But hold on for a second. What you explain is the problem with the NEW Play Last option. Before, when there was a Play Later option, it was possible to build up a queue⏤just as I prefer.
I’m sure there was a Play Later option not so long ago that now has changed to Play Last and THAT is what causes the problem. (Or am I totally wrong?!?)
You are totally correct.
The new Play Next and Play Last is not working as it used to. As stated above, when you go into an artist/album to play a specific song, then back out of that album to find another song from another artist/album, it automatically adds the next songs from the FIRST artist/album you went into to play the first song. There seems to be no way to skip those other songs from the first artist/album.
So if you play song 1 from artist/album 1.
You go into song 2 from artist/album 2, you click on Play Next, it will play next while song 1 is still playing.
You go into song 3 from artist/album 3, you click on Play Last, it will add it to the end of the song list AFTER all of the songs from artist/album 1 play, it will not play after song 2. If you chose Play Next on song 3, its going to play after song 1 is done, if song 1 is still playing, which most of the time it is still playing. So song 3 won’t get played in the order you want it to.
So basically they need to bring back Play Later, which would put all of the songs in the order that you select them, as it was before.
Make sense?
I hope someone from Apple is reading this and can fix the issue.