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macrumors regular
Original poster
Jan 7, 2006
Hello there, I have been reading some other posts on this subject matter. What I am wondering is what other people's VNC experience has been.

I wouldn't expect this to be very good at video streaming. But I'm more interested in how it interacts with applications.

Why I ask: I like my current iMac. Powerful for everything I do. I would love the ability to have that computing power at other places rather than sitting at the desk. While a Macbook Pro is the obvious perfect answer, it's also twice as expen$ive.

What I'd be looking to do: I would like to be able to run Photoshop, Dreamweaver, Rapidweaver.

I'd also love for the iPad to be something I can plug my midi keyboard into (but I'm not talking about VNCing to Garageband here, Garageband alone, with intense virtual instuments, bogs down the iMac as it is. Just hoping for something in the works)

Have other people tried the Photoshop etc programs. How well/fast is VNC? My memory of VNC type programs, there would always be a mouse pointer lag, ghosting of the screen image, etc.

Thanks for the input. (As you can guess I am trying to decide on Macbook Pro and iPad. $500 is much more in my budget, but all I'm hoping is that I can still run some software off the iMac without being annoyed by some killer lag over VNC.)


macrumors regular
Jul 1, 2003
Marlborough, MA, USA
I have Jaadu VNC on my iPhone. With the iPad I can get a larger real-estate to control my MacPro from the living room as I stream stuff over to the TV.

I have used the VNC application to control iTunes or check anything on my MacPro (that is in my office). I have never used it for Photoshop or anything -I think the quality won't be that good (we are talking 1024x786) on the iPad -- a lot of zooming in/out.


macrumors 68000
Jan 23, 2008
Hello there, I have been reading some other posts on this subject matter. What I am wondering is what other people's VNC experience has been.

I wouldn't expect this to be very good at video streaming. But I'm more interested in how it interacts with applications.

Why I ask: I like my current iMac. Powerful for everything I do. I would love the ability to have that computing power at other places rather than sitting at the desk. While a Macbook Pro is the obvious perfect answer, it's also twice as expen$ive.

What I'd be looking to do: I would like to be able to run Photoshop, Dreamweaver, Rapidweaver.

I'd also love for the iPad to be something I can plug my midi keyboard into (but I'm not talking about VNCing to Garageband here, Garageband alone, with intense virtual instuments, bogs down the iMac as it is. Just hoping for something in the works)

Have other people tried the Photoshop etc programs. How well/fast is VNC? My memory of VNC type programs, there would always be a mouse pointer lag, ghosting of the screen image, etc.

Thanks for the input. (As you can guess I am trying to decide on Macbook Pro and iPad. $500 is much more in my budget, but all I'm hoping is that I can still run some software off the iMac without being annoyed by some killer lag over VNC.)

Even if there were a dedicated Photoshop client on the iPad I don't think I'd want to do serious work like that on this form-factor. Over VNC I just don't think you will have the fine pinpoint precision with a finger as you would with the mouse.

Photoshop is also damn near un-useable on my netbook.


macrumors 6502
Jan 5, 2007
Even if there were a dedicated Photoshop client on the iPad I don't think I'd want to do serious work like that on this form-factor. Over VNC I just don't think you will have the fine pinpoint precision with a finger as you would with the mouse.
I expect that some company will create a Wacom-style stylus with pressure sensitivity that's usable on the iPad. The thing is practically crying out to be used as a digital sketchpad.


macrumors 68000
Jan 23, 2008
I expect that some company will create a Wacom-style stylus with pressure sensitivity that's usable on the iPad. The thing is practically crying out to be used as a digital sketchpad.

Good point. Should be fairly cheap to implement as well. Tracking position on the screen is already handled by the device, so all the stylus would need is some sort of pressure sensor feeding into the software via the 30pin


macrumors P6
Jun 11, 2007
London, United Kingdom
have you searched for VNC programs for the ipods/iphones? if there are none, hopefully some will come around.

in the mean time - use it will work with the iPad as is anyway, quite slow as expected but it works! (and its free)


macrumors 6502
Mar 6, 2006
I haven't tried it but Antecea Inc. make a VNC for iPad called Desktop Connect. My iPad should arrive next week so was looking around for useful apps and I can across this one. Info at: http://

Is anyone using this app that can comment?

