the poster, or increases their thanks count, but only the poster is able to see their own thanks count?

That would make it different from post rankings or popularity contests.

I know if I wrote a long helpful post, I'd be quite chuffed to get thanks from several other people who also found it helpful. It doesn't matter that no-one else sees these thanks - they're for me alone.

Other benefits of a private thanks counter: reduces spam posts saying '+1' or 'fab post thanks!', easier than sending PMs and clogging up their PM folder.

If you want to say PUBLIC thanks to someone, simply post saying so, same as what we have now.

We should also have a "no thanks" option.

So, what's the purpose of having a thanks count, if no one else sees it? I also don't see this decreasing the "+1" posts. They'll just click on the "thanks" and also still type the "+1," IMO.

iPhone 62S

macrumors 6502a
Original poster
Aug 18, 2009
We should also have a "no thanks" option.

So, what's the purpose of having a thanks count, if no one else sees it? I also don't see this decreasing the "+1" posts. They'll just click on the "thanks" and also still type the "+1," IMO.

Actually, on other forums that have a thanks button, there are very few +1 posts.


macrumors Core
Mar 17, 2005
London, England
I don't like this for a variety of reasons.

First, I believe when a site becomes a popularity contest it turns people into prolific posters who are seeking unnecessary approval from a pack of strangers.

Second, I believe there can be some real great posts coming from those who are new and this type of rating system, imho, encourages some people to not take what they have to say seriously because they lack some merit badge.

Third, sometimes (seen on Apple discussions), a question is answered and it's a pretty good answer. But old dog new tricks comes in showing a more efficient way of doing something or answers the question a bit more eloquently and receives no recognition. If I were poster B then I would feel slighted by the fact that my answer wasn't good enough. If this were the case I wouldn't bother trying to answer questions that already had a "thanks" rating.

*thanks this post*

No really, this eloquently summed up the quintessential trouble with a thanks button. I used to be all for it but I've seen it used (elsewhere) exactly as you've described and it was rather annoying.

I doubt MR would implement it anyway but there's my two pennies for what they're worth.


macrumors 601
Mar 4, 2005
.. London ..
So, what's the purpose of having a thanks count, if no one else sees it?

It's for you and only you. Ever had someone quietly say 'thanks' to you? Ever said 'thanks' to someone for doing something small but useful like passing the salt or getting down something from the top shelf?

Many things don't need a big public song and a dance, but a bit of quiet gratitude is still in order.

And it would be nice to look at your account in a few years time and note to yourself that you've been individually thanked one-by-one by, say, 30,000 people. (not impossible for some of the more helpful posters on MR).
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