I'm using it and it works pretty well. Even more so since they released a desktop client so you don't have to fool around with Windows VNC settings, which are a nightmare.

I don't do anything super intensive like stream video or try to run software (more because the 2 PCs themselves are pretty slow) though.

I think my biggest complaint would have to be that the PC seems to lose its connection through the aforementioned VNC program, but I would imagine if you don't use that program it would be fine and isn't really a problem with the app itself.


macrumors 6502a
Mar 29, 2010
I use Desktop Connect and I'm very happy with it. However, using it for any substantial amount of time sucks. It's tiresome and leaves a lot to be desired. It can be sluggish (depending on your network) and that gets old real quick. I use it as a tool when I want to check the status of something on my iMac in the other room, and when I'm out and about and need to check something briefly on my home computer. Otherwise, don't count on it being a replacement for sitting at your computer.


macrumors 6502
Jul 12, 2008
Using VNC on a touch device to control software designed for the mouse is extremely laborious - that is essentially my experience using iTeleport and Mocha VNC on the iPad. Precision is almost impossible for all but the simplest of tasks. If you just want to tinker, fine but otherwise get yourself a laptop for portability - MobileMe and Time Capsule can be very useful if you want to access files without having to leave the computer on at home.


macrumors 68020
Mar 23, 2009
Agree with the poster above. Apps made for a mouse and keyboard aren't going to work well on a touch-screen device. It's fine for emergencies, or for running SIMPLE non-graphic desktop applications that don't require a lot of mousing but that's about it.

Using iPad to run desktop graphics apps - photo editing, vector drawing, etc. is going to be nearly impossible.

As far as VNC goes, bear in mind that it's an awfully crude, bandwidth-intensive way of getting a remote desktop. It's sending pixels. Compressed pixels, but still pixels. The protocol used is called RFB, or Remote Frame Buffer, and that should give you a clue. It works around the idea that they pixels are there, we want to display them here. That's horribly inefficient, vs. tapping-in at a lower level in the OS's drawing code (which some other solutions do).

Better to find a streamlined platform-specific and/or proprietary solution that can send characters and sometimes vectors, avoiding pixels unless absolutely necessary. For Windows, RDC is probably a better choice. I've had good luck with Netop Remote Control.

Note that NetOp also has software for classroom use (one desktop, many remotes). Not sure what their iPad plans are if any.

Finally, there is the problem of desktop size. Unless you are willing to change the size of your desktop screen (which is not a good idea if it will not match the resolution of the display) you're going to be scrolling-around on a larger desktop.

There are a couple of ways around this: if your desktop is Linux, you can run a X server on your iPad (iSSH will do this) and direct programs to that X server. You could even start a separate window manager session (KDE, Gnome, etc.) on the iPad, and that session would have the iPad's screen size. (I haven't figured out how to do this with Kubuntu yet...)


macrumors P6
Jun 11, 2007
London, United Kingdom
Using VNC on a touch device to control software designed for the mouse is extremely laborious - that is essentially my experience using iTeleport and Mocha VNC on the iPad. Precision is almost impossible for all but the simplest of tasks. If you just want to tinker, fine but otherwise get yourself a laptop for portability - MobileMe and Time Capsule can be very useful if you want to access files without having to leave the computer on at home.

i agree. ive been using Mocha too but i think its usable for me. i only wish that you could right click! grr

its reasonably fast for me using 8-bit colours over internet with 100KB/s uploads.


macrumors 65816
Apr 19, 2004
Sydney Australia
Desktop connect is a winner

I have been using this on my iPad to connect to my windows pc's and it works with vnc and rdc in windows. It is a little sluggish at times but it gets the job done.

I have been using it to view my marvel digital comics unlimited on my iPad and it works great.



macrumors P6
Jun 11, 2007
London, United Kingdom
I have been using this on my iPad to connect to my windows pc's and it works with vnc and rdc in windows. It is a little sluggish at times but it gets the job done.

I have been using it to view my marvel digital comics unlimited on my iPad and it works great.


hey aussie. how are ya man?

ive been considering forking out for that program. bit expensive, Mocha VNC has so far been doing its job for me. what res screen do you remote into? my i7 is pretty massive, how well does it scale?? any cool features that no other programs have?

Amazing Iceman

macrumors 603
Nov 8, 2008
Florida, U.S.A.
I have used LogmeIn for several months now, and it works great. The price is high, but it works really good. the new updates allow you to transfer files between the iPad and the Remote Computer. I do strongly recommend it.

I've been looking into Antecea Inc. products and these seem to be really good. Specially EZShare Pro, and the one mentioned above.

I do need a product that would connect without problems to both MAC and Windows without requiring additional software to be installed on the remote computer, both for remote control and file access.


macrumors member
Mar 1, 2011
Herriman, UT
I use my iPad to remote into our server farm (mostly Windows and Linux servers). I ended up with Wyse PocketCloud.... IMHO it has the best mouse control of all the VNC/RDP apps.



macrumors member
May 11, 2005
Not sure if this will help but. Just released the latest version of VNC Pocket Office v4.1.3 on the iPhone and iPad 2.

The fastest, most configurable, most versatile Remote desktop VNC app available.Full screen view. Incorporates features like WOL & Bonjour. Full inbuilt HELP & setup guide + links to Video tutorials.

Connect to Mac, PC or Linex using or running:

-Mac OX Screen sharing
-UltraVNC ( recommended )
-Vine ( Mac )
- Screen sharing (Mac)


-- Can store over 100 connection setups.
-- Bonjour discovery for fast easy connection.
-- Built in Help, setup & advanced features support.
-- Supports any screen size including multi screens ( Dependent on device memory size )
-- Supports server scaling for ultra-fast response with compatible VNC servers.
-- Virtual mouse or touch gestures for precise control. Including drag/drop & all 3 buttons.
-- Mini map feature for fast movement over large or magnified screens.
-- Wake up On Lan settings.
-- Built in multi keyboards options for Mac & PC.
-- 8 Built in Encoding options.
-- Sticky keys for 3D game control.
-- WiFi EDGE or GPRS connection setups.
-- Full control over connection settings; encoding, colour resolution, server scaling etc.


includes Bonjour discovery.
More information about connections.
iPad tested

Rodent emulation :-

Left or right mouse click or scroll wheel using virtual mouse, or by single double or triple touch control. Signal touch to move the mouse to that point on the screen.

Two finger pinch/stretch


The fastest VNC viewer using inbuilt game derived technology. Can even view video from host over WiFi at 15> frames per second.

See video at

Fast connection setup over Bonjour.

See video

iPhone 4 gets VNC Pocket Office 4 Pro All the features of VNC Pocket Office plus a new graphics 3D cube interface And more, the fastest VNC viewer on the iPhone 4

Update see what Apple Amsterdam had to say about VNC Pocket Office Pro

"We were looking for a VNC client to manage servers and AMX touch screens controlling our presentation environment in our Apple Briefing Centre in Amsterdam. I have (bought and) tested several apps and this one does it all in one on such a level that we can hand out iPads to users in that specific room to control their presentation from iPad.
The fact that it nicely scales the AMX screen to full-size and auto connects to the right source (if prepared in the setting) makes it even more usable than the AMX screen itself. For touch screen you need a direct relation to the scaled position of the finger WITHOUT a virtual mouse, some other apps try and solve this with a moving-dot you have to manipulate or have a permanent mouse area in the screen, but this app simply responds the way you expect it to do. The fact that you can set a device to automatically connect makes it that we preprogrammed 2 iPads to replace the AMX screens in the presentation rooms. Is everything perfect in this app..? well i would say yes for our regular user, i had a little confusion on the setup user-interface essentially consists of 3 parts, help screen that took me a while to get off my screen... but when i found the button it was gone. Then there is the setup panel for screen and mouse that pops up wen you do a 3 finger tap that has some unconventional UI elements like arrow op and down on 2 sides of an choice but there is no way you can see what the arrows will do, a radio button would be more familiar and convenient here. And then there is a list of connections with settings for every connection related to the connection that is the best of all setting UI elements and fairly logic for all the nerdy settings that are involved here.
Since you setup the connection settings just once it takes some time to find the right buttons in the right place.. but once the app has been setup it does an absolutely great job. Since for me it is the result that counts i still give the app a 5 star rating.
It serves my purpose 100% and the developer is very supportive on his app. My users are happy so i am too !"

Thanks for your support.

Bram Elderman

Sr. Systems Engineer

More updates :-

Still using UltraVNC; Parys Technografx (VNC Pocket office Pro) in collaboration with SingleClick Systems have developed a new VNC product "SingleClick CONNECT" that utilises server side setup and connect functions which removes any problems setting up your VNC connection to your home or office. ( A singleclick account required and a PC).
Goto SingleClick CONNECT powered by VNC Pocket Office for more details.

Just doing some research on this topic and man what an Ad Whore you are! Do YOU even know how many forums you posted this exact same post. I was going to give VNC PO a look, but after seeing how you 'promote' the product, no thanks.


macrumors 65816
Jun 8, 2011
I'm a really avid user of VNC and Citrix. I use several VNC applications to get the job done since I have to connect to multiple servers, client laptops, and be able to do most of my work from virtually anywhere. My current suite of VNC includes Apple's Remote, HippoRemote, iTeleport, LogMeIn Ignition, and RDP.

Apple's remote is good for iTunes. If you just need to control iTunes, it's lightweight and will display all the necessary info

HippoRemote is one of the most complete remote applications on the market IMO. Yes, you have to be in front of the screen to see what's going on but it's a WiFi remote application that tunnels to either Screen Share or to it's own VNC server. It handles multitouch controls and has custom templates built-in for multiple applications on Mac and Windows. it's also wicked fast and very responsive.

iTeleport is my quick yet fully featured VNC application that can log in via Gmail account. It's fast enough so I can get work done over 3G and not miss a beat. The interface is pretty simple and it's also capable of Bonjour.

LogMeIn Ignition is just flat out awesome if you have to go cross-platform. It's ridiculously easy to set up and I've had a great deal of success accessing different systems even across VPNs. It's slightly slower than iTeleport but it's also one of the most sophisticated VNCs on the market for iPad right now. I even have access to file control over the air which helps a lot.

Lastly, if RDP is the only access protocol for Windows Servers that I have to access, then RDP for iOS is a very basic but fast solution for RDP. I'm not a huge fan of RDP since it's been kinda buggy for me in the past.


macrumors regular
May 18, 2011
Well thanks for that.:eek: It is a shame that we can`t notify VNC users about our product.:eek: I won`t go on to say about the update of VNC Pocket Office Pro v4.1.4 and the great improvements we have made.:)

--Alternate colour menus to match your iPad/iPhone:rolleyes:
--Enhanced and simplified screen locking:rolleyes:
--Enhanced screen visibility with new auto hide features:rolleyes:
--Auto minium scale :rolleyes:

iPad 2 enhanced ( 30 fps playback see video

Or even the great updates to VNC Pocket Office 4 Pro:)

And I won`t even say anything about the up and coming DesktopCONNECT product coming out soon with its easy connect and zero setup functions.:)

I will make sure that your comments are passed onto our programming team and there partners and children.:( ( Cancel tiny tim`s Christmas )

We will try to console our selves with the fact that apple like our product :apple:;)

I would just like to say thanks to all our costumers for there great feedback and support.:D

I think it's just that we expect to find people's comments here. It would be like looking at reviews and finding manufacturing info there. Not to say that a little shameless promotion is shunned (board rules permitting) but generally there are limits since this isn't where it belongs.
